I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:59 pm

Laruna hurried along the platform, cursing to herself. She always managed to be late for the train, running around at home looking for one thing or another that she hadn't packed ready the night before.

She rounded another corner, sighing as she saw that the train was still at the platform. Her mother was close behind her and helped her heave her luggage (and her cat Fuo) successfully onto the train. She gave Laruna a quick kiss on the cheek got off the train to wave her off.

Laruna pushed her way through the people still looking for compartments, nearly knocking over a student fully equipped with broom, bags and all. Eventually she found a compartment she thought was to be empty, but when she opened the door she found another student already inside.

Feeling too tired to go and look somewhere else, Laruna entered the small compartment and adressed the girl.

"Hi...can I sit here? I don't think anywhere else is free."

((Twizz, I was planning on that to be you...))

Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:00 pm

(Yeah, I kind of guessed that...)

Kaila blinked, glancing up at the other student. "Yeah, sure." she said, shrugging. "Umm... I'm Kaila."

Kaila looked a little bit confused, as if she wasn't use to having people talk to her, and now that someone had, she didn't know what to say.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:18 pm

Although Marietta did not support Cho liking Harry, she was still Cho's friend and decided to stand up for her when Fluer ran up to them. After a pause, Cho sniffed, then tearfully began to speak.

"I-I...well...y-", unfortunately, Marietta cut her off.

"That," she said snobbily, "is none of your business." She stalked off, expecting Cho to follow. Instead, Cho gave Fluer an apolegetic look and continued.


I can't believe she didn't come with me!, Marietta thought indignantly. She looked all over the train for any of her other friends and found that they didn't come on the train. While searching for her friends, Marietta had come across a compartant that was completely empty save a two girls sitting by a window.

They seemed nice, Marietta thought brightly as she doubled back to sit with the girls.

((What year are Kaila and Laruna?))
Last edited by Kristina on Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:03 pm

(Kaila's in the third year. And she's not alone, Laruna's in the compartment also.)

Kaila looked towards the door as another girl walked by, then doubled back to sit with her. She blinked. She usually got by unnoticed on the train, but now two girls were sitting by her. She didn't mind, as long as they weren't to noisy, or talked to her much. Which they probably would. She sighed, looking back towards the window.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:19 pm

Luna heaved her trunk into the racks outside the compartments, and skirted around the train, ignoring the whispers and giggles following her easily, entranced by the latest edition of The Quibbler. Absently she walked into the compartement where Harry and Neville sat, and sat down, still staring at the magazine.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:30 pm

((phew! still on/boarding the Hogwarts Express -- sorry I haven't posted.. my computers been acting quite wonky lately >_O))

Adriane trudged through the train, looking for a compartment -- preferably an empty one. Her trunk was getting heavier by the minute, and the book she clutched in her left arm was pleading for her to read it. Arcane Potions for the Truly Gifted was a rather thick potions book her Great-Aunt had given her before her departure for her 6th year at Hogwarts. Finally coming across an empty compartment, Adriane slid open the door and practically threw her trunk into it. Her sleek grey-black cat with one yellow eye and one green eye, Oliver, walked into the room and jumped up onto the seat by the window. Adriane sat down across from Oliver and began reading her book.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:53 pm

Name: Nikolai Minncor
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 6
Looks: Amber eyes, untidy black hair usually seen with a hat on if possible. Broad shoulders, full height is around 5'8" though he usually slouches
History: Adopted by a family in S. Wales, though he doesn't talk about them much, or know where he really came from.
Other: Slightly reluctant lycanthrope, though has an easy to see knack for DATDA. Has a large grey barn owl named Jarek

Nikolai slightly turned his head left and right, trying to search for a compartment without being answered by a glare, or a filled room. His trunk wasn't that heavy, but the weight of Jarek's cage added some to the load. He finally found an empty one, occupied by a solitary bookworm, he opened the door, set his compartment down gently, making sure that Jarek wouldn't be harmed in his too-small cage. Nikolai let himself fall on his cushioned side of the compartment, his strange eyes shifting from the window to the reader every once in a while.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:59 pm

"You can let your owl out of it's cage as long as you promise he won't bother Oliver." Adriane said, not looking up from her book, but gesturing to the seat across from her to her cat. She finished the page and looked up, her blue eyes speckled with their other 'normal' color of yellow.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:04 pm

Nikolai arched an eyebrow, surprised that the bookworm had actually spoken. He glanced over at the hungry owl, and then at the lazy looking cat. "Clearly my owl is rather hungry, and if I were to open my trunk, I could get some food, but then again, if I opened my trunk, odd random belongings of mine would have to be strung out all over the floor to get to said food, therefore, I will not open my trunk." he rambled on purposely, testing to see how tolerant the girl was of him.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:08 pm

"Just open it and get out the food. The owl will only become more agitated if he's hungry and cramped up." She glanced over at Oliver for a moment, and the cat promptly leapt from where he was sitting to the ground then up next to her. He curled up into a ball next to Adriane and she scratched him behind his ear gently. Looking up, she saw that the boy was still sitting in the same spot and the owl was still in it's cage. "Go on. Let him out and get the food."

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:13 pm

Nikolai shook his head, "It's not that important." he sat up, his amber eyes gazing boredly down at his shoes. He glanced back over at the owl for a moment, and rummaged around in the trunk for a little bit, managing to get the food out without having to remove very many items. He set the brown bag beside him, and packed the other things away. The owl flew out the moment the cage was opened, digging its strong talons into the top of the cushion in a graceful perch. Nikolai held the bag close to Jarek's beak, letting him pick out what he wanted. "Your cat wouldn't be so much of a meal though, lest Jarek has the odd nag to begin coughing up hairballs." he hated cats, but did his best at being polite.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:16 pm

Adriane looked up and cocked an eyebrow. A cynical grin spread across her face. "Your bird wouldn't make much of a roast either. Too many feathers, too little meat." Her eyes held a twinkle of laughter in them for a mere moment before they returned to the book.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:55 am

Marietta idly fingered her curly hair as she looked out of the large window. The two girls didn't say much, and by the looks of it, meant to keep it that way. This made her slightly amused. She wanted to do someting, however, to keep her from dying of boredom. Where was Cho anyway?

She'll be coming to find me soon, Marietta told herself. In the meantime...

Marietta grinned at the two girls and introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Marietta Edgecombe, what're yours?"

((Oh, by the way, I fixed that little mishap up there. I didn't realize there were two people in there.))

Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:54 am

Nikolai groaned slightly, "If we keep discussing meat and poultry, it'll make me hungrier than I already am anyway," Jarek fluttered around for a bit, trying to get comfortable with the uncanny movements of the train. Nikolai tilted his head slightly, going over the title of the book with little intrest, "Potions never was my subject, but it suits you." he chuckled, he felt like he was talking to a wall, but it was better than talking to an obnoxious member of some other house.
Last edited by halfbakedbliss on Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:03 am

"Kaila..." Kaila answered. "Gryffindor third year." Again she didn't know what to say. She took a deep breath, and then looked at the other girl, whose name she didn't yet know. "You play Quidditch?"
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