I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:20 pm

John was confused, and his face clearly showed it. He took three strides to the entrance of the cave, and looked out. "What was it, Matfur?" he asked politely.

"If something's going to attack my friends, I'd like to know what it is."

[Ah, stupid idiot. itz j00 hes afta!11!11]

Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:45 pm

Before Matfur could reply the voice of Niamh cut in.

"This is not the time nor place to ask questions master and I assure you right now you have nothing to worry about," she said calmly eying Prince John.

"Matfur, you know what you are best at, keep and eye on these four, you have good eyes and senses for cave-like darkness," Niamh added before turning hastily around and walking deeper into the forest.

With her white robe she looked almost like a ghost wandering between the trees. Bending down she felt the ground with her hand. Footsteps, Niamh thought as she continued to look at her surroundings. No, It could not possibly been him, she continued in her thoughts. The forest they were in at the moment was well known for its small inhabitants, spirits, trolls and dwarves. It wouldn't surprise her if the had followed the group and one had gotten a bit too close in the cave. Niamh felt calm however, these creatures did not harm anyone, they were just utterly curious.

((Bursts creepy stalky man bubble, for the moment, *mwahahaha*))

Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:12 pm

After Niamh left, Matfur looked at the princeling. "I'm not sure what it is...I have only once smelled such a thing...like darkness and betrayal. Bu tone thing is for sure - you do not know all that you should." She murmured so only he could hear.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:12 pm

Harris leapt from branch to branch, tree to tree, until he saw Niamh under him again, looking up at him. "You know what's going on, Niamh. I only know a strange person grabbed Aminta and we seem to be wandering towards nowhere. I may not know you well, but I don't think highly of your hiding anything from the Prince, no matter how good you are. The boy needs to know something, and I know this too," he said loud enough for her to hear. He was glad to have her alone with him for this.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:41 pm

Niamh turned around as if she had been expecting company.

"You may have a feeling of that something is going on, but you let you senses fool you young master Witty. Indeed, if we are going somewhere we must be trying to leave something behind, but what we are avoiding was not was caused trouble tonight. What I am carrying inside will not remain a secret forever, but please, do not question what I do or ask me to put you in more danger than you are in already," she replied to Harris.

A small movement in a bush nearby distracted Niamh. Carefully she bent down to her knees and stretched out her arm. A small creature came forth form the bushes, getting closer to Niamh slowly but steadily. The creature, that now appeared to be some kind of cross between a hare and a dwarf. Before having the chance to reach Niamh’s hand the rumbling of Harris on the branch above scared the creature, making it quickly evade back deep into the forest.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:59 am

Silja wrote:the rumbling of Harris on the branch above scared the creature.

((Rumbling? You saying my character can't quietly balance on a branch? If so, I accuse you of God-Modding.))

Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:18 am

lionheartwitty wrote:
Silja wrote:the rumbling of Harris on the branch above scared the creature.

((Rumbling? You saying my character can't quietly balance on a branch? If so, I accuse you of God-Modding.))

(She may mean this meaning:
Merriam-Webster wrote:3 : to speak in a low rolling tone

in reference to Harris speaking))

Aminta listened to the voices outside; but she only heard snippets of the conversation. "...what's going on Niamh... strange person... Aminta... wandering towards nowhere... hiding anthing from the Prince." she could tell that voice was Harris, but she couldn't make out all of what he was saying. "...have a feeling... trouble tonight... will not remain a secret... do not question..." was what she heard of Niamh's reply.

Aminta peered out at the two. "I suggest you guys get in the cave. It's going to rain any minute, and you'll get drenched." The bird perched on her shoulder twittered in agreement.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:47 am

((Sorry, I'm a bit jumpy after that last place I tried to RP at.))

From the looks of Harris, he felt rather like taking his chances outside, but he quietly nodded to Aminta, "You're right." He then turned to Niamh, smiling a little, conveying that he agreed with the Guardian in ways, but had more to say of this later. The would-be bard pulled out his mandolin and tuned it on his way inside the cave, where he idly plucked out some ambience to get his mind off of his worries in a dark corner. He wanted to know what was going on, but he had said all he could allow himself to say. Another thought in the back of his mind was the shape that had ran into the night that Niamh had watched. He hadn't noticed it until his own lowered voice frightened it causing it to move in retreat, and so the tune he plucked became conspiritorial in nature.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:24 am

((Since Trinity already explained what I meant, I don’t feel a need to repeat it :)))

"Thank you Aminta," Niamh replied, "I'll be right there," she added seeing both Harris and Aminta hurrying back to the others.

The first raindrops feel from the sky, rolling off Niamh’s robe without sinking into the cloth. I'll surely be wet when the heavier rain comes, she thought while pulling out a very small bottle from underneath her robe. Opening with a light pop she stretched it out into the rain and a couple of raindrops fell into it. If one looked closely one could see a silvery powder mix with the water. A heavy glow shone out of the bottle and it started to get warm. Practical science mixed with some magic, Niamh thought smilingly and hurried back to the cave.

Sitting just beneath the entrance to give her shelter from the rain she placed the bottle behind herself.

"The bottle will give us the light we need for the night, and it will warm those who get cold. Just grab the bottle and hold it for a while and it will give you the needed warmth," she explained, "now, we need to rest to have energy for tomorrow, breakfast will be served when you wake up," she added.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:40 pm

Realising that the two guardians were hiding something, John shook his head at Niamh. "Thanks, but it won't be neccasery to make my breakfast. I can get my own."

Under his breath he added, "After all, I am sixteen."

He stepped over to Matfur, and said to her, so that none of the others could hear him, "What should I know? If my friends are to be attacked, I don't care what I have to do to destroy whatever it is."

Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:32 pm

If Harris had known that John was consorting with Matfur, he still would have done nothing. The Prince had choices to make. Harris himself was realizing that he probably had no business knowing anything. He rose and walked over to Niamh. "You're right, milday. Please forgive me for doubting you," he said quietly and respectfully.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:27 pm

"Someone is following you," Matfur replied quietly, "That's all I know- honestly. This is not my homeland, I do not worry myself with the state of affairs here." Then, leaving the prince, Matfur went to Niamh. "Request permission to go and hunt during your watch," she said with a half-bow.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:49 pm

"Thank you master Witty," Niamh replied, "I appreciate that."

Feeling comforted by Harris' friendly approach Niamh felt more certain than before that John had found true friends who would remain by his side alongside Niamh. Before the troublesome Matfur was brought into her head she heard her voice asking for permission to leave the group.

"Keep an eye on more than just prey, you might stumble upon valuable information," Niamh answered without turning her head to look at Matfur.

"I'll expect you to be back in three hours," she added thoughtfully.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:30 pm

Witty gazed out at the horizon, on which Matfur quickly made herself scarce. "I'd feel more at ease sharing your watch, if you don't mind that, milady," he offered. He watched Niamh's eyes and waited for her reply.

Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:37 pm

Matfur darted about on all fours, her spear in her great fox maw. She was silent in the forest, tracking the scent of a rabbit. There it was, just ahead of her. She pounced- but a noise made her stop. A slight rustle in the leaves. Only an owl or hawk, she told her self, then pounced again at the rabbit. She was almost on top of the animal when a hand grabbed her by the back of the neck, and a rope quickly followed. The fox screamed for her life, a shriek of pure fear, high pitched and loud. The rope did not come off, the hand did not let go, and she panicked. She only hoped one of the group had heard her, as thoughts of her enemies flooded her mind...

((Creepy stalky guy or foes from Matfur's past? Will shall soon know...*twilight zone-style music*))
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