I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:28 am

Enya gently floated down from her branch and picked up a leaf on the ground and smiled sweetly. "Today's an important day, shall we start it with a little melody?"

Enya placed the leaf between her lips, closed her eyes and blew a cheerful tune.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:29 am

Rae smiled in thanks to Enya. She listened to the tune, letting it catch the sunlight, seeing the melody before hearing it. She carefully smoothed a hair that was out of place, her excitement soothed a bit with the melody, but not at all muted.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:56 am

((Whoops, you've all gone and started while I was busy yesterday... ah well, at least you haven't left yet.))

Issai grinned as she spurred the wild horse on, he was a beautiful creature with light brown fur and a silky white mane and tail. Issai had found him when he was a foal, he had gotten stuck in a murky swamp and she had pulled him to safety. She'd named him Nabar, and even though he was wild, she considered him her horse.

Issai had woken before the sun that morning and, too excited to continue sleeping, she had used her whistle to call Nabar and taken him for a ride. By now the sun had risen and she expected the others were awake, and no doubt jumping about because of their excitement.

Rounding the last cluster of trees, Issai emerged in the clearing where the others were talking amongst themselves. Tugging at Nabar's mane gently, Issai slowed down and grinned at everyone, "Morning everyone! Are you all ready for today?"

Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:01 pm

Eithne heard the sound of hoofbeats over Enya's sweet melody, and turned to see Issai coming towards them atop Nabar. As she slowed to greet them, Eithne smiled up at her.

"Well, half these ninnies have forgotten!" she cried, in mock indignation. Stepping forward slowly, she extended a cautious hand towards Nabar's cheek, entranced, as always, by the beautiful creature.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:08 pm

Paradox looked at Eithne. He didn't feel like taking her seriously right now, so he said, "Hey! I'm not a ninny. How rude!" He stuck his tongue out at her jokingly.

Paradox patted Nabar's mane. "He's a very handsome horse," he said, dreamily. "I know I say it every time I see him, but he really is a handsome horse."

There was a pause. "Can I have him?"

A wolf trotted up to the group, barking at Paradox in indignation. "Oh. Sorry, Nya. I love you really." Paradox knelt beside his 'dog' and cuddled him around the neck.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:38 pm

She eyed her for a moment. "You want me to smack you with my book dont you? Keep it up and watch what happens Eithne."

Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:58 pm

((sorry, internet was down, i'll be active now.))

Isaac ran towards them, towards Enya's music, very wet and rather sleepy looking. "Hullo!" He said cheerily once he reached the group, "Am I-" he yawned rather sleepily, "late?" He broke off into silence, watching an insect, wondering all the vast things one can wonder about insects.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:39 pm

Rae looked up at the sun in the sky. "We should probably all finish packing up for the journey." She said, rather quietly. The sun's rays warmed her and she smiled once more. "You're not that late Isaac..." she said smiling, quieter still. She breathed in deeply, smelling the beautiful morning air, she would always love being an elf; and a light one at that.

Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:45 am

Enya finished her few last notes and closed her eyes. A breeze of wind blew towards her, bringing her long, light hair up again. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Seeing so many people are here, Enya felt shy again, but decided the best she can do is stand there for a while and try to be a bit more outgoing. "I'm glad everyone's here, we can start on out jouney, no?" Her eyes gleamed hopefully at everyone. "So, where are we heading first?"

Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:10 am

Issai smiled as everyone petted Nabar, all of them were great friends here, and she often let some of the others ride on Nabar with her.

Suddenly, a sad thought came to mind and she frowned slightly, "Hey, Eithne. Do you think I'll be allowed to take Nabar with me on this journey? I mean, I'm sure he'll come in handy, he can carry some supplies and if we get tired of walking we can ride him."

Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:06 pm

Paradox glanced at Issai, and then said, "Yes, of course he can come! I'm taking Nya." He gestured to his wolfhound, who barked and nipped his ankles playfully. Paradox sighed. "I hate it when he does that."

Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:51 pm

Eithne considered Issai's question for a moment before answering.

"Well, Nytre didn;t say anything about it," she said, referring to the valley's shaman, the powerful witch-woman who had forseen their journey. "So I'll bet you can take Nabar. And Nya too," she added, looking at Paradox.

Just as she finished speaking, an elderly man approached the group. He moved with suprising speed and elegance for all his age.

"Nytre desires your presence." he said, facing Eithne but addressing the entire group. "You may finish your preparations after you met with her."

Eithne nodded, turning and walking towards the Pavillion where all important meetings were hed. Not all of the Destined had been in the group, but she trusted Denzyr, the elder, to find them all.

Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:44 pm

Paradox followed Eithne, Nya barking playfully and running ahead of them both. "Well, at least someone remembered!" Paradox said, pointing at Nya. He was obviously extremely excited about something. He had picked up the fact that most in the group were excited, and thus become happy himself.

Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:24 am

Issai grinned and immediately tapped Nabar in the sides with her heels. He immediately set off towards the Pavillion. When they reached the Pavillion Issai leapt off Nabar, using her wings to balance herself as she spun in the air. "I'm so excited!" She cheered, pumping a fist into the air.

Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:53 am

Enya's eyes widened and her cheeks became rosy; she was cheerful. Following the crowd, she picked up a leaf and sat herself on it. She floated in the wind along with the crowd, enjoying the clear, summer breeze.

"I think it's going to be a great day. Wonder what she's going to say to us. I can't wait to get started."
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