I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:26 pm

With the sound of his name being called Christoph spun round, his cape swishing in the breeze, unfortunatley right into the wind so the cape tried to go for his face. After settling the cape down he looked down and asked, "Yes, what brings you to me Miss?" It was one of those black robed people again, but she didn't look as evil up close as from across the street. She was quite a figure to look at infact.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:36 am

Merle kneeled next to Eo. He grasped the youngster and carefully lifted him from the ground.

"I'll better get you a room and a doctor."

He hoped sincerly he wasn't doing more damage by lifting the boy. Merle himself wasn't that aquinted with medical aid. He knew, though, that moving the person in question could be risky.

'Can't leave him here, though...'

Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:22 pm

*Eo considered for a moment escaping from the man, good as his intentions were... if a doctor were to inspect her wounds then the disguise would be undone, and perhaps all would be revealed. Yet feeling the quaking feeling inside Eo knew it was no good.*

Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:25 pm

Meiou hummed to himself quietly as he helped out Sheridan getting the customers in his line what they had ordered and letting them go and with those who hadnt paid yet took their payment. When bending over to put some of the money in the till and remove the change the person had coming she might notice that royal signet ring on a chain falling out of his tunic. What might be her reaction to knowing this person helping her out was royalty of some kind.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:03 pm

Sheridan looked at the signet. She knew the pattern on it was of the royal line.... Thoughts swam through her mind, unsure of what to make of the ring. "Is he a theif? Did he steal it from a noble? Murderer? Did he rip it off the body of a noble he murdered..? Maybe he's royalty..? But why would he be helping...." A customer had placed an order while she was thinking. Shaking her head minutely, as if to throw those thoughts out, she rather embarassedly asked the customer to repeat their order.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:24 pm

He took the change and quickly tucked the ring back into his tunic before he stood back up giving the customer their change. "Please come again." He was a noble a prince at that though he didnt like to throw it around unlike most of royal blood. He cared about the people and helped them in his own ways for most if they knew he was a prince would think he was doing it to help his familys name.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:00 am

Merle had finally managed to get to his tiny house. Leaving behind some angry housewives (because he practically over-run them) and some irritated merchants (don't place your wares so close to the ground... In fact, he stepped into a box of tomatoes).

The youngster he was holding, was limiting his sight. Merles arms now also felt wet and sticky.. Blood. He sighed, some way or another, he got into the house and left Eo on a couch. In the meantime, he left the living room to get some bandages.

When Merle was gone, a white dove, carrying a message, landed on the window-sill.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:46 pm

*Eo let her eyes wander, and catching sight of a dove with a scroll fastened to its leg, whispered to it. "Dove... white dove, come down here... what message do you bear?"*

WhiteEdit: Please follow the 3 sentence rule.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:29 pm

((I'm assuming our chars know each other Chris...>_> ))

She drew back her hood, smiling in an almost childish manner.

"It's me, you dollop, Eta. Want to go for a drink? I've got some information on the festivities..." She added in a heavy undertone, arching an eyebrow.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:35 am

[Just remember, I'm a guard, I know you somehow but I didnt get your letter]

[Also, just for everyone, I've decided to put conversation in bold and thoughts in italics so you don't confuse them]

"What? Oh, gods, sorry. You look so much...older from the last time I saw you, especially in your 'professions' getup." Christoph sighed and blushed slighty realising how stupid he had been, everytime something took his interest, in this case the ball, his mind set only on that subject. "I'd love to go for a drink Eta, unfortunately I just spent the little money I had on me for this mask, I somehow forgot to get one earlier." Christoph pulled the mask out of his bag and held it to his face, "How do I look?" he said striking a pose.

"Oh yeah, whats this about the festivities anyway, Gossip?"

Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:43 am

((Bleh, feeling slightly sick. Ear pain and such. :( Plus I am being kept hostage by the new kitten. Can only press one button a time. :) ))

The dove took little steps, but didn't fly away. It pecked absently.

The letter noted;


it seems the stakes are getting higher. I personally agree that the Ball is the right place to 'meet'.

I and my men are ready. If our rendez-vous fails to get the attention of the King. I suggest we meet in the outher forest ring.

My sincere greetings,


Merle, in meantime, rummaged through a large wooden chest. Finally he retrieved some white bandages and herbs. The cat of the neighbours sprang out, mewing loudly. Merle pushed her aside and began to step back to the living room.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:41 pm

((Hokey coky. Didn't know you were a guard.))

Eta grinned again, something rare for her.
"I may look older, but you're still a complete innocent Chris. Don't worry, I've money on me."
She considered the mask while pulling him into the street.
"Suits you. Accentuates your eyes.." She said jokingly, sticking out her tongue.

Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:35 am

Laurelyn watched the pair from across the street, fascinated. Well, she didn't know either of them, though something about the woman's purple cloak seemed like she should have known her, probably a person of some stature, but she had caught the name "Eta" - that would be enough to tell at the ball, that she had a name and was so obviously flirting with someone of such low stature. Well, no, that wouldn't do, that was so commonplace a tale, if not a reality... Laurelyn put her mask on the barrel beside her and walked closer to get within suitable earshot.

Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:06 am

Meiou finished helping out Sherdian and told her if she needed him again he would be at the Nightfall Inn further into town. He started out of the shop not realizing again his ring was out of his tunic he was carrying his pack on one shoulder and then his costume and mask in the other Laurelyn would proboly see this. He was namely wondering what he would do when he got to the inn.

Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:26 am

*Eo's mind strove to understand what was happening as she scanned the letter... Miamar had taught her to read, and though it had been long ago she understood the writing. Hearing the returning footsteps of Merle, Eo scrambled to return the message to the dove who was sitting patiently on the the arm of the couch. Yet her few seconds of work before Merle returned was sloppy and painful, so to any experienced eye it was apparent the letter had been read. The dove now clutched the message in his beak, sitting on Eo's knee and thoroughly confused.*
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