I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:27 pm

Eta tapped her fingers impatiently, fixing the hologram with a lazy stare. She affected complete ignorance of the others until he had finished yammering on. She knew Meiou was here...what did he think of this?

"Cut to the point. I'm sure we'd all like to know why we're really here." She nodded to the others.

Thu Jun 24, 2004 11:12 pm

What was he thinking of all this. He wasnt sure what this mission or such that he was wanted for was about but if they were willing to do what they said they would. He was quite tempted to take their offer if they would give him that sword. Other then that he wasnt sure what the problem was he was rather used to the way things went on around here.

Fri Jun 25, 2004 2:05 am

Amaya nodded thoughtfully and ended her inspection of Mr. White as the elevator came to a smooth halt and the doors slid open. She stepped across the slightly arced bridge, glancing somewhat sceptically from one side to the other at the buzz of activity going on at the headquarters. “So clean and orderly…the person who runs this place must be a real nut job,” she muttered.

She came to the door Mr. White had indicated and stepped inside, noting the array of figures already within. Quite the motley lot, she thought to herself, Now what does that say about me?

Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:16 am

Acqua meandered throughout the halls. She, or rather he, tried to find where everyone was gathered in this labyrinthine building. He turned a corner, passing by a glass window. There was a red-haired man talking to someone. He looked extremely familiar to Voulrath. As he continued to walk, he bumped into Amaya.

Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:20 pm

"Please Ms. Eta," the hologram replied, "Be reasonable, you will be told all once you actually attend the meeting, now if you please," the elevator hit ground floor again and opened, "Step inside?"

Mr. White paused as he ran Meiou's request through several analysis'. After a moment of deliberation, he sighed, "Very well, you will be given the sword, but only for the duration of the mission. Once it is over, the sword will be returned to us, by any means necessary."

"Ms. Amaya and Ms. Acqua are in the hall sir," Mr. White informed Phalan.

"Good, send them in," he replied as two chairs came from the ceiling.

Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:35 pm

Meiou smirked and responded "Very well then you have my services." He couldnt wait to try out the sword let alone wait to see what they would do to get it back.

LilEdit: Please write 3 sentences of RP.

Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:43 pm

Mr. White's gaze became slightly stern, "Be warned criminal," he said, displaying an unusual amount of scorn for a computer, even one with an emotional grid, "Do not try to double cross us, we are dealing with forces greater than even the Th'meil, this mission is not to be taken lightly. Remember, try anything and if we don't get you, the Th'meil will..." The hologram turned and walked towards the door, it opened and two gaurds stepped in, "Please escort Mr. Meiou to Main Control, and send someone to bring up Experiment 5."

"Experiment 5?" one asked, "But sir."

"That's an order solider," Mr. White responded.

"Yessir," the gaurd said, then turned to Meiou, "Come with us."

Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:34 pm

Jaque began to get really impatiant. he began to tap his fingers impaitiantly on the smooth metal surface of the chair. He began crossing his legs over and over, witht the suspicion of Phalans eye watching over him.
"sorry to be rude, but i really.. really need the toilet"
[because for some reason they dont have these supertoilets that sprinkle nice colours when you flush.. Toilets in 3000=basic]
Phalan nodded, and Jaque rushed out of his seat, and headed out the door, and towards the elevator in a rush. he didnt notice That white and two uniformed soldiers walking out a door, with a red haired person coming out.. he reached the eleavtor and repeatingly tapped the buttton of the elevator fast enough to at least be holding a manual gun and shooting at a rate of 12 bullets a second [i dont know why.. but it doesnt make any sense at all]. the elevator noise could be heard, and Jaque was resorting to dancing to stop himself from doing a No;1 all over his suit. the noise from the elevator slowly escalated and a ping was celebrated by him almost after trying to ripping the doors open [which he tried to do, but didnt work]. and was greeted by Mr.White and a woman he didnt recognize.

[although i would suggest if Atawould like to get out the way unless she wants to be chucked out the elevator] :roll:

Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:10 pm

Meiou shrugged "Your not exactly one to be talking White after all it was me that killed your physical body. I know really that i should be warned but seriously im surprised you didnt ask how i knew about it."He was then getting up as his escort came in an started to escort him from the room.

Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:15 am

Amaya turned, startled, and fixed Aqua with an angry, green-and-gold stare. She didn’t like being touched. However, she quickly recovered and smiled a lopsided half smile as if in apology. “You’re certainly in a hurry,” she commented dryly, “Going the same place I am?” She pointed to the door.

Sat Jun 26, 2004 5:07 am

"I guess so." replied Acqua. "I got a call to come here..." she continued, hoping Amaya knows what he is talking about.

Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:02 pm

Eva reached the M.A.G.I HQ with a scowl.

She walked over to the nearest official and said grumpily, "What the heck is so important that you needed me here in the middle of the night?"

She tapped her foot impatiently.

((Ack... sorry I forgot about this RP!))

Sat Jun 26, 2004 6:14 pm

"Don't push me White. I of all people know why Meiou is here, and why you want us, so just don't...even try it." She finished bitterly, biting her lip.

((Sorry, are we supposed to all be meeting a one room? (apart from meiou) - can we just skip to us all being briefed? I think it would save confusion DB. ))

Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:36 am

Kaila blinked. She had evidently come in on the middle of the whole thing, but this... place... was definately where she was supposed to go. Otherwise, how would they know her name? She hesitantly sat down in the chair she was offered, nodding her thanks.

She had no clue what they were talking about, except for the parts about the Th'meil. Those parts she understood perfectly fine, she thought so, anyways. She shuddered, but it wasn't exactly cold where she was sitting.

Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:53 pm

[[Is Earth still open or did you just forget to mark it?]]
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