I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:46 pm

I thought of all things beforehand... heh. I agree with Alex, how long before we start?

Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:08 am

Or how many more chars? We need a Potter. *pause* And a Draco. How can we go on without them?!

Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:16 pm

Kristina wrote:Or how many more chars? We need a Potter. *pause* And a Draco. How can we go on without them?!

((I can handle one or both of them if Robin would like me to.))

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:24 pm

((Yup, same here. Whatever's best for you guys...))

Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:02 pm

((Weeh! :D Luckily it is back!))

Name: Merle White
Looks: Short brown hair, blue-grey eyes
History: Is a beater from the Hufflepuf team, a sixth year. More to come during rp-ing
Other: For now, nope..
((Otherwise said... I have no time to fill in now. :P ))

((Will also play Remus Lupin, as returning DADA teacher. I do know, maybe Ron or Hermoine, if no one takes them. :P ))

((Edit, maybe it would be better if someone takes Harry or Draco from you. Otherwise you may have to fight/discuss among yourself. Err.. does that make any sense?))

Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:27 pm

kuroro wrote:((Weeh! :D Luckily it is back!))

Name: Merle White
Looks: Short brown hair, blue-grey eyes
History: Is a beater from the Hufflepuf team, a sixth year. More to come during rp-ing
Other: For now, nope..
((Otherwise said... I have no time to fill in now. :P ))

((Will also play Remus Lupin, as returning DADA teacher. I do know, maybe Ron or Hermoine, if no one takes them. :P ))

((Edit, maybe it would be better if someone takes Harry or Draco from you. Otherwise you may have to fight/discuss among yourself. Err.. does that make any sense?))

((Erm... you cannot take Remus Lupin as DADA teacher because my character already is DADA teacher. :)))

Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:52 pm

{{*cough make Lupin Fleur's assistant to help her with English cough*

Ok we can start. I'll be Harry temporarily untill we get someone :)

NOTE: the only reason I'm doing a dialouge between Harry and Hermionie is that I'm both charaters. DO NOT DO THIS if you aren't both charaters.}}

Hermionie looked around the train platform. She decided to go and talk to Harry, who was getting ready to get on the train.
"Hi Harry!" Hermionie said, though she regretted it instantly. Harry was in a foul temper because he hadn't heard from the Order all summer. Neither had she for that matter...
"Er, mabye we should find a compartment...." Hermionie said. Harry nodded, apologizing for his behavior with a mumbled "Sorry".

Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:07 pm

((My offer to play Harry or Draco still remains. :)))

Fluer and Gabrielle strolled along to platform nine and three quarters on the cloudy day or September 1st.

"Ze platform iz over thiz way", Fluer called to Gabrielle, who seemed to be lost in her own world.

"Train... won't... gone... for... few... minutes", replied Gabrielle, who was still working on her English.

"No, Gabrielle. Ze right way to say it iz 'the train will not be leaving for a few minutes", Fluer replied in her French accent.

Fluer led her newly-eleven year old sister over to the platform and said,

"We must run through ze middle of ze platform. You better hurry... we don't have much time until ze train leaves", Fluer muttered softly to her sister. Gabrielle nodded.

Together, they ran through the middle of the platform when they saw no one was looking, and went onto the train.

The entered a compartment together, and they were both suprised to find...

"Harry!" Fluer cried, running over to him and kissing him once on both cheeks- French tradition, "How have you been?"

Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:36 pm

((Oh, I'm Marietta too, if that's alright with you guys.))

Cho was listening half-heartedly to Marietta chatting as they both climbed onto the Hogwarts Express. "...And then Roger said that he wanted to talk to me sometime over the summer, so I said..." Marietta began excitedly.

However, Cho didn't find out what Marietta said to Roger Davies. She stopped listening to anything whatsoever as she opened one of the train's compartments and found Harry being kissed on the cheek by one of the former Beauxbatons student, Fleur Delacour. However, she did not know that the French did that to everyone.

