...This is my first attempt at two things: Sprite art and animation. I drew this up pixel by pixel, working over a sketch of one of my tabletop RPG characters (Abberant RPG - Superheroes), who has just received the wings abberation (yup, the wings are NOT a good thing). One of her powers is invisibility, and I didn't figure it would stress my animation newbiness too much to show her fading out.
Comments are welcome!
Edit: I thought the first one was rather jerky, so I sped up the frame rate of the fade slightly. I think it looks better now...
Edit Edit: I have been working on some other sprites today, and here they are (I didn't think they deserved their own thread, so I'll update this one). No animation, but getting those proportions right for the smaller ones was hard.
Yeah, Ledi needs a new sig...