I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:10 pm

Emra rushed forward, until she was directly under him, and she transformed into her dragon self. The small, silver dragon rose, icy blue flame furling out of her nostrils. She screeched in dragonspeek, "I respect your honor for myself, but I must help you. Being part-Eirynn made me come to the sense of purpose. I will help you Rahza, I need to help us all in some way." She threw her head upward, releasing flame and bashed into the gate.

Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:05 pm

Yin felt as though all of her senses had been shut off. She couldn't hear, feel, or see anything. When she tried to speak, no sound came out. Her body was frozen.

Still, she sensed the others. The gate had opened for her, but then closed. They were trying to get it open again. As she willed them to get it, a thought struck Yin. She could feel what was going on outside the gates, so why not what was within them? Yin cast around with her mind, and slowly, fading in like a sunrise, images appeared in her mind's eye.

She was standing on cracked, dry dirt, pressed flat by thousands of years. The sky was a cold blood red, and a pale white moon drifted lazily across it. Behind her was a large stone wall, carved with odd, spiked symbols. Two iron gates blocked the way. The air was stale and dry. It wasn't warm or cold; it felt almost dead.

Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:12 pm

Emra blinked, the gate had opened, she walked through it- but her physical self still was bashing against it. The other, rather spiritual self, was walking around, as a dragon still. The spirit self saw Yin, she blinked.

Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:28 am

Rahza's wings stopped flapping, and he flopped to the ground.
The blood on his forehead was beginning to clot, but it still burnt.
He closed his eyes, and sighed. His breath was dry and rasped against his throat.

"I've... failed you."

Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:40 pm

Yin tried to move. The vision in her mind disappeared, and then wavered back. Thinking hard, she imagined her arm out in front of her. Slowly, her pale hand raised into the vision. Yin gasped with the effort, and tried to walk towards the gate. Slowly, her legs moved, carrying her to the cold iron barrier.

Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:25 am

He had returned to the form of a human, but the wounds hadn't vanished.
He felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and took a sharp breath.

"Yin... I can't believe that I did that. I waited too long to try and help everyone... and ended up saving nobody. We're all... screwed."

Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:32 pm

Emra too turned back into a human, looking at Rahza. "Rahza..." she murmered, "You are much too hard on yourself, we must all come together to defeat this shadowy force-we need you." Emra studied the place around her, a shiver running through her spine, feeling watched once more.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:57 am

Yin tried to move the gate. It remained steadfast. Slowly, she opened her mind out to the others. The world around her faded, but she felt as though a door had opened in front of her. She reached out for Rahza's mind...

I am alive on the other side. Unless you can find a way in, I will have to go on alone.

Yin took a deep breath. The mental contact was rapidly draining her strength...

It is what Kwan Kage would have wanted...

She yanked away from the contact, and the world began to materialize again.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:19 am

Rahza felt something graze against his consciousness... a voice, soft and pure, but weary.

I am alive. That was all he heard, but it was enough for him.

Rahza took a deep breath, then tried to stand up. His legs gave way, and he landed on his hands and knees.
He shivered, muttered something under his breath and slowly stood up again.

His legs burnt, and every step he made was slow and deliberate, but he eventually made it to the gate.
"All that's keeping me from Yin is this stupid gate... damnit, I'm going to tear it down. I don't know how... but I'll do it!"

Rahza coughed into his hand and fell against the gate. He looked at his palm... and shrieked. It was coated in blood!

He decided to use this to his advantage, and quickly drew a Sigil onto the gate.
"That Turai girl said this would come in handy in emergencies... and this is one... if I've ever seen one.
Leaf of holly, paw of cat,
There's no need for any of that.
A sacrifice of self is due,
Now open this gate and let me through!

Absolutely nothing happened.
"That... that son of a Kin! She traded that spell for one of my best Rune sets!"

His eyes rolled back into his head, he stumbled briefly then collapsed.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:26 pm

"Rahza!" she fell to her knees, and looked over him. But before she could help him she felt herself back on the other side of the gate. "Yin" she called softly, "Rahza---" she said, watching Yin, she contacted her through her mind as well. "I am on the other side as well, turn around and you shall see- Rhaza has collapsed..."
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