"Oh, h-hello Harry", Cho stuttered as Marietta watched disgustedly. "I-I see that want a bit o-of alone time with F-Fluer here, um...I guess I'll see you later then." Cho turned pink and tears welled up in her eyes as she beckoned to Marietta and ran off. 'About time!', Marietta thought.

((Cho likes Harry again, 'cause she realized that Harry is clueless about how women think ^_^))

Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:16 am

Fluer paused. She had been female too long to not realize the situation. She said a quick good-bye to Harry, and then dashed down the aisle to where the two girls seemed to have fled.

She finally caught up with them, took a deep breath and spoke.

"So you fancy Harry Potter?"

Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:01 am

Always short and round, Neville Longbottom had finally grown over the summer, and much of his chubbiness had also left. He checked his things, then put them on the train.
He walked along the platform very concious that everyone else was talking, until he came to the only people there who where actually his friends: Harry and Hermionie.

"Urm, can I share a compartment with you?"

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:40 am

Dawn2 wrote:
kuroro wrote:((Weeh! :D Luckily it is back!))

Name: Merle White
Looks: Short brown hair, blue-grey eyes
History: Is a beater from the Hufflepuf team, a sixth year. More to come during rp-ing
Other: For now, nope..
((Otherwise said... I have no time to fill in now. :P ))

((Will also play Remus Lupin, as returning DADA teacher. I do know, maybe Ron or Hermoine, if no one takes them. :P ))

((Edit, maybe it would be better if someone takes Harry or Draco from you. Otherwise you may have to fight/discuss among yourself. Err.. does that make any sense?))

((Erm... you cannot take Remus Lupin as DADA teacher because my character already is DADA teacher. :)))

((Oops, I missed that one. I'm terribly sorry. :oops: I don't know about him being an assistent, seems a little odd to have two people in the class. So I will leave him out for now. Can be he still enters one way or another.))

((Honestly, usually I tend to read everything well, seems I also missed out Robin playing Hermoine. Sorry again. :oops: :D ))

((If no one minds, I will try to play Snape. Really wanted to do that for a while. I hope it turns out well.))

Merle tugged one of her travelling bags through the portal of the train. She groaned deeply, but finally got them all onto the train. Merle could already here whistles. The horror, she thought, while grasping her broom, that she would loose it, while trying to get everything onto the train.

She made her way to the Hufflepuf compartement, finding it quite full. Meanwhile, she tried to avoid sticking eyes out with her broomstick and at the same not crushing feets with her travelling bags.

'Luckily I trained during the summer. Otherwise I would never be able to lift everything.'

Merle decided finally she needed another compartement. She turned, almost to crush into another student.

"Excuse me." She continued on her way.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:40 pm

Kaila glanced down at her bags while setting them down in the Baggage Compartment. She sighed, putting them in, and she quickly left har bags and went to the main part of the train. She quickly found a compartment that was completely empty, and sat down by a window.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:50 pm

Gabrielle, a first year, had never been on the Hogwarts train before. She had seen the Beauxbatons carriges ((sp)) when they came to pick up Fluer every year, but she had never been on the scarlet steam engine that was the Hogwarts train.

Seeing her sister quickly run off, Gabrielle chose a seat in the corner of Harry's compartment.

"'Lo... Harry..." Gabrielle muttered. She hated being the only one in probably all of Hogwarts that couldn't speak good English.

"Nice... summer... you... have?"

Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:45 pm

((What happened, I thought we were on the platform?))

Neville, seeing that the other two had left without him, sighed. What was it that made people forget about him? He shuffled into the train, tripping slightly on the step. He'd go and sit with them even if they ignored him; at least then he wouldn't get teased.
When he reached the compartment, he saw a small girl, who couldn't have been more than a first year. She was quite obviously foreign, speaking slowly and carefully.

"Um, hi."

((The repeated ums are not intentional, I swear :oops: ))
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