I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Topic locked

Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:39 am

Kyma blinked. "Do I know y- wait a second...Meiou?


((now for my other characters))
Hadrian jumped down from the train's coal car. Nostown wasn't far off, and who said anti-social demons could be social once in a while? He patted the metal side of his beloved Train of Nightmares, running his hand over one of the large black spikes that protruded from the side. One of the ghostly gray figures who conducted the train made a hald wave, and the train started to move forward silently, on it's dark and sinister journey to the most dark and sinister place in Interface- Styx, the great recycling bin were user's information, avatars, and items were lost forever.


Ice loved gambling. Not the normal kind, like poker, but with his life. That is why he was playing Switchback, the most dangerous game in Interface. He was in the form of an America cowboy, scruffy, yet dashing. Switchback consisted of two players riding bareback on wild pegasi stallions, each armed with an 1840 style six-shot revolver. The point was to shoot the other player, with out getting shot yourself or falling off the bucking pegasus. Ice aimed, and fired his gun. The shot rang out, and moments later, so did his opponent's scream as he was shot in the arm and fell off of the winged horse. Ice raised the gun to his lips and with a short breath, blew the smoke away from it. He holstered his weapon and turned the pegasus, morphing into his icy form, and began to ride toward Nostown.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:06 am

He pulled himself up and dusted himself off. "Yeah thats the name. Nice of you to 'bump' into me kyma."

Suddenly coming out one of the rooms of weapons was the cream and white furred bunny girl. "Big Brother you jus gotta see the special weapons room! Oh im sorry who are you?" She said coming to stop next to meiou blinking as she looked at Kyma.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:15 pm

Kaei picked up a ingallas and looked at it. 'Well I have the money'she thought to herself. She headed for the cash register. And on the wy there she bumped into Meiou and kept on walking rudly.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:35 pm

The Shop they were in was quite Busy. There was, as Grace liked to call them, a 'Bunny Furre', an 'Anthro Bunny', again as Grace liked to call them, a Human and a Shaman all around them.

The Shaman seemed to know the so called 'Bunny Furre'.

"OH MY GOD LOOK ANKA! A BUNNY FURRE!" Shouted Grace. Pointing to Meiou outside. Anka Froze.
"You did not just shout that..." He said under his breath.
"Shut... Up... Grace." He said through clenched teeth.
"Awww... look at him..."
"... I'm not with her..." Anka reassured everyone in the shop. Grace glared at him.
Xeres had been right. A newbie has just signed up. New to the game, He'd be easy to beat. Then he'd claim the Gilda that you're given to start off with.
"Hello, My child." He said. Addressing the Newbie.
"Umm... W-w-who're you?" He stuttered.
"Just somebody who is Challenging you to a battle."
"Umm... Ok... B-b-but I don't know how to d-" He was cut of by Xeres taking up his sword and swiping at the level one Newbie. "ARGHHHH!" Came the Newbies Scream as he was knocked to the Ground. Beaten.

Xeres aproched the newbie and took his bag of Gilda, emptied it into his own, And threw the Bag back at him. He watched in pleasure as the body disapeared. 'Game Over for him.' He thought.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:24 pm

"Heh. Sorry about that." Kyma said, then stopped. "Hey, is it just me, or do you also hear...hoofbeats?" And no, it was not just her. Ice, mounted on his pegasus CCC (computer controlled character), show-boating. As usual.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:22 pm

.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:The Shop they were in was quite Busy. There was, as Grace liked to call them, a 'Bunny Furre', an 'Anthro Bunny', again as Grace liked to call them, a Human and a Shaman all around them.

The Shaman seemed to know the so called 'Bunny Furre'.

