I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:02 am

Amayriel awoke, rubbing her eyes. She heard a distant yell.
She was bored, so she set off in search of the source of the noise.
True to her acrobatic nature, Amayriel swung, jumped, and bounded from tree to tree until the trees abruptly ended, and a field stretched out in a green expanse before her. It was beautiful, really, other than the fact that a smashed hoverbot lay on the ground beside a dragon. Evidently, the dragon had been yelling at a human. "Hm? Who are you?" Amayriel blurted out suddenly.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:06 am

Lux look at her. She was still annoyed about being desturbed from her meal.
"I...am...the...Dragon: Lux." she said through gritted teeth. Her expression softed a little when she saw that Amayriel's face was truly frightened. "Who are you?"

Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:12 am

(That's what I meant... :oops: I hope this is alright, if not, tell me.)

She was sleeping, this purple Dragon. Slight whistles emitted from her nose as she breathed out. Every once in awhile, she twitched. The hover-bot waited for her to wake.

Then she opened one of her eyes, the right one, looking straight at it. "Dragon: Arien."

The Dragon grunted in response, flicking her tail lightly towards the hover-bot. It backed away nervously, unsure what it would do. It had felt the readings of another of the messangers just... disappear, as if destroyed.

"I was sent to deliver a message to you."

"Continue." the Dragon said, still staring at it with her eye.

"Dear Dragon: Arien. We have sent this message to inform you that you have been living here illegally. If you wish to remain on ths planet, we would ask you to be put into a public place for our citizens to observe you. We need you decision in 50 days."

The Dragon, Arien, looked up as someone spoke.

"By 'A public place for our citizens to observe you, you mean a zoo, right? I'll give you this Dragon's answer: No. I don't see you taking every... chimp, for example, to live in a zoo. Besides. Dragons don't live by human laws."

Arien opened her other eye, and sat up. "Really, Kirsten. You really do need to warn me when you come. And I'm sure this hover-bot doesn't appreciate you answering for me." She then turned to the hoverbot. "Return in 50 days, and I shall give you my answer. Expect to be disappointed."

The hover-bot backed out of sight, relieved.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:14 pm

Amayriel looked at Lux. "Ah... I'm Amayriel. It's nice meeting you." She said, even though that was somewhat out of context. "I heard you yelling. I also think I heard the hoverbot say something, but perhaps I was asleep then...?" Amayriel asked questioningly.
"Who's the human?"

Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:44 pm

Dissonanca was hiding near Arien in a large bush. The hoverbot's message bothered her...she once had a high opinion of humans, but this was going a bit too far over the line. She was thankful that she was vitually unknown in the human world, otherwise she would have recived her own hoverbot.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:21 pm

||Name: Atrocitas (Latin for cruelty)
Age: 3 human years
Gender: Male
Appearance: (If dragons don't look like this, which I believe they don't, can I be an odd aberration from the norm?) A biped with legs that end in talon-like appendages, but become more human-like as they approach the main body, the same is true for his arms. His face is somewhat bird like with a beak and such, but not feathered. He tends to wear black robes secured with a gold rope at the waist. They often have a cowl to conceal his true nature and also slits in the back so he can spread his wings, and also for his tail, though they are hidden by folds of material. Though he is larger than other young dragons (At least, I think he is) he is not nearly as strong, though he has sharp, hard claws. His skin is too pale to be human and the talons and such are adamantine black. His tail burns violet.
Personality: He is a direct descendant of Jyliwi. He acts true to his lineage.
Can they speak/read/write: All three yes, and skilfully.||
Atrocitas sat at a forest crossroads, playing with a rabbit. He would place it in his lap, and as it tried to crawl away he filled it with disabling pain and replaced, filled with fear and desperation it had no choice but to try again and again. He found incredibly amusing.
A hoverbot with a complete personality matrix hung just out of sight. What scared it more than the disappearance of another hoverbot, more than the way he played with the rabbit, but the dark whisperings of his infamous reputation. The poor rabbit was lucky that he seemed to be in a genial mood. It reluctantly approached and delivered its message. It gained confidence and quaked in terror at the same time due to the attentive look Atrocitas gave it. Once it finished the dark sneer he could see glinting in his eyes was not encouraging at all.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:40 pm

Angelus bowed low to the dragon 'I do not want anything, great one.' He said, then straightened. 'Unlike my people, I do not hate your kind'

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:12 pm

((Of course your dragon can be a mutant. Hey, your dragon's evil (no offense) and so it'd be nice to have evil dragons look differently.)

Lux looked at Angelus for a moment, then burst out in laughter :roflol:.
"Great one?" she asked, amused. "How am I any better than any other dragons, or even YOU for that matter?"

((Lux may not be the most polite, calm dragon, but she does have a good grip on reality.

"I actually don't know who this is," Lux turned to Amayriel. "Would you mind telling us, human?"

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:17 pm

Angelus raised an eyebrow at Lux's coment about not being higher then humans. 'I am Angelus.' He said, lossing a bit of patience.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:21 pm

"Yes, and what are you doing here in dragon's territory?" Lux asked suspiciously.
Well I'm still not sure about his "not hate your kind," she thought to herself, he could still just be here to check up on the hoverbot. I heard they have tracking devices, so if he knew I destroyed it, he could just be here to see why.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:42 pm

'I study dragons' He replied 'and try to keep my people from killing them off or sticking them in zoos.' He said this with an unbridaled passion.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:45 pm

Lux turned to Amayriel. "Did you get a hoverbot too?" she asked. "If you are telling the truth, you just might help us."

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:45 pm

"Brraaawk." Arien sounded as she stretched.

"Arien...?" Kirsten asked.

"Hmm." Arien acknowledged, gnawing lightly at an itch on her shoulder.

"You're pretty."

"Thanks, but I'm not. I'm the only Dragon you know, or even met for that matter. I'm dull, being only one uniform color. I think the Dragons with two or more colors are the prettiest."

Kirsten shrugged. "Whatever. I'll always think you're the most beautiful Dragon." Arien snorted in reply.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:48 pm

((puck, did you just tell angelus to help, or someone else?))

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:50 pm

((Yes, it was Angelus.))
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