I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:18 pm

“You should stay here…it’s…safer for you here.” Elsa replied quietly. “I-I mean…take me for example…if I wasn’t here I’d be scooped up by some orphanage and pretty much sold.” the girl sighed, “Trust me, you’ll grow to like it here.”

Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:45 am

Another girl walked into the Commons Room, nodding to the people already inside in greeting. She wasn't new here, she'd been in the school about a month already, and knew her way around well enough. She entered the room just in time to hear the new girl say she wanted to go home, and the other girl's response.

"She's right, you know," she said after a small pause. "It is safer. Here, you don't have to worry as much about your powers going awry and hurting someone who can't defend themselves. And then, you're leaving any bad memories you might have at home, start a new life. That can be good, too."

Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:59 am

Ofcourse suddenly hearing this new girl spooked her. In a reaction to this she reached behined her and yanked. Suddenly her entire skin fell forward revealing a double to Elsa. It had been Elsa because the girl had made her feel safe and that she wouldnt let anything happen to her. This would definatly scare the hell out of everyone else or at least fascinate them. When she spoke next she sounded jus like Elsa. "Please....Dont ..do that..."

Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:26 am

'Hi guys!'

Lexa swung happily into the Main Room of the school, the usual carefree smile on her face. Her thick, dark curls were tied back into a ponytail, and her eyes were shining brightly. She radiated a kind of blissful joy and delight as she spun on the spot with her arms spread wide.

Suddenly, she halted, her gaze travelling over the people in the room. Was it her, or were there two pigtailed little girls here?

'Elsa. I didn't know you had a twin,' she chirped.

Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:36 am

Elsa just stared at Alex for a moment, “…I see…your skin…it comes off…” she muttered before smiling and simply reaching out to feel the shed skin-like suit. “And it would appear that I do have a twin.” the girl smiled.

“It’s gotten to chipper in here, I’m leaving…” Nekura muttered as he started to fade into the shadows once more.

“He just doesn’t like girls I think…” she giggled, continuing to feel over the skin suit. “How long have you been about to do this, Alex?”

Sun Feb 12, 2006 6:24 am

She scooted closer to Elsa and giggled at the confusion. She looked over at Elsa as she was asked that question. "i dunno for as long as I can remember."

Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:25 pm

The arrival of Dawson was accompnied by an annoying laugh. It wasn't that it was particularly, just shrill and coming with it, a sense that the latest arrival to the common room wasn't going to be one that people would get on with. As the boy walked around the corner, those who saw him couldn't help but feel as though the image of short, stocky 'lad' wasn't one that would normally be paired with a shrill laugh, as irritating as that one.

Disappointed that attention hadn't suddenly turned to him, he announced loudly to the group, hoping to impress them. "Oh me, oh my..." he more or less screamed. "This reminds me of that hut that I was in when I went to Africa three years ago. My parents paid thousands of dollars, but they still weren't happy with ti and they moved us into a bigger hotel. I shall have to get my parents to update this place - it's practically last century!!" Dawson, proud with his latest attempt at trying to get everyone's attention gave himself a pat on the back.

'This is sure to make you friends' he thought to himself. 'Who could reject a rich, popular, handsome guy like me...'

Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:49 pm

Claire was hoping for a normal, quiet day when she headed to the common room, but was annoyed when she discovered otherwise. She knew there was no point in turning back either; the headmaster would certainly force her to meet the newcomers sooner or later. Plus, she had accidently turned one of her favorite books into a butterfly and wanted to change it back, and the common room was one of the few places she could do it safely. Clutching the literary insect in her hand, she quietly entered the room and sat in the farthest corner, taking care not to bump into Nekura who could be anywhere in the dark for all she knew.

Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:59 pm

Elsa just nodded slightly, "At least you vaguely know what you can do...I'm still in the dark as to what I can do..." she shrugged. Okay, that was mostly a lie, but it's best to make the newcomers feel like everyone is learning together or something like that.
Speaking of newcomers, that’s when she heard the little 'Ha, ha, I'm so rich, everyone love me' speech. She slowly turned her head, a faint grimace, "Oh I'm sorry...is this little place too dark, gloomy and out of date for your tastes? Well I'm sure it's just perfect for someone..." And with that she snapped her fingers.

There was an eerie disembodied laugh, then without much warning the shadows around Dawson swirled about his feet. That laugh was heard again, but this time, followed by a growl. Inky black hands clutched onto Dawson's shoulders as Nekura faded in behind the kid. "We don't much like people coming in here and insulting the Headmaster's life work..." he grinned, rather maliciously. "...you're ego is so big...maybe I should pop it..." he snickered as he faded away again.

Seems like Elsa had a little bit of an attack dog.

Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:47 pm

She blinked seeing this happen not sure how to react. She picked up the skin tapping Elsa. "You look like you might wanna escape from your current reality abit.." She handed the skin to her as if saying here try it on.

Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:40 pm

The little blonde glanced back at Alex, “My reality? Oh…no, I’m perfectly happy like this…really I am…” she murmured, shaking her head a little.

((MattEdit: Please post atleast three sentences when RPing.))

Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:39 am

"Oh! I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to startle you," the other girl said, watching Elsa's 'double' curiously. "I'm Cayla."

She nodded to the other girl that came in, and started to say something, only to be interrupted by an annoying laugh.

"Oh me, oh my..." he more or less screamed. "This reminds me of that hut that I was in when I went to Africa three years ago. My parents paid thousands of dollars, but they still weren't happy with ti and they moved us into a bigger hotel. I shall have to get my parents to update this place - it's practically last century!!" Dawson, proud with his latest attempt at trying to get everyone's attention gave himself a pat on the back.

As Dawson slapped her on the back, Cayla let out a light burst of electricity, just enough so that it felt as if she had just been dragging her feet around on a carpet for a bit too long. She then turned to him, one of her eyebrows raised.

"Why a place like this would remind anyone of a trip to Africa -- one probably made up, at that -- is beyond me. And I like this place just as it is, so you know."

Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:25 pm

Claire noticed Cayla's silent greeting and hasitly hid the butterfly behind her.

"Oh...hello," (greetings weren't her speciality) "I'm Claire. Do you need something?" She glanced around at everyone else, giving brief nods of recognition at the ones she knew and hoping no one would bring her into a long conversation. Claire already had a dislike towards 'the rich kid' herself; she heard his remark when she was coming in.

Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:32 pm

Spike ran his fingers through his red-speckled hair absentmindedly, skimming over a page of a small paper-back self help book, he would occasionally glance up from it, he was curious to see what powers his new classmates had. It was simply amazing to see them all use them so normally, he himself had been wondering why his father sent him here anyway. He gave out a brief sigh, and huddled closer into the corner he was in.

Spike was slightly jealous of them, but didn't bother feeling too bad about it, he had a book! What more to life was there anyway?

Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:52 pm

Disappointed, Dawson started to get a little angry. 'Why aren't they talking to me? Are they stupid...? Contemplating his own selfishness; Dawson did not become aware of the shadows circling his head until they started talking to him, where his anger intensified, and turned into fear. his eyes turned red, and around him, flames grew. Dawson immediately tried to hide this, and calmed himself down; not wanted to seem out of control of his powers, wanting to appear calm, cool and as though he was in control.
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