Remember my Halloween Comic? Well.... heres the next one in line.
Basically, its showing the lack of enthusiasm the students show, and how much enthusiasm the cast has, and how we actually do rock. Our first performance was tonight, and everybody was in love with our play... hello, dolly! So... yeah. It's also an inside joke to the cast, because we hired a new music director, and hes all like "Hey you guys... you have to be serious. You just made this play, and your in BROADWAY, and you beat thousands and thousands of people"...... hes trying to be really serious about it... so it makes fun of that too... so... its a big inside joke kind of... so actually, it may not be AS funny to the rest of you who dont go to my school, but its pretty fun to look at anyway.
Inrun Edit: Gallery Rules clearly state "Please don't post overly large works. If a piece of art is large (Over 500 pixels wide or 750 pixels tall or over 700kb in size), please make a thumbnail or text link to the larger version." Your image was 575 pixels.
Gosh, Im so sorry! I posted this as soon as I finished... and was then in a rush to get to school... i didnt post the resize! Sorry
Heres the newer one, 500x500!