I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu May 12, 2005 1:38 am

Lilith rose up from her state of unconciousness, stretching her arms out. 'Hmm... Where am... Yuck!' Her delicate, long fingered hand had brushed up against some slimy mold. Delicately holding her dress up and away from the sewer water, Lilith stood up, whistling a little tune. A tiny, multi-coloured bird flew onto her bare shoulder. She could feel the bird's tiny claws digging into her smooth skin, pricking her flesh very slightly, like a pinprick. After a small moment of silence, Lilith thought she heard a voice reciting something. She shook her head, she was probably hearing things again. Lilith always seemed to be haunted by something of the past. Always preoccupied, even the slightest noise would startle the poor young woman. And when a large rat let out a loud squeak, Lilith jumped up quickly, hurrying ahead with her little pet bird.

Thu May 12, 2005 4:55 am

Squinty Eyed: Corinth awoke. The last thing he remembered was... something about... what was it? He racked his brains and felt along the walls. His Cosmic senses picked up two figures that had moved down a tunnel right in front of him. It wouldn't matter anyhow, as that was the only tunnel. Little did he see the manhole at the side, in which the other three were washed down. Silently, throwing stars in hand, he crept down the passage.

OCC: I see you most of you have made it. Good, good. :)

Thu May 12, 2005 5:00 am

Surda continued running down the tunnel, his hair being blown back by the wind. His flaming red robes swept past his feet as he dashed from the horror at which he had just witnessed at the beginning: 4 people, well, namely a small imp, another guy, and two girls, lying on the ground while a large rat with rat poison was stooping over them.

'Stop, you fiend!' he had yelled. Taking the Fire Orb out, he emitted small fireballs towards the sewer rat. He howled in pain, and exploded in a fury of bright red light. Running over, Surda took all that was left of it: the Rat Poison. He quickly set some healing fires next to the others and dashed down the hallway, ready to take down any horror that would attack his friends before they awoke.

As he turned around another bend, he screamed, despite of himself, he screamed...

...in amazement!

Under Aslgo!

Thu May 12, 2005 5:07 am

Item Drop:

Monsters will drop items, but that's if they're previously mentioned before. Monsters should drop items only at stratagetic periods of time and not all of it. ;)

Rat Poison
Level 2 Potion
WARNING: Corrosive, flammable! Not to be touched with bare hands. Kills rats, imps, and chipmunks.

Fri May 13, 2005 9:38 pm

Tyrannitar wrote:WARNING: Corrosive, flammable! Not to be touched with bare hands. Kills rats, imps, and chipmunks.

((XP meanie imp-killer))

Coasta's eyes began to get use to so little light, and he thought he could hear something else moving. He began to back up, and did not notice Lilith until he had walked right into her. "Oh, sorry!" he said, then saw the fireballs. The light left small flashes of color in his vision, which he blinked to get rid of. Hearing the scream, he hurried to the man, almost running into him. The small imp's eyes, which had seen much in their time, glimpsed the city and widened, and a small gasp emitted from his mouth.

Sun May 15, 2005 12:11 am

Squinty Eyed: At the shout and small running sounds of an imp, Cornith had rushed over to where they were. He found both of them entranced at the sight of the large underground city: a subway ran in and out of it like a snake in grass, with multiple buildings placed in random locations. In the very heart of the bustling town was a large spire made of adamantine rock.
'Is this a place of evil or good?' Corinth thought to himself as he climbed down the great stone staircase towards the city...

OCC: Kills evil imps, by the way. ;)

Fri May 20, 2005 3:06 am

Surda followed Corinth, leaving Coasta back at the top. A shadow had moved next to him and there came Lillith.

'Come!' Surda beckoned towards them, slowly advancing into the city. The street was made out of some kind of green stone; not marble or adamantite, but something that looked like it was molded over. However, it was not disgusting, on the contrary, when a small ray of light from an oil lamp shined on it, it began to glow as if it was radioactive, but at the same time like it wasn't. The buildings seemed to be made of tin, but altogether looking as if they were a comfortable place to live. In the dead center, the cathedral rose, nearly touching the cavernous cavern's roof, where the tiniest ray of sunshine graced its presence upon the very tip, where there was a ruby-red sculpture of a sun.

'Well,' he said, as the others joined him. 'I vote we go there.'

He pointed to the cathedral in the distance.

Fri May 20, 2005 3:25 am

Under-Asglo: Far under the capital city of Aslgo, there is a magical place full of wonder and excitement you can't find above: an underground city with a fantastic railroad winding through it! They are the creators of Green Acitite, a type of Acitite that comes in sheets and is easy to layer over streets, buildings, ect. There are three types of Acitite: red, green, and blue. Different cities have created different ones exclusive only to that city. Here's a guide to Under Aslgo:

Green Acitite Factory: A factory that makes Green Acitite.
Railroad Headquarters: These are placed wherever the train stops.
Sun Hole: A fluke in the construction. This hole admits sun to come in. The outside of the hole is at the foot of the mountains. Could any invaders know about it?
The Ruby Cathedral: A cathedral with a ruby-red sun placed at the top. Whenever sun flows in at a specific time each day, it shines blood red light over the entire city, a beautiful sight.
The Hidden Library: Located inside the cathedral, these documents are records of everything that's happened for the past... long time...
Acitite Powerhouse: The way this city makes its power is by burning Actitite waste. It produces no pollution unless the waste wasn't treated properly. Acitite Waste is a delicate chemical, caused when acitite is made . The excess material is put into a container and shipped to the Powerhouse in barrels via the cargo department on the train.
Hidden Alley: An alley full of gangsters. Rumour has it that they have a lot of rumours and juicy information about things, as long as you know what you're asking for and who you need to ask.
Mertha's Tent: This is one of teen Seer Sisters placed *cough* live around Asgonia. Mertha specializies in one's near future and where they should go. Be warned that she does move her tent spot every day, so it's a hard time finding it. Perhaps the ruby red against the green acitite might give a clue to where she goes each day?
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