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Mutant Draik

Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:56 pm

Ello, I just recently added Kaiserin, the Draik into my family of Neopets...so..I drew a picture of her. She didn;t quite turn out looking like a Draik but..Mutant Draiks don't look like Draiks either.


Ink and colored ink on paper. No silly computer editing.

Marissa wrote:7. Please don't post overly large works. If a piece of art is large (Over 450 pixels wide or 700 pixels tall or over 700kb in size), please make a thumbnail or text link to the larger version. If a piece of writing is long (Over 1000 words), please post an offsite link.

Sat Oct 23, 2004 7:59 pm

Woah..that is just really really amazing! How long did it take?

Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:43 pm

:o Pretty


Sat Oct 23, 2004 9:43 pm

Time it takes to draw something isn't important.

Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:20 pm


Incredible! That must've taken ages! True art!

Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:44 am

Oo I can tell she'll fit in right away! Great job, I love the flowy-ness!

Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:52 am

Wow! That's amazing!^^* I love it!^_^ great job!

Re: ..

Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:48 am

digitalkaizermyuu wrote:Time it takes to draw something isn't important.

Oook, I was just asking since it must have taken you ages... :)

Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:16 pm

Time it takes to draw something isn't important.

I'll dissagree with you there. Considering I do sell some of my work, time it takes (for me at least) factors into price. And price factors into how much food i'll eat for the next couple weeks.
Ontop of this, when you're judging something like... oh... I dunno... PPTMAC, time although it's not important, is nice to know. It helps the judges know how much time you spent, which can easily be calculated into effort, which can be calculated into prizes.
However it is a nice picture.
It does get dark in places, so you might want to try to thin out your ink (as long as it's water soluable) with water, or with thinner (in a well ventilated area). This way you can build up layers, and layers are fun.

Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:26 pm

Wow! I have absolutely no concrit...it's amazing! :o

Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:21 pm

Holy sweet mother of pancakes that's awesome. The drawing, the shading, the coloring... everything is awesome. I think the Gallions wings could be a little higher up on the body, but other than that... Wow. O_O


Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:46 pm

I find it rude when people ask how long it took me to complete a piece. It's unimportant information and doesn't add or take away from the piece.
In my opinion, time doesn't matter. A good artist can create a decent piece of work in a short amount of time, while a poor artist would have to work ages to create the same quality of work. What does matter is time spent practicing your craft. If you're interested in knowing that, I spend five hours a day drawing.
As for your bit about judging, ever enter an art competition? Apply for a job? Go to college? The judges, employer and teacher could give a hoot less about how much of your life you spent on a piece. What matters to them is the outcome.

Thanks for the suggestions, the colored ink was heavily watered down. I see some places where I didn't smoothe out some of the darker inks I applied.

Layers are indeed fun.

Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:38 pm

I find it rude when people ask how long it took me to complete a piece. It's unimportant information and doesn't add or take away from the piece.

I don't see whats rude about asking a simple question. There is no reason to get snarky. And considering you answered the question when it was asked in PPTMAC, which is a competition here on PPT, I do believe it is unfair for you to reaspond in such away here and now.
To you it is unimportant, but to others it is not, and that may be something you should remember.

As for your bit about judging, ever enter an art competition? Apply for a job? Go to college? The judges, employer and teacher could give a hoot less about how much of your life you spent on a piece. What matters to them is the outcome.

Actually, i'm going to quite a fine college at the moment, and i'm in my second year of my BFA. My profs do ask how long it's taken to do a certain piece of work. Time does matter to them. I've applied to both art competitions, jobs and as i've already mentioned, college.
Time does matter.
I've been to quite a few artistic interviews and in reviewing my portfolio I have been asked about time taken to do something in my portfolio. Ontop of this, time does matter if you're working on a piece that involves a deadline.

And I think thats the end of this argument.


Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:34 pm

And considering you answered the question when it was asked in PPTMAC, which is a competition here on PPT, I do believe it is unfair for you to reaspond in such away here and now.

There's a line between a question and a required statement. I find it rude if a person asks me how long an image took, but I'll answer if it's a requirment in a competition. Not to say I wasn't taken back when I saw that was a requirement.

We go to very different schools then and appear to have been around very different teachers and employers. I don't entirely believe that an employer would care how much time you put into a piece, generally companies are more interested in results and deadlines than knowing how long and hard you worked. They may want to be sure you're good and quick enough to meet deadlines, but that's the only reason I can think of as to why they'd want to know. But if you say it's true, alright.

From now on when I post an image Ill simply request that people not ask how long it took me to draw.

Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:28 am

Wow. Nice work on the picture Kaiserin. I like the sketchy style you use in the picture and the deep dark colors. Your crosshatching makes it look very real. ^^

She's a pretty draik. The skull on the head is the feature I like best. Nice work on the gallion too.

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