Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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PPTMAC Winners

Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:40 am


I originally was going to write a critique for everyone, until I realized… it would take too much time. Considering the incredible VOLUME of entries this month. I’m very proud of how you guys came through with entering PPTMAC for this month. And I’m very pleased with the different types of entries.
You guys really make me happy to be on PPT because you seem to rise to the occasion without too much begging on my part.

But there are some things I would like to say.

1. Photographs
I feel that some of the photos that were entered in PPTMAC, weren’t meant to be purely thoughtful photos, they were more like snapshots that turned out in a decent manner. Although I don’t mind this, since this is “Pink Poogle Toys Monthly Art Contest” a photograph that actually showed composition and good skill with a camera would have placed higher then a photograph that was smudgy and just shot on the ball. I wasn’t looking for National Geographic type photos, but I was looking for a general understanding of how to work with a camera.

2. Computer generated work
Although I completely understand that there is a massive range of skill on PPT (and yes, this did come into how I judged, as it always does), I have to mark on smoothness of line, and what looks like time spent on the image. Remember, I’ve worked through computer artwork. It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s that I prefer not too. I’ve survived from the very first apple computers (which oddly I’ve seen some AMAZING pixel art on), to now, with incredible CGI graphics. And I remember it all. I understand what it’s like to be young and working with a computer (black and white and grey and different grey patterns in a paint program in apple, trust me, I’ve been there), but even with programs like Paint smooth lines, and shading can take place. It just takes a little bit more work and patience.

3. And I quote…

3. I personally would love to hear a bit of an explanation about the entry. Such as how long it took you, what inspired you to do it, your reasoning behind it, and what you made it with.

Guys, frankly… this part did disappoint me. I write this stuff down for a reason. When you guys tell me how you feel about your piece of work, it helps me judge, and it helps me understand what you were trying to do with the piece of work.
Not many people even attempted to tell me what the medium was or the program. Only a few others told me how long it took, and again only another few said what inspired or reasoned them to do it. If I ask for this again, expect it to be inforced. It’s a lot easier to judge a competition that is this broad, if you know where everyone is coming from.

Anywho, the part you guys all want to hear.

In Third place with her lovely rendered fishy…


In Second place with a spectacular pencil drawing,


And in first place, with the complex but beautiful Maraquan Neopets…


Guys, you’ve done yourself proud and you all deserve a pat on the back.

AND! For the special prizes.

Cutest Entry: Moon with the “Howard and Max” picture

Scariest Entry: +Phantom- with their Jackbomb entry. I will fully admit to being afraid of clowns.

Funniest Entry: Werepups Baby Photo entry. This almost won scariest, it’s just… “BAM” baby. Right in your face. I love it. Makes me smile. Great job!

Overall guys, this was great I had a fun time judging the entries. Hope to see you next month.

The winners need to contact me, and we'll work out what to do with your prizes.

Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:36 am

Congratulations to all the winners! I hadn't seen some of the entries since I last came and they're lovely. :D

And I just realised that no one ever seems to thank Ahoteinrun and Marissa (when it's her turn), so thank you both for hosting PPTMAC and especially to Ahoteinrun this month for taking the time to go through all the entries. :)

Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:26 am

Ack, I was planning on adding a bit on what inspired me to make my artwork, but I guess I was in such a rush to put them in that I didn't bother with it. Oh well...

Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:16 pm

Congrats to all of the winners and thank you to ahoteinrun. ^_^ It was fun trying to pick out my pictures, time to go searching for the next contest!

Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:22 pm

The next contest... I do believe is going to be run by Marissa.
So I havn't a clue as to what will be going on.

be prepared for different rules, prizes, that sort of thing.
Themes... *shrugs*

Don't get too ahead of yourselves.

Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:00 pm

Oh...my. I didn't see the explain your entry part. I'm too late though, aren't I? Congrats to the winners though. :)

Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:01 am

Woo! Heh.. yay :)
Congrats to all the winner and just to everyone who entered :)
And my bad with the description thing... I remember reading it but guess I totally forgot about it when I posted my pic :(
Erm yeah.... YAY! :D

Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:18 pm

Thank you to Ahoteinrun and Marissa for hosting PPTMAC! :D And congrats to all of the winners! It was lovely to see all of the awesome artwork. :)

Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:09 am

Yup, thanks for the plushie.... very cute!

Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:08 pm

Thankyou for the thankyous.
Takes awhile to sort through things, and stare blankly at the screen, maybe eat a few cookies... watch some TV, flip through a book... go back to the screen, remember what I was doing and then go back to doing it.

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