Just a 'quick' picture I did for halloween involving neopets. And when I say quick.. I mean it still took me a while to do but I rushed through alot of it... not doing my best.
I had no idea what I wanted to draw.. I just knew I wanted to draw something.
So this came up.
It's supposed to be like the Neopets are taking out their petpets to trick or treat. Or the petpets are trick or treating on their own... like they're the kids.
I'm not sure if that came across or not though.
I really put this pic off till the last second. The back ground is SO rushed.. I hate it :\
The foreground isn't too bad even though I can't stand the yurble.. but oh well! heh Hopefully it'll get into that art gallery. And if not.. meh.. there's always next year! heh
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/S ... nphall.jpg