"OH MY GOD LOOK ANKA! A BUNNY FURRE!" Shouted Grace. Pointing to Meiou outside. Anka Froze.
"You did not just shout that..." He said under his breath.
"Shut... Up... Grace." He said through clenched teeth.
"Awww... look at him..."
"... I'm not with her..." Anka reassured everyone in the shop. Grace glared at him.
Xeres had been right. A newbie has just signed up. New to the game, He'd be easy to beat. Then he'd claim the Gilda that you're given to start off with.
"Hello, My child." He said. Addressing the Newbie.
"Umm... W-w-who're you?" He stuttered.
"Just somebody who is Challenging you to a battle."
"Umm... Ok... B-b-but I don't know how to d-" He was cut of by Xeres taking up his sword and swiping at the level one Newbie. "ARGHHHH!" Came the Newbies Scream as he was knocked to the Ground. Beaten.

Xeres aproched the newbie and took his bag of Gilda, emptied it into his own, And threw the Bag back at him. He watched in pleasure as the body disapeared. 'Game Over for him.' He thought.

[Xeres is the typical New Member targeting pker. EVIL!]

Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:44 pm

Kaei noticed Kyma and turned around "Kyma is that you?" she asked.

LilEdit: Please post at least three sentences of role play.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:48 am

((Ack! So much posting while I was busy over the weekend, good thing i'm home with the Flu eh? Well, not really, but anyways....

During those five months our happy little party of heroes *cough* travelled on the T.o.N. until they reached Nostown, from there they travelled through a demon filled forest, had lots of fun killing evil monsters and fiends, and eventually reached the sorceresses' castle. Sungiver happily killed the sorceress, gaining a level for her trouble and freed Demortayse. She then gave everyone who quested with her a key to the castle (the key can easily teleport them there instantly). Sungiver and Demortayse then made their way back to her lovely castle and have had fun killing insolent fools who didn't want to pay their toll ever since.))

Sungiver rested her large scaled chin delicately on her one of her claws and with a small breath sent an inferno of blazing fire towards a stupid newbie who had thought they could fight her rather than pay the toll to pass through the Diamond Gate.

Demortayse entered the Great Hall, casually conversing with Laurelin as he walked. He stopped when his claws touched the pile of ash which had been the newbie. Raising one delicate eyebrow he turned to study Sungiver, "Bored are we?" She rolled her eyes, "How ever did you guess?"
Laurelin joined in on the conversation, "Mistress, that's the fortieth newbie you've er... toasted this month." Demortayse nodded in agreement before a smile lit up his face, Sungiver gave him an odd look "Oh no... what is your crazy idea this time?" His face fell and he pouted, "I was just thinking that we should go back through the Diamond Gate and do a little adventuring. But if you're so against the idea...."

Looking back up he was surprised to find she'd dissappeared, "What the?" Laurelin chuckled and grabbed his wrist, spinning him around and pointing towards the open door, "She's already gone."

* * * *

Swooping through the Diamond Gate, Sungiver was surprised to notice that is was raining. Demortayse and Laurelin appeared from the gate and fell straight onto her back, "Oi..." Demortayse began, he then realised that it was raining, "What's going on here? It's a desert, it never rains in a desert?"

Sungiver frowned in thought for a moment, she then shrugged her large shoulders and swooped into the air before beating her powerful wings and flying towards Nostown. Demortayse and Laurelin clutched on desperately to her back and Sungiver lifted her hind legs and tail to allow them to tumble forward towards her head so that they could hold on easier, "I'm pretty sure we'll find the answers we need in Nostown."

Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:19 am

(*Dranzer*) wrote:
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:Xeres had been right. A newbie has just signed up. New to the game, He'd be easy to beat. Then he'd claim the Gilda that you're given to start off with.
"Hello, My child." He said. Addressing the Newbie.
"Umm... W-w-who're you?" He stuttered.
"Just somebody who is Challenging you to a battle."
"Umm... Ok... B-b-but I don't know how to d-" He was cut of by Xeres taking up his sword and swiping at the level one Newbie. "ARGHHHH!" Came the Newbies Scream as he was knocked to the Ground. Beaten.

