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:] Some pictures

Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:38 pm

All righty! Past 2 days I've been messing around with photoshop and followed some tutorials and I honestly have to say I quite like them ^^ So here are the links to the pictures. Oooh and if you have time, just browse around my Deviantart page :) Thankies! And all of these are created from scratch ^^ Yay for you if you have sets from me that I entered for set contests which I had created from scratch. :)

DeviantART page

Iced Rose
Until last night, I thought this looked like a rose. Now I think it looks more like ice cream...and my friend thinks it looks like a tart of some sort o.O But it's a rose *nods* Actually it can be anything, just another abstracted thing I created.

A wallpaper
Feel free to use this [/showing off] haha. It's a blend of blueness. Personally it gives me a feeling I'm riding on something towards the centre very quick and swiftly.

It just turned out this way. And I like it :)

My personal favourite at the moment! *hugs lime* I think it's so cute! :) The text "Limeness!" is supposed to be plasticky.

Hope you liked them :hug:
:P Too tempting, so I did it.

Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:53 pm

Those are lovely.

Iced Rose
I don't know what this one reminds me off, maybe a vortex type thing or even a thick liquid bubble. Either way, I love the fact that people can see what they see in it, and I can definately still make out the rose :) Taking another quick glance at the picture I can also see a face. Its like looking at clouds and seeing what shapes you can make out!

A wallpaper
I love the variation of blues and purply colours and they way they all blend, swirl and cross one another, its neat!

I love this one, the variations from black through to white makes the blue seem like its somewhere on the spectrum between the two. The various blended marks that go in various directions give and energetic feel to the picture, defiantely looks like a whirlwind (or a storm over the ocean?).

That's neat, I love the smoothness of the lime. The "Limeness!" looks like those plastic bubble stickers you can sometimes get in stores :)

*starts sulking* I wish I had your creativity and skills, you're good, keep it up!

Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:11 pm

Thank you Medusa! But you see, I don't have either creativity or skills!! I just followed the tutorials and the frequent set making helps a bit of the PS knowledge. I'm sure you can do those as well!

Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:24 pm

Those are awesome! They must have taken you quite a while. I love the wallpaper, especially. Do you seriously not mind if I use the wallpaper for my desktop? With the iced rose, I can see the rose in it. I can also see the ice cream in it. :P I especially like the colors on it and how the match so well. For the wallpaper, it's really neat! As soon as I get my own computer, I'd love to use it as a desktop if you don't mind. :) As for the whirlwind- wow. Awesome! I love the combination of the vivid blue and plain black. Tis magnificent! And with the lime... what can I say? It's limey, which automatically makes it perfect in my book. :P

Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:35 pm

oh Dawn! Of course you can use it as a wallpaper! :hug: Thankies! I see ice cream as well XD

Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:08 pm

Copying Dawn here, I'm going to have to borrow that and use it as wallpaper. It's lovely :)

Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:47 pm

I dunno about anybody else, but when I look at the iced rose...it looks like an angel, or something of that sort. (I see a face and hair, the rest looks like it could be wings or arms or something) really cool! For some reason though, I'm haveing trouble seeing the rose...probably 'cause i'm stuck on the fact that it looks like some kind of person...lol.

Ya know, that could be one of those pictures, you know, where it's like theres a vase if you look at one way, but two people talking if you take another look. :)

I'm loveing the wirlwind too, you should make that into a wallpaper to! :)

I may make that wallpaper my...wallpaper(lol) in the future, but right now, my computer is themed around a piccy of my RP char somebody drew for me, and I don't feel like changing the colors to match. :*

Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:59 am

Those are wonderful! I like the whirlwind one, it's so cool. The limeness one is cute. :) Keep up the awesome work!

Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:15 am

WOW! I love them all!!!! The iced rose...Reminds me of...hmm, well, petals on the outside, then something frozen on the inside^^* Inspiring^^* hehe.

and the lime one is soo cute XDDD Teehee. Great job! Props to you!!

Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:10 am

Haha thank you everyone! I think I have some more put on already ^^ so you can view them here and give me some feedback ^^

The angel idea is very unique! Thank you for having a new idea! As you know, it's abstract and it can be anything at all. :)

Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:34 am

Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed the journey.
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