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Blue Draik (my draik actually, Kerrick)

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:14 am


He's hot isn't he?
Actually he looks cold. He's holding... something. I dunno, to me it looks like a ginormous orange star sapphire. Thusly, he's holding an orange snow puff or something. *nods* And is about to fling it at my Tyrannian Tuskaninny.

Anywho. Prismacolor felts and prismacolor pencil crayons. I'm trying a new technique... or five. *nods*
I killed my blender felt on that. May it rest in peace. And may the new blender felt reign supreme.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:04 am

Wow! wowowow!

I (almost) forgot how good you are, Inrun.

It looks so..cool! and powerful...and wiseyful..is that a word? :P

The wings look great! I like the way you did the tail, too. Iy looks a lot better than the actual Draik's tail...almos like a cross between normal and Maraquan.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:37 am

Holy bojangles! That's amazing! The detail... is like... woah... and the coloring... Oh man the coloring rocks... His right wing kinda looks odd, not quite sure how, maybe because it's a bit too far out or something... *shrugs* Ah, it's still awesome! ^_^

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:21 am

Ohhh that's really nice! I really like what you've done with that ^_^ A really original take on the Draik!

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:28 am

Wow :o Very impressive as usual!! God... he is just so hot... and those glasses are hot... and that orange thing is so hot and it's just like... totally hot......

Lol... I'm just messing with ya...

It really is an awesome picture though. I love the texture on him.. and the muscles and the way you put the wings on him.. and his uber cute glasses <3

Very cool!

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:21 am

VERY cool. I love it!!!^^* hehe. Awesome technique!!!^__^ I can't colour on paper -__-;; I swear I must be colouring disabled o.O;; Incredible job XDDD

Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:57 am

Shoyru_Lover wrote:Ohhh that's really nice! I really like what you've done with that ^_^ A really original take on the Draik!

What he said. The classic fanasty style is great..

However, the area between his chest and his legs is a little to thin, and is kinda odd looking.

Oh, I love Prisma Color. I would even more if they would cost less.

Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:07 am

:o Oh, wow. I love your style of drawing, and the coloring on it is phenominal! My critique for this is, the knees/ankles look extremely thin, like they won't hold him up that long. His biceps look rather large and bulging, almost too large for his forearms. Rather than that, very nice.

Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:51 am

Now that is an interesting way to depic a draik. ^^

I love draiks. I try to keep them as close to the neopets style as possible though so I can enter them into the BC.

The only thing I don't like about the image is how the wings attach to the body. It just seems so.... unnatural. But nothing is ever perfect. You did a superb job on the coloring job and paid a lot of attention to detail. ^^
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