I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:25 pm

Claire Dubois lugged her two large suitcases into room 2-10. She grunted as she heaved the duffle bag that was on her shoulder onto the bed.
Always quick to organize, she tryed to unzip one of the suitcases but to her disdain and fustration she realized the zipper had broken. She swiped her hand across the top and it ripped.
You see, Claire had a special gift. She could cut and destroy things with a single touch and a bit of concentration. But also, she could just as easily repair and even heal people's wounds with it.
Though many would count it as a blessing, she despised her gift. Claire used to go to a public school in Paris, and in order to not be labeled a freak and be outcast from her social society, she had to hide it, which was très difficile. After a mistaken outburst of built up power, her irritated and resentful mother sent her off to this boarding school for kids with gifts, such as hers, or as Claire liked to say, curses.
Other than her power, Claire like a normal 16 year old girl. She was very thin, underweight even, but only because her metabolism was very fast. She long, slightly wavy red hair, that was always up in a bun, with the few stray pieces held back with a single bobby pin. She was wearing a cashmere creme sweater and light coloured jeans. She had black three-inch heels on, making her height 5 foot six inches.
She finished putting her clothes away in the dressers and slid her suitcases under the bed.
Claire heard a ruckus going out in the hallway and realized she did not want to get involved. She got out her favourite book, Fantôme de l'opéra, by Gaston Leroux and began to read it for the umpteenth time. She loved to imagine herself in the place of Christine Daae, the young chorus girl. Claire loved to sing, and her voice was like crystal. Pretending to be Christine was the little bliss she had.
Last edited by Jenna! on Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:48 pm

Rena? I should get to know her next... Like he was invited to do, he stepped inside. As Joseph placed his foot in the room the colours suddenly darkened and he saw blood accross the walls. Next to his heart beating dangerously fast he heard a woman scream. Once again he got confronted with his fear of new rooms. Just keep still and Hevel wont even notice. He closed his eyes really hard until the female voice dissappeared. When he reopened them he saw Hevel standing in front of him, in the normal room again. He also saw a flame.

Joseph smiled. "Nice power!" he said. Though some of the inhabitants of this school considered it a curse or an unwanted power, Joseph got pretty used to his power already and was happy he had it. Well... he didn't have the most annoying power ever, he could shut it off and on whenever he wished. The only negative side is his fear. He tried to grab the flame with his invisible arms and tried to make a ball out of the fire. "Ouch!" He said because after a miniscul second he felt the ball was getting too hot to hold. Weird... he thought I thought I couldn't feel temperature through my invisible force...

Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:03 pm

"The heat is regulate using my mind and thusly it affects both mental and physical touch if it's too hot, or atleast thats how it was explained to me." Hevel gave a meek smile noticing Joseph's unease, "What troubles you?" He started pouring hot water into his kettle this tme for some coffee and pulled a percolater out of his bag along with a bag of fresh coffee beans and a coffee grinder."Would you like some coffee? I make it black."
Last edited by only_shades_of_grey on Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:10 pm

Alex was laughing as Rena tried to apologize to Hevel. "That was hystarical," he said quietly, not wanting Rena to read his thoughts. "Just as long as I talk quietly, she won't read my mind. She won't apologize. I won't offer her tea. She won't splatter it all over my tidy room." And that was true. In fact, there was nothing in it. Not even a bed. He just slept on the floor. "Just like camping, except there's a roof over my head, I'm not in a tent, and there are no camp songs. "Lucky Rena, I can't even strain the hearing out. I'm doomed to eternity with this lame power. All I do when I try is I experience a tornado-like vision, like when you spin around a lot, and faint for a few days. Let me do it right now so she won't read my thoughts." Then his vision was spining around and then... darkness. Then, slowly, he envisioned Claire(no, not Claire Dubois, somebody else), his old school girlfriend, saying as he left against his will to his new school,"I'll always remember you," followed by a teary kiss and then...nothing. He woke up with a start to see he was only unconscious for one minute. He hadn't tried hard enough. "Oh well," he said to himself,"I guess I'll need to see how she does it. Maybe tomorrow, because I can hear her snoring right now." So he laid down and recited everything that went on in the mile radius. "Thankfully this school is longer than a mile." Then he fell asleep and dreamed of how he had been forced to go to this school.
Last edited by 11neoman on Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:22 am

"Yes thanks," he said silently. "W-What troubles me?" He sighed, explaining his fear is very hard, not only do people often not understand it, mostly of the time they tried to help but usually made it even worse. "It's nothing. I just feel very tired." In time he might explain it. On another day, just not today. He took a step forward and stepped inside some of the tea on the floor. "What the..." he said quietly. "Erm... I think you spilled something here."

Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:21 am

"You lie. oh that was from... earlier" He started to space as he put the kettle on and started to grind the beans. He reached out for nothing he grazed his hand against the kettle "FUUU....nk monkies..." Hevel grabbed his hand and inspected it not to bad. He shook his head and poured the now ground coffee into the filter for the percolater(sp?).

Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:57 am

Joseph laughed as Hevel nearly said a bad word. He felt pretty useless at this moment, so he decided to walk around a bit, inspecting the walls (just to seem busy) "So... are you new here?" he asked after a few seconds. "'Cause you haven't decorated your room a lot already."

Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:25 pm

"No I've been here for ages and ages." Sarcasm dripped from the words, "Sorry, I'm a little bitter over the fact that I'm here. The shi..p heads that run the place where I live say that I attract danger and leave destructing in wake." he makes a scoffing sound and continues "They're just smurfed that I lit one of the council members toupe on fire, but thats what he gets for hitting on my sister I mean christ shes 15 and he's like 40!" He makes a gagging motion. "Sorry 'bout the rambling so how did you get stuck here, 'cause it seems like the majority of people here didn't opt to be here."

Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:05 pm

"My older brother wanted me to go here. My parents are dead since I was only 4 and ever since then my older brother takes care of me. He said I have a 'talent' that I should develop... blah blah blah... so he sends me to this school." He lifted his shoulders. "Doesn't matter really for me. Now that I'm here I'm going to try and make it as fun as possible." It was strange how he could talk easier about his parents then about his fear. "I haven't been out of my room a lot. What's there to do here?" He was getting kind of bored, as he nearly read every book a few times already.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:18 pm

"How should I know I got here today?" He responded without thinking, "Sorry, I've travelled across the country to get here and I'm fairly jetlagged, not to mention I haven't slept in about 73," he checks his whatch "Nope make that 75 hours. I suffer from insomnia, and right now is the phase where I start feeling the effects of sleep deprivation... like hallucination." He picked up the percolator and poured the coffee into two mugs and some how managed to cover half of the desk in the freshly made coffee. "Here, I think I have some of those little cream pakety things and some sugar in my bag if you want it." Hevel states as he hands Joseph his mug.

Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:53 am

"No thanks" he replied silently while taking the mug. He took a sip of it but immidiatly spit it out on the floor, next to the tea. "AACK I almost burned my tongue!" He then looked at the coffee spot on the floor. "Oh dear... Bad day for you... First the tea and now this..." He didn't know what to do. Nowhere he saw some kind of tissue so he could clean it with and going back to his room was not something he wanted to do. He still felt a bit sick from his previous fear-attack. Let's just stand still, perhaps he will take something he can clean with...

Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:27 pm

"Does no one understand that coffee and tea are hot?!?!" Hevel grabbed a twl off the desk and started ceening up the freshly spit out coffee. He rubbed the bridge of his noes when he got done. "Please, sit down." he gestured to the bed.

Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:51 pm

Embarrassed he sat down on the bed and took another sip. Whoops... nearly forgot how hot it was.. swallow quickly... with a loud noise he swallowed the coffee. "So... who do you know already from here? I hear a few voices often but didn't really get out and see them already."

Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:13 pm

"Ummm just Rena really..." He flopped down on the bed next to joseph. "I'm surprisd your not some budding socialite I mean with all the bright colours you wear." He added jokingly, "seriously though what was the matter with you when you came into my room, do I freak you out?" He took a sip of the fresh coffee and felt the caffeine kick in almost immediately.

Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:01 am

Daniel walked confidently along the hall, towards room 2-17. Two miniture dinosaurs followed him, playfully wrestling. However, if any watchers had tryed to touch them, their hands would have gone straight through. They were mirages, created and controlled by Daniel's mind. He had a second power, that to make himself immaterial. He could temporarily turn invisible, and be able to walk through walls. He heard some annoyingly loud music, coming from dorm 2-12. well, he wouldn't have to put up with it. He kept walking, until he reached his dorm. He was lucky-the boy in 2-16 was quiet. hopefully, he wouldn't get another singer in 2-18. feeling to lazy to use the doorknob, he walked through the door and materialized on the other side. dropping his heavy suitcase, he collapsed onto his bed and watched lizards crawl around the ceiling. Finally, he let the dinosaurs and lizards evaporate and went to sleep.
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