I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:08 pm

Knowing that he could do nothing to the peahat with his zora bommarang, Nunaamr'e just watched. When Meiou went flying Nunammr'e went galloping to him, hoping he was okay. When he got there Meiou was unconscious. Swinging off his horse Nunaamr'e grabbed him from the ditch and lifted him onto the horse. He had the horse run towards the others as he could run fast enough to catch up with them soon.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:35 pm

(ok can i please quit having people saving me. Im tryin to do something here. <not trying to be mean or rude jus saying> )

Jus before the horse could get to full gallop a mischivious laugh was heard as a Big Poe appeared in front of it causing it to halt in its tracks and knock Meiou off. The Poe then laughed again causing the horse to run off in another direction away from Meiou. Meiou still rather unconscious had started to roll down the sloped area away from the fight and everyone else. He was likely in bad shape but hed be ok for the time being they needed to get out of there before things got worse.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:26 pm

Tiir saw the big Poe out of the corner of her eye, but her attention was focused on the peahat which had attcked Meiou. It was wounded, but that seemed to make it angrier, and it had turned it's attacks on her. She parried it's spinning blades with her sword, searching for an opening.

Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:46 am

((Thanks for posting better Meiou, I appreciate you taking my advice :D ))

Anjiel wheeled Kolomar back around, she threw the reins to Elily and pulled out her bow in a quick fluid motion. With deadly accuracy she sent three arrows hurtling towards its underside and they all made their mark. However it seemed the Big Poe had other ideas, with a cackle it flew towards the Peahat and a black aura surrounded them both for a moment before a hideous creature emerged.

It had glowing eyes and a wild tangle of hair as well as two dark arms like a Poe, however it also had a black scaled body with rotating blades spinning like a metallic skirt, obviously the part from the Peahat. Where the Peahat's fleshy underside usually was, a tail looped out slightly, still under the protection of the blades. It would have been a major weakness, if a Poe's fire lantern wasn't hanging from the tip!

Kolomar reared back and Anjiel clung onto his neck and felt Elily cling onto her back in fear. She quickly put her bow away and grabbed the reins, "Aurora, quick fairy, use some of the magic of a Guardian Fairy and scan this wicked beast. However I fear we'll have to retreat either way. We'll have to come back for Meiou when it has separated."

((Glass, Kokiri Guardian Fairys (like Navi) have the ability to scan enemies. Just point out many of the things I mentioned, like the blades, and fire, and dark magic, and the armoured body, it's name is Big Peahat Poe))

Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:19 am

[Got it! ^_^]

'Yes, sure,' Aurora said, before flying some distance in front of them. It faced the creature and examined the beast carefully for a moment. Its eyes seem to sparkle a bit.

'Its name is Big Peahat Poe. It uses fire, and its revolving blades to attack. It's going to take more than just a few stabbing to make it go down though, as its body is heavily armoured.'

[Oh yeah, and another thing, ria, do try not to powerhog Elily. ^_^ *points to ria's two last posts*]

Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:52 am

((Whoops, sorry Glass. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.))

Anjiel nodded, "Thankyou Aurora. It is just as I feared, we'll have to retreat." Spurring Kolomar on, Anjiel lead the group away from the Big Peahat Poe, and away from Meiou. They continued on for a while, then she slowed Kolomar down and dismounted, sitting under a tree and trying to think of what they should do.

Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:59 pm

Knowing she couldn't do anything, Maya just sat there. Storm was impatient, obviously wanting to join in the battles.

Maya saw when the Big Poe knocked Meiou off the horse, and turned Storm to head towards him. Storm neighed, eager to near the Big Poe, but that was not what Maya was headed for.

Both Storm and the Big Poe were of different minds, though. Storm headed towards the creature at full gallop, oblivious to Maya's commands. Just as they were about to collide, both the Poe and Storm stopped. Storm pranced about nervously, and the Poe fled from Maya.

"Hssh, now! We won't hurt you horsey!"

Maya blinked, surprised. She could have sworn she had just heard the voice of Oku. Looking to her side, she saw that she had. Oku was on the left of her, and when she looked to the right, there was Oka.

"We got bored without you, Maya! No one would talk to us or play with us. So we followed." Oku said. "And we'll keep on following, too! You can't send us back. We won't let you see us often though, it'll be like Hide-And-Seek. There are things out here which can probably harm even Spirits... He broke off, shuddering.

Oka immediately took over. When you need us most, Maya, we will be here. And I give the Lens to you as a gift - no longer is it mine.

Maya nodded her understanding, and then watched as the two backed off, fading as they did. Meiou was forgotten, and now the two Spirits were the top thoughts in Maya's head.

Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:22 pm

She had been rather shocked at all that had transpired for quite awile and when she heard the words of Anjiel she came to. Unfortunatly it wasnt quick enough as the Big Peahat Poe started moving the horse was spooked and she fell off. In an attempt to make sure Meiou was alright and to save her own hide she rolled down the hill to where Meiou lay.

Meiou was in pretty bad shape. His sword was broken and he wasnt exactly in the best of shape. He groaned as he started coming around from the all the pain he was in. Though the box the stones were in was very safe with him.

Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:12 pm

Arkam stirred slowly, issuing out a slight groan left over from a dream he was having. The human languidly sat up, and calmly waited for his eyes to focus. Not surprisingly, the first shape he saw was a large brown one belonging to Albardo.

Albardo chuckled and rested a hand on the sleeper's shoulder. "I was worried! You really shouldn't push yourself to the limit like that, it was enough when you broke me out of the 'aptly named' Death Mountain." His legs swung outward, placing themselves in a comfortable position. The Goron's strong arms hoisted Arkam up easily, setting him on Snowdrop.

At was at this point that Arkam really did focus on where he was, and asked questions such as "Where are we?" "How'd we get here?" "And where did this horse come from!?" all of which, the Goron had good answers for.

Albardo smiled, "After you passed out, I carried you down those most annoying stairs, then brought you here."

"But where exactly is here?"

"You haven't noticed? You're in Lon Lon Ranch! And you're seated upon one of their fine horses, and we have a lot of riding to do, if we're going to catch up to the others."

His strong arm tapped the horse gently, and Arkam was off to a slow trot. Snowdrop's legs hastened, and then finally flew across the fields of Hyrule. The amazing beast would go to the ends of the earth if it was needed.

Albardo, uttering a cry of dismay, chased after Arkam and Snowdrop, wondering where it would lead him.

Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:29 pm

When Meiou fell off he felt it would be best to leave him alone, so he just put on an extra burst of speed and got close to the horse. He grabbed ot's reigns to slow it down enough as to let him on. He grabbed the pommel and swung himself on, and let dewdrop to continue it's rapid race.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:28 pm

[I am terribly, terribly sorry I haven't been posting, it's a long story, but my comp's busted and I'm typing this from my dad's laptop. I'm not sure when I'll get free access to Internet, but I'll try to get it fixed ASAP. I'm so, so sorry about this. =( ]

Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:02 pm

((it's alright i'm patient, especially after my other account got deactivated or summat for no real reason :P ))

Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:38 pm

[Kay, we gotta get this role-play moving. Could everyone post their character's wherabouts for clarification? Thank you. ^_^ ]

Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:33 pm

(( my character has just swung on Dewdrop and is now riding towards hylia lake.. I think there a re a few others doing this, im not sure))

Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:52 pm

(meiou and kyo are off in ditch somewhere near the big peahat poe)
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