Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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"Stand Up (For Who You Are)"

Sun Sep 12, 2004 12:35 pm

NOTE: This does have a bit of overgeneralization in it, but I'm sure everyone on this forum has dealt with somebody who thinks this way. If you think it's awesome, I want to know. If you think it's okay, I want to know. If it made your eyes burn, I WANT TO KNOW.

"Stand Up (For Who You Are"

Could this world be fading under our feet?
Could the on going battles never be beat?
Why is it that society has fallen so far?
Why can't we be judged for who we all are?

Plastic surgery's now a person's best friend.
People with strange physical features are making their lives end.
Peer pressure suicide numbers are way too high.
Why is everyone shoved down when they want to reach the sky?

CHORUS: What's up with all the make-up, anorexia, and jealousy?
Why can't you be liked for who you are and chose to be?
Has our culture really fallen so very far?
It's time to take a stand; stand up for who you are.

Why are those of us with the greatest minds shoved into the dark?
Why are the beautiful ones the only people to make their marks?
Tell me why you're not accepted into the crowd
If you aren't gorgeous and proud.

Who you are isn't always who you choose to be.
Yet even so, to survive you must have the richest genes.
Society today doesn't care about you-
They only care about the things that you do.


Life is unfair, this we know is true.
Some people want to change who you are; make you stop being you.
No matter what your friends say, people do care how you look.
They'd rather see you wear make-up than see you hide behind a book.

Society has fallen more than we ever will know.
Nothing more matters to people than what shows.
You can try to avoid it, but it's true-
No one really cares about you being you.


It's time to take a stand; stand up for who you are.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:49 pm

It was really good! I am very impressed! I agree with the message. About the end, you say "rather with make-up than my face in a book," always remember, why should YOU care what other people think about you? So what if they don't like your hair or something? The point is you should always be yourself no matter what.

(Yeah, my message is kind of mushy, but still.)

Oh, would you mind if I copied it and emailed it to my friends or something? I promise to give you credit.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:51 pm

You already knw how I like it =P

And what about my suggestion for the chorus? :P

Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:10 pm

No offense, but I've seen too many songs portraying the same message in the same type of style. I still like it though!

Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:10 pm

Puck- of course, as long as whoever you mail it to doesn't plagarize. :)

Combat Boot- I assure you this is not a spin-off of one of those songs. Infact, I really can't think of any songs that I have heard with the same subject. But, hey, you probably listen to more music than I do.

And for everyone who didn't understand Ryu's post, I forget to say that credit goes to him for the words 'are and' in the second line of the chorus. :P

Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:02 pm

:o Dawn... I NEVER KNEW!! I LOVED it!

Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:06 pm

Awesome. I stink at poetry, and I have 2 poems and a short story to do for Language. ARRGGGH.
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