I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:36 am

Angara was engrossed in the sceen on the nearby hill. She didn't notice the Snot Kiko until it was right near her.

"Oh, Karen! It's nice to see you here," she smiled at the Kiko. "You must have just missed us at Mystery Island. We left early this morning to enjoy the nice weather." The kougra turned back to the other hill. "We were just watching those Neopets over there. I'm not sure what's going on, but it sure looks amusing." She smiled at her friend and laughed.

((Btw, robert2100, is Karen male or female? In the beginning of the post you said male, but then you changed to female. I just wanted to make sure. :) ))

Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:21 am

Ebenezer, not knowing what was happening was playing with the spardel. When he saw he was being watched he said: "Well... this spardel sure looks strong! He must have a high petpet level..."

Suddenly Ebenezer standed up and said: "Yuck! Something smells here..." He sniffed and sniffed untill he found the source...

Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:47 pm

(( :oops: Ooops it is male. Sorry))

Karen smiled, he loved being in the company of Angara. He was never very ppopular and had no friends, but Angara that is. When you are snot you kind of turn people off.

"Yeah, I noticed that. Seems to be getting bigger...Wanna go tick them off?" the Kiko said with a sly smile on, "It'll be fun!"

Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:49 pm

Angara laughed. "Sure. They look interesting. I'm always up for meeting new people. After you . . . " She stood up and motioned for him to lead the way.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:57 pm

"Why thank you." Karen laughed as he got up and bounced down the hill. He looked behind him to make sure Angara was following. He didn't want to be alone. He had been alone too much of his life.

When they he got to the other hill he noticed an Eyrie and a Kougra talking. He went over to them. He was sure they wouldn't like him but he tried anyway.

"Hiya there! My name is Karen," he said in a cheerful tone, "And this back there is Angara"

Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:33 pm

The old kacheek kept on sniffing and saw a snot kiko coming. He did not want to be rude or anything, but took a few steps behind without Karen noticing it. You have to admit snot doesn't spread a nice smell...

((that red kyrii from the beginning keeps on sitting there? xD))

Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:13 am

(Our phone lines are practically shot, so that means about every two weeks or so we have to call in the phone man to come and repair them. So that means we are without internet for a day or so. I'll reply to as many messages as I can, but it may not be that many.)

Amdir looked over at the Snot Kiko. "Well. Your an interesting little creature. Some sort of Kiko? Not exactly a nice smell, but I've smelled worse."

Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:27 am

The Kougra smiled, "Stimpy is only level one, but he is fairly strong. I assure you that weight isn't from his brain though. He's a real idiot."

The Spardel lifted it's ears and smiled at Firestorm. Stimpy wagging his tail happily began to lick all over the Kougra's face.

After Stimpy backed from Firestorm's view, he could see a Kiko coming. It spoke to them, so Firestorm responded.

"Hey... odd colour you got going there, what is it? Okra? Guacamole?" Firestorm sniffed while the Spardel ran over and gave the Kiko a nice big friendly lick.

Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:11 am

"Hehe, Spardels don't have a lot of brains. Back in Neopia Central i remember from an X-ray scan we had on a spardel that their brains are not big enough to hold a lot of memory. Just see..."

While he explained that, Ebenezers dogglefox ran to Stimpy and looked at him. He suddenly barked as a sign of 'dog-friendship'. The spardel scared and ran as fast as he could but after a few steps he stopped, looked around and seemed to have forgotten about the scary bark. He then saw a green-ish kiko and ran to lick him.

WhiteEdit: Please do not PH (Power Hog), that includes using another person's character without their consent.

Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:40 pm

Considering that they are made out of snot, snot Kikos don't enjoy being licked very much.

"Whoa there little fella!" Karen said as he pushed the dogglefox back."Actually my..uh...colour..is..uh....snot."

Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:01 pm

Ofcourse the spardel didn't understand and when he turned around his tung was green. When he suddenly ran to Ebenezer (probably to give him some 'friendly' licks too), the old kacheek ran very fast in a circle trying to avoid the snot, screaming: "Help me! Save me! That spardel's going to lick me!" almost like he was going insane.

WhiteEdit: Please do not PH (Power Hog), that includes using another person's character without their consent.

Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:20 pm

The Kiko had a look of terror on him when he heard someone screaming for help. He turned around and there was the old kacheek running in circles.

"Oh, someone help him, I can't...I'm made of snot."

Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:28 pm

Amdir couldn't help it. She laughed, rocking back. "I don't know, that's a pretty smart Spardel you have there. He knows when hes gotten a compliment, and gives one right back!"

She glanced over at the Snot Kiko. "Eh, it's alright. Noone can really plan what happens to them."

Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:55 pm

The Kiko tried to smile, but he was sure it came out fake. Being snot wasn't easy.

"Yeah well what will you do," Karen faked a laugh, "Well me and Angara should be going...Angar, where are you?"

The Kiko turned around. Angara was nowhere to be found.

"ANGARA" he called out once again but he still couldn't find her.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:25 am

Firestorm smilied at his petpet. "You're mad," he said grinning, "-But then, we're all mad here, eh?" Stimpy jumped up and down excitedly. Then Firestorm turned back to the snot Kiko. "Snot, eh? Bet Stimpy didn't enjoy that lick too much then!" He said jokingly. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how'd you get the colour? Rather rare, isn't it?"
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