Xeres aproched the newbie and took his bag of Gilda, emptied it into his own, And threw the Bag back at him. He watched in pleasure as the body disapeared. 'Game Over for him.' He thought.

[Xeres is the typical New Member targeting pker. EVIL!]

((Yep ^_^ I like evil characters! xD))

Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:25 pm

Hadrian shivered as his wet, long hair fell into his eyes. He brushed it aside, wishing, for once, he had a coat. He looked to the sky, and thought he saw a flash of platinum. Platinum? he thought, confused. It couldn't be...Sungiver?"


He was not the only one to see the dragon. Ice looked up and saw the dragon, not a friend of his, but as they were in the same line of work, he knew her. He shifted the direction he was going, spurring the pegasus into the sky. "Hello" He called to her cheerily. "What brings Sungiver the Appraiser to humble and shoddy little Nostown in the center of humble and shoddy Loki?"

((just looked at my bios. This is the problem with writing them twice. Okay, Ice is the overseer of the red desert world of Loki, as well as the toll-master of the Ruby Gate, which connects Loki to the other worlds of Interface. So, basically he has the same job as Sungiver, just a different place.))

Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:51 pm

((Gah, must be more active...))

Celknota quietly listened to the patter of ran from the room high above Nostown. The red sand beyond the city was coming loose, creating sand bars. The world of Loki was not meant for rain. Yet still, she enjoyed the sound, the gentle soothing noise of rain on the tin roof. She stood from were she was sitting on the window sill, and headed out of the run, down the winding cement steps, and out of the building. She looked to the weapon shop across the street, which she had never been inside of. Yet, today she went to it, intrigued by the small congregation.

((Yay, Loki! You kept mentioning it in the original rp, SI, but we never got to it.))

Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:12 pm

Almost positive it was Kyma Kaei walked closer to her, her coat trailing behind her. When she got there she put her hands on Kyma's shoulders and repeated her question. "Kyma is that you?" Her ice blue eyes staring into hers.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:50 pm

He shook his head. Yeah he had heard the hoove beats. Not hard to hear them for a rabbit furre. He cringed hearing his sister shout out to him. He blinked as he was then rudly bumped into though he said nothing. He needed to get out of here and fast actually. After his little visit to Loki and 'borrowing' a ruby from the gate and then going through without paying the toll he wasnt the most loved creature. Ofcourse he heard what the one player had said. 'Oh gods no not a furre fan. Thats the least of things i need.' he thought to himself.

She huffed and glared kaei and kyma. So rude they were not even acknowledging her presence. "Come on big brother lets go." She grabbed hold of his arm and started to drag him out of the shop.
Last edited by Meiou on Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:56 pm

Meiou wrote:He shook his head. Yeah he had heard the hoove beats. Not hard to hear them for a rabbit furre. He cringed hearing his sister shout out to him. He blinked as he was then rudly bumped into though he said nothing. He needed to get out of here and fast actually. After his little visit to Loki and 'borrowing' a ruby from the gate and then going through without paying the toll he wasnt the most loved creature.

She huffed and glared kaei and kyma. So rude they were not even acknowledging her presence. "Come on big brother lets go." She grabbed hold of his arm and started to drag him out of the shop.[/u]

((*Ahem* Could you please read my last post?))

Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:37 am

Sungiver swirled around in the air, trying her best to keep Laurelin and Demortayse from falling off her back. When she saw who it was her large mouth opened wide and she laughed, rather loudly. "Dear god. What a surprise! I haven't seen you in years Ice." She looked down at the wild pegasus he was riding and quirked an eyebrow, "My oh my, still playing Switchback are we? It seems you have been keeping yourself busier than I. Mind you I finally got Demortayse out of that blasted castle," She swivelled around slightly to reveal Laurelin and Demortayse who both cheerily waved. They had all met Ice when he visited the Diamond Gate, but that had been years ago.

((I know you said Ice didn't know them all very well.... but oh well, they've been friends for years (if you don't want that just tell me) XD ))
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