I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:53 pm

Ginny Weasley walked through the train, looking for people she knew. She paused outside one carriage, hearing familar voices coming from it. Opening the door, she saw her brother's best friend, Harry, Neville, Luna, and a girl she recognised as Gabrielle Delacour inside.

"Hey guys!" She said. "Room for one more in here?"

She pulled her trunk inside the compartment without waiting for an answer.

((My bad Dawn, I didn't read it properly :P))
Last edited by Alex on Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:58 pm

((Gabrielle is in that compartment as well, Alex. :P))

Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:57 pm

Neville grinned slightly as Luna sat down. At least she didn't care what people thought of her. Not like some people, he reminded himself in disgust. Because he hadn't bought anything to do on the train, thinking it best when he had a hard enough time remembering the stuff he had to bring, he amused himself in the back cover of the Quibbler:

"Find a Brazillian Bugbear and Win 500 Galleons!"

They'd given up on the Crumple Horned Snorlacks then, at long last. Just then, with his head at a slightly strange angle, trying to read upsude down, Ginny walked in. He looked up, clicking his neck in what was possibly the most painful way in history. He blushed.

"Um, yeah, I guess so.." He trailed off as he saw that she hadn't really wanted an answer.

((Don't ask about the Bugbear. I'm just slightly hyper :oops: ))

Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:25 pm

Gabrielle nodded to the red headed girl who had just entered the compartment. No one seemed to want to talk to her, so she amused herself by humming a short tune and looking sadly out the window. If only Fluer hadn't been hired as a teacher at Hogwarts. Then, Gabrielle would be off in a Beauxbatons carriage, along with other people she knew. Most wizards in her area attending Beauxbatons- or at least they would in the future. Yet, Gabrielle had been sent to Hogwarts with her sister. She glanced around at the compartment full of strangers, sighed deeply, and continued staring out the window, hoping someone would talk to her or at least acknowledge her.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:45 pm

((Pooh....Dawn! Talk to Cho already! :P Yeah, I'm slightly bored cause I'm still waiting for dialogue from two characters.))

Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:48 pm

Fluer looked at Cho for a minute.

"Why did you run away? If it was because of ze kissing, it's a French tradition. Harry is merely sixteen, and I'm an adult. Think about it."

Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:41 pm

Laruna looked up at the other girl who had just come in, and tried to smile.

"Laruna," she said, "Fifth year, Ravenclaw. I don't play Quidditch...I'm not very good."

She looked away suddenly as she remembered the awkward incident which had happened in the first year -- the broom seemed to not listen to her at all and she was still trying to mount it while the others were already up in the air and flying. At least she had dropped that subject now...

Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:41 pm

Marietta smiled sympathetically at Laruna.

"Oh, I'm not that good at Quidditch either. I had accidently flown my broom upside down once while trying to turn." She smiled, remembering the incident. "I'm in 7th year, but I'm a Ravenclaw too. I think it's odd that we hadn't known each other before now."

She leaned back into her seat and stretched luxouriously.

To Kaila, Marietta said, "What about you? Do you play Quidditch?"

Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:29 pm

Kaila shook her head no. "Can't practice too often, so I have a lot of trouble being beater or whatever. I live with muggles, so I can't exactly zoom around on a broom."

Kaila was alright on a broom, she'd never exactly fallen off or done something stupid on one, but she wanted a little more practice before actually going long distances or playing Quidditch or something like that.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:57 am

Adriane grinned, "I don't mean to brag.. But I am a potions master." Marking the page with a crimson silk ribbon and closed her book. She looked at Nikolai and spoke, "So what's your 'specialty' then? Judging by your build.. Something.. Active. Quidditch, maybe?" She glanced out the window, then looked back at Nikolai, "Have you got a broom?" Her eyes seemed to widen and something gleamed in them as she spoke again, "I've always wanted to fly through the Forbidden Forest..." Realizing what she just said, she dropped her gaze from Nikolai's and stared out the window puzzled as to what made her confess this to a complete stranger.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:03 am

Nikolai laughed, "Try Defense Against The Dark Arts, people get too worked up over sports, especially Quidditch." he leaned back against the cushion, letting his head get comfortable, "I haven't got a broom, but I've heard that the Forbidden Forest is rather beautiful at night." his amber eyes attempted to contemplate the ceiling as Jarek gave several low hoots, indicating that he no longer wanted food.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:28 am

Adriane laughed as Nikolai's comment on Quidditch. Her father was a seeker for his house back in the day. "My father was a chaser, and my brothers were beaters and keepers.. My mother was a keeper too. I suppose it might run in our family.. But I've never actually played Quidditch outside of my family, and even then I never made a very good chaser." Adriane shrugged. "I prefer just to ride my broom, not attack someone for a ball on it." Oliver purred loudly as Adriane stroked his back with her long elegant fingers. "The Forest is beautiful at night.. Though I've never been closer to it than the window at that time.." She looked down at Oliver and a grin appeared on her face. Not as a human I haven't... she added to herself. Looking over at Jarek, Adriane let out a short laugh. "I know your owl's name.. But I don't know yours.." She looked over at Nikolai and smiled. "I'm Adriane.. This is Oliver." she said, gesturing to her purring cat.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:31 am

Nikolai's yellow eyes focused on hers, "Nikolai Minncor, I see you've met my owl." he said sarcastically. He wasn't really paying much attention to her talk about Quidditch, but acted like he did. "Brooms are too rich for my blood." he laughed, taking on an old muggle expression. Jarek flew on top of his cage, peering over at Adriane curiously. "Besides, I have enough things to do to start worrying about who won what Quidditch game."

Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:07 am

Adriane grinned again. "I don't actually follow through with games or anything, but occasionally I do get dragged off to the World Cup.." she rolled her eyes at a past memory. Picking up Oliver and setting him on top of her book, she adjusted herself so that she could strech out her legs for the long trainride ahead. "So what house and year are you?" Adriane asked, "I'm a Ravenclaw sixth year."

Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:47 pm

"Ravenclaw, Year 6." he replied, "I tend to try and avoid the public eye, I haven't seen you around much either." he exhaled deeply, on the borderlines of a sigh. Jarek got a new perch, Nikolai's right shoulder, he seemed to enjoy it, ruffling his feathers and giving some hoots. "You have a curious cat." he muttered, glancing at the tabby. "And please don't come back with a comment about my owl, we spent the last few minutes doing that." he laughed. He suddenly arched an eyebrow slowly, after his eyes had switched between cat and owner several times, but, he decided not to speak the odd similarities he found.
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