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Some of my pics

Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:22 pm

I realised how long it's been since I've been on PPT o.O;; ever since it had to have the stand-in forum, I haven't been on. Then I was browsing my bookmarks, and I came across ppt, and I came on^^* So I decided to post some art, hehe.

Here is one, a water dragon, that I drew by hand, then coloured on adobe. The tracing is bad, but I was too lazy to do it properly^^* There are many things I see wrong with it, but meh.


here for full view:

Then here's another dragon I did earlier on, kinda random^^*


Here for full view:

And then my first fanart^^* Cus I've never really done any, but I did one of Rurouni Kenshin, cus he's so incredibly awesome ^__^

Full view: http://www.deviantart.com/view/10729671/

And as my last, I'll post a picture I took from my incredibly dirty room window, at 7:30am before school^^* It's grainy, I know, cus of the low setting, since I forgot to change it, heh, but enjoy anyway^^*

This is full view (warning: GRAINY!) : http://www.deviantart.com/view/11436475/

I would greatly appreciate critique^^* Thanks^__^

Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:54 pm

I think I like the water dragon the best. The colours are beautiful.

I have a little bit of critique for the fan art. First of, all it's very cool. ;) However, I think his lower lip sticks out a bit too far from his chin. It kind of throws off the shape of the face. And I think a little shading under the jaw bone would add a nice affect.

I also have a few things to point out aout the second dragon. The muscles on the front legs look a bit...awkward. They just don't seem quite right. And at the bottom of the tail, before the tip does that neat curl, the tail become very, very thin. It just doesn't look very stable.

These are some great pics! Keep up the good work! :)

Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:58 pm

Thankies for the crit.! I'm no good at drawing limbs >.< and I'm just starting out with humans, so I greatly appreciate your pointers!! *glomps*

Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:14 am

Wow! I love the dragon, it's awesome. It must have taken ages to draw in all those scales!

I'm too impatient for quality art. x.x;;

Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:02 am

Heh, thx^^* It wasn't too long to draw, to trace was more annoying, but, as one can see, my tracing wasn't the best >.< haha. Oh well. Glad u like it^^*
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