I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:24 pm

Arch quickly picked up a sword and struck to find it was a physical illusion so he walked down to the town.

LilEdit: Please write at least three sentences of role play. Thank you!

Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:03 pm

Luin looked into the distance, only to see a furre walking towards the village. She squinted, and saw that the furre seemed to be a mix between a dragon and a... "Varg! The vargs are coming, to arms, people of Hearth!" she cried. She ran through the village, until she was safe at the inn.

"Beware, for the vargs are coming. I saw one walking towards the village!" Luin hissed, making her older sister, a calico cat furre, and her brother, an ebony black cat furre, almost exactly like her, duck down beneath the counter. Their mother was in her room, for she was quite ill, and their father darted out with his sword, ready to fight. "Vargs, those nasty... things! I can't even call them furres, they are too evil..." Cait, the afore-mentioned sister hissed. Llew, Luin's brother, whimpered slightly.

Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:53 pm

Fingers looked at a cat furre as they ran past yelling about vargs. Unfortunatly, the bard was not watching were she was going. She tripped on a protruding cobblestone and went head-over-heels. At some point during the fall, she had let go of her staff, which hit her head when she landed on the ground. She slowly sat up, gently placing a hand between her horns and feeling the bump. "Ow...bloody..." she grumbled, and kicked the staff, which rolled towards the hooves of a pegasus furre playing a fife.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:11 am

Luin walked back out calmly, her father already at the edge of town. She grabbed her staff((not sure if there's magic in the rp or not, so for now it's just basically a stick)), and a dagger. She followed the cobblestone path back to the village, she could take on the varg with help if needed. Once at the village, Luin noticed that the varg wasn't quite there. 'Good...' She then noticed a marten-like furre on the ground. "Are you okay," she asked, extending her hand to help the furre up.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:00 pm

((there will be magic...sorry for not saying that earlier.)) Thornwhistle heard the shouts of "Varg," and looked around, trying to see it. His eyes landed apon it, but he could tell it was only a wolf...sort of. He laughed at the mistake of the village people. Besides, this was merely a pup...
Last edited by Sir Isaac on Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:11 pm

Fingers picked up her staff, and took the hand extended to her. "Eh, I'll be fine," she said. "Leet me introduce me self. I am Quickfingers, th' humble bard!" She said, solluting the cat. Unfortunatly, she forgot she was holding her staff. The heavy ash staff collided with her forehead, sending her falling backwards, and for the second time that morning, she dropped her staff. "Bloody stick!!!" She yelled.

((I like to hit her in th' head :D I'm so mean...))

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:38 pm

*Oakleaf swiftly stood - she did not know what Vargs were, but she did know - there was a wolf in the area, she could smell it! Disregarding all common sense, she stopped playing that strange tune and ran. Of course, it just so happened that she ran right at Fingers, in such a way that a crash was very likely.*

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:06 pm

The collide sent Fingers sprawling on the ground, thankfully she gained no staff-related injuries. She moaned, her right palm had gained a few scrathes. "This es not me day, es it?" She asked rhetorically. She looked at the furre who had ran into her. "And who er you?"

Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:42 pm

Sir Isaac wrote:((there will be magic...sorry for not saying that earlier.)) Thornwhistle heard the shouts of "Varg," and looked around, trying to see it. His eyes landed apon it, but he could tell it was only a wolf...sort of. He laughed at the mistake of the village people.

shadowfox7092 wrote:Species: varg/dragon furre

((*Cough cough* No mistake... Silly!))

Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:28 pm

aster wrote:species:wolf/dragon furre

((sorry, I thought you ment her...I'll fix my post and specify that Thorn saw Grace, most likely thinking that she was who they were calling a varg.))

Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:25 am

Sir Isaac wrote:
aster wrote:species:wolf/dragon furre

((sorry, I thought you ment her...I'll fix my post and specify that Thorn saw Grace, most likely thinking that she was who they were calling a varg.))

((It's okay! My friend in rl, shadowfox, he's a bad boy. He said he sorta used aster's idea for the half dragon. Silly thief boy!))

"Oh, are you okay, Quickfingers? I'm Luin, by the way. I don't know who bumped into you, would you be kind enough to introduce yourself?" Luin asked the female pegasus furre. She looked around for the varg, he wasn't there yet.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:49 am

(Trin I hate you) Arch ran to see what the yelling about a varg was and stumbled into a cat furre "Hi Whats your name" I said. o_O (Oh sorry about kinda taking your idea Aster)

Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:48 am

shadowfox7092 wrote:(Trin I hate you)

((Yayhoo! I'm hated! I shall now correct your post:
(Trin, I hate you) Arch ran to see what the yelling about a varg was, and stumbled into a cat furre "Hi, what's your name?" Arch asked. o_O (Oh, sorry about kinda taking your idea, Aster)

Luin stared surprised at the varg. "Soo, you're not going to maul me? Ooo-kay, then. I shan't reveal my name, but your name is what?" Luin asked, shifting uncomfortably.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:52 pm

"Oh my name is arch I didn't expect to run into a cat furre that didn't run away when they saw me"(trin stop correcting me)

Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:04 pm

((But I'm the correcter of doom!
"Oh, my name is Arch, I didn't expect to run into a cat furre that didn't run away when they saw me."(Trin, stop correcting me!)

Smeghead! *Thwack* I can correct you if I want to. And you ish breaking the three sentence rule!))

"Okay... I know your name, but what is your business here? Are you a spy, a murderer, what? And why come here to bother our village, why not some other village!" Luin snapped. "Besides, I did run, but just to warn my sibling..." she slipped out the dagger, and tried to hold it towards the varg's neck. "Make a move, and I'll kill you."
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