I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:13 pm

Okie-day, since the rp has now been started, I shall post. Nakare ran her hand through her rust-colored hair. She was from rather far to the south, on the very borders of Haldlaw. She had heard whispered rumors of war a long time ago, before she left her village to explore the land with her brother, Bane. But they were only rumors, she had thought. That was before she had lost Bane to forein warriors.

I must wait. Sorry - he enters later.

Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:51 pm

((Aqua: Sorry, but I find it hard to draft Ecto into a storyline directly, or to come striaght away... yesh, I am a pain. Sorry.))

Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:19 pm

Arani blinked, temporarily startled out of her usual talkativeness. She knew there had been battles, many-a-time was she told the story of how her adopted brother and father died before she came to live wheere she was. But war? It was that bad?

'What was that?' a voice asked her. Probably from the other girl that was next to her, one which seemed fairly high in nobility, or worked for such.

Arani shook her head. "I-I don't know. Tell the king of what is happening? War? Too much for me... why me, of all the people that could have this happen to them?" There she went again, blabbing all around. She sighed, and tentively dipped her hand into the water, however, nothing had changed from its usual wetness.

Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:16 pm

Dalanna throws up her hands. "No idea either, then? Choosing a pond in... Rock, ah, Rich... er, where am I again?... well, this obscure southern backwater, anyway, instead of, I don't know, the lake in the palace courtyard or something along those lines... Anyway, I'm fairly sure she didn't mean me either."

With head down and without further comment, Dalanna draws the water and begins to take it back to the newly placed goats' trough. There was work to be done, after all. That fact would never end.

Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:30 am

"No, I don't." Arani said. She shrugged, and, not knowing what else to do followed after the other girl. she paused a moment before saying, "I'm Arani. What's your name? Are you going to do what the person in the water told us to do?"

Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:05 pm

"Dalanna," she said shortly. Then, setting her pail on the ground, she sat down. The Duchess would surely miss her, as the only decent hunter she had. But all the partridge and venison she had ever provided hadn't brought the Duchess a whit closer to finding a husband, because almost invariably the knight's imperfect breeding ended the courtship. And why would she worry if she would help the sorry woman produce an heir, anyway? She had lost all perspective if she thought it was significant if they were then unexpectedly routed.

Dalanna turned to the girl, Arani. "Yes. I think so. Haven't got anything better to do." Leaving her pail behind, she walked to the tavern to gain a better picture of what was coming.

[Okay guys, we need Lyadra, if only to offer a description. We need the king. And we need invading forces. And if Eo could put Need Major Characters in title, DO IT.]

Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:15 am

((I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to withdraw from this RP. ;_; ))

Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:52 pm

((sorry, Eo, but i'm withdrawing. I seem to be having a lot of writer's block and yeah....))

Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:20 pm

||Following the trend...I'm out of this one too. Oh-so sorry...I really am. I've too many commitments right now, though.||

Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:47 am

(I think I'll be a monir character for now. By the way, if you go back to TRC, you'll probably notice me.)

Name: Katie Homewood
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: A shy, yet mature teenager who is often looking the other way when talked to.
Appearance: A blue-haired girl with grey eyes, she wears a dusty cloak and what appears to be a staff, but may not be as it seems. She always carries scrolls and ink, in case she may need them.
Other:When young, Katie bumped into a witch who seemed very off that day. She accidently turned Katie's hair blue, which seems to be irreversible. She works what little magic she has best through fire and water, thus being dubbed "Steam Girl" by all of her peers. She suddenly awakens to find that she isn't in Luander anymore.

(Luander is just a small village I made up.)

Katie woke up, feeling the back of her head, and felt dirt.

Wait... dirt?

She swiveled her head, to find a squirrel staring at her intently. She pushed herself up, and saw trees. Immediately she thought of Sakuyo, the 15 year old who teleported kids for the fun of it.When I get back, Sakuyo is dead., she thought, and then realized. She was in a forest. Where were the plains she grew up in, with the well and the mill and everything? Sakuyo couln't teleport someone that far, unless he goofed it up.

Well, this is it, the dry part of her said. You're lost, without a clue on how to get back.

Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:01 am

((hope it's not too late to join...)) sorta want to be a main char.
Name: Celknota (pronounced Kel-not-ah. hmm, let's guess what words made up that name...)
Age: 18
Gender: female
Apperance: She has dark blue colored hair, with lighter blue streaks. She is sort of pale, and wears a dark blue coat over a bodice, with a long teal skirt, and green slippers. Her eyes are deep violet. about 5' 3"
Weapons: A simple wand, blunt at one end and tapering into a point, made of wood, with a large green emarald on the blunt end of it. It turns into a large sword, taller then herself, with a broad blade and a wooden handed, with an emerald set on the end.
Background: Celknota comes from the east, and is an apprentice mage, dabbling in the powers of water.
((I'll introduce her into the rp in a little while...))

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:06 am

(gotta withdraw, sorry, I am going to be starting my own one soon though...)

Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:17 am

(Its ok... we understand)

Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:45 am

Geoff, being one of the kingdom's beggar class citizens, was busy trying to make money. Six juggling balls rose and fell in an arc, up and down, down and up; constantly in an evermoving circle. A flicker slowly appeared in the six, Geoff's eye caught it for a moment, then dismissed it as nothing.

He was busy eyeing other beggars' daughters, pondering how he could get a rise (and gold) out of them. Another brightly colored ball seemed to materialize in his hands, and, with it in such a handy position; he decided to add it to the mix.

With the changing arc, the image grew more clearer. And he could almost hear a voice imploring him to tell the king something or other.

Gods, I really must be going insane!

Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:22 am

((okay, i am not gonna just let this rp die! I'm rejoining! with some slight modifications to the character))

Name: General Nakare
Age: 19
gender: Female
apperance: long red hair in a braid, a green cloak, a long sleeved brown leather shirt, with a short-sleeved chain-mail shirt over that, and, over that, a breast-plate of armour. She wears white leggings and black boots, and decorating all of her clothes are smooth, oval shaped sapphires. She wears a plain helm most of the time, to conseal the fact that she is a girl.
others: She's a General(duh) of the attacking forces of the southlands. She's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but doesn't care. Her closest friend is Dancer, her cheasnut colored stallion. (three geusses who Nakare is based off, Eo. this is an easy one...)
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