Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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Eliv Thade

Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:56 pm

"I don't care if it is Halloween! I'm not going out!"
A Halloween picture I drew up for the art gallery.


Ink and colored ink on paper. Mild computer editing (to correct color) on the Shadow Usuls mane. Please do not ask about time spent on the image.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:44 pm

That's very good! I think the Mutant Draik was a bit better, but I love the expression on his face!

Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:37 pm

Very nice! I agree, the Draik was a bit nicer. You probably spent more time on it. (Gotta love my sense of humor, eh?)

Anyway, I love Thade's expression, but something about the shadow Usul's face looks...odd..can't put my finger on it though. :P

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:26 am

I love the style!!! Awesome job!!!^^*

Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:08 am

Beautiful coloring.. I wish I had watercoloring skills! XD Great style, keep it up!
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