I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:04 am


Screaming again. It rang in James' ears. He felt nothing.

He looked around quickly to notice a man in a mask bandishing a crossbow.

He had heard stories of the Deformed Raven Hunter that wears a mask.
'Is that Merle?' He asked himself.

He looked to where he was pointing the crossbow. A vampire, he had a hostage. Without thinking he'd ran at topspeed and recovered the girl. This was done in a flash.

"YOU HAVE A CLEAR SHOT! GO FOR IT!" He shouted to Merle over the screaming.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:03 pm

Merle had 'clicked' open the crossbow, now uncovered. The bow itself had two 'stands', one for one arrow, one to fire three at the same time. At the momentum, he had but it on, so it would fire three. Hitting at least two of the advancing group.

When he heard another shout, he shifted his attention. More as a reflex.

His finger quickly switched stances, and one arrow flew away. Hitting the leader.

The arrow was wooden, and the shot had been clear. Straight in the vampire's heart.

Dust flew all around, as the vampire crumbled.

Who the heck is that?

Merle got only a few seconds to finish his thought. When the group of four jumped him. He smacked against the wall behind him.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:08 pm

[CD, I just wanted to ask you a question: if Arrow doesn't like Anka all that much, I doubt he would appoint him as an officer. Also, CD, Arrow might not have appointed Seria for a completely different reason to what you're thinking... I just feel you're doing some /slight/ GMing...]

Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:37 pm

"Alright, I will have an accident then. I will use one of the empty rooms here for my hiding spot. Someone needs to make sure Erik doesn't come in. I assume one of you will tell me when our job is done. For the ambush, if I am needed I will participate, someone will have to inform me of when that will happen."

Gaglore smiled. He liked the way this was turning out. If the other vampires could pull this off with out his help, was his only worry.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:54 pm

Anubis wrote:[CD, I just wanted to ask you a question: if Arrow doesn't like Anka all that much, I doubt he would appoint him as an officer. Also, CD, Arrow might not have appointed Seria for a completely different reason to what you're thinking... I just feel you're doing some /slight/ GMing...]

((No Liv, Those are all Anka's own views no-one elses. I thought that was clear as I didn't say nobody knew why she was an Officer I said:
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:Anka knew there was a reason Seria was an officer. After all she was too quick tempered and when she wasn't angry she was in that annoying vulcan mode.

Also I was saying that Anka hated them /not/ Arrow, and if Arrow doesn't like him then maybe Anka has something different to bring to the Job than everyone else such as the fact that he is good at luring people to do his bidding, he's a quick thinker e.t.c. I think I've defended my RPing skills enough now So I'll get back to RPing shall I?))
"Just leave it to us Gaglore. We'll take care of it. Shall I go and spread word of your demise?" Asked Anka, itching to get the plan into action.
James saw the Vampires jump Merle.

Again he ran. In a flash he was by them. He dragged one off of him and again squeezed decapitating it.

All of a sudden, another vampire jumped on top of him knocking him to the ground...

Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:58 am

[Uh, yeah, but you wrote "knew", not "thought". This shows that it isn't Anka's views.]

Arrow held up a hand to stop Anka. "No," he said thoughtfully. "No, I do believe that a public scene will work even better." He turned to Gaglore. "What do you think?"

Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:33 am

((I meant that in a differant context. I mean it in the way like when say I knew there was a reason I hang around with you, or I knew there was a reason I liked this programme e.t.c now Liv, can you please stop it so we may get on with the RP?))

Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:44 am

((It was a little how I saw Serai too. I didn't mind.:) ))

Merle was struggling. With all his might, he was trying to push one of the vampires away. The other, tried to scratch him with his claws, but due to Merle's all round clothing, didn't manage.

This is no good. I have to guide the tension away from me, not fight against it..

In a sudden move, he released all opposion, sliding down against the wall. The vampire was taken by surprise and stumbled over him, against the wall.

Merle lifted his crossbow up, shooting upwards. The blow was quite hard, and lethal.

Yet the other one.. jumped at him.

Where was the third? And the fourth?

The youngster that had saved the girl.. It became clear to Merle..

Another Raven hunter!

In flash, he saw the other, fighting with another vampire. Merle lifted his bow, but before he could aim very well. The vampire jumping at the masked youngster, slammed into him.

The arrow only grazed the vampire attacking James.

Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:00 pm

.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:((I meant that in a differant context. I mean it in the way like when say I knew there was a reason I hang around with you, or I knew there was a reason I liked this programme e.t.c now Liv, can you please stop it so we may get on with the RP?))

[I wasn't carrying it on, but to me it was slight GMing. Please don't say what Arrow has done in the past because he might have his own opinions. Thanks. :)]

Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:36 pm

Gaglore thought about this. Yes, a public seen would be better.

"Hmm, yes I do think a public seen would be good. That way if there are any other vampires around they may see what we are doing, and think of us as heroes. And who doesn't want to be a hero?"

Gaglore chuckled. He did that even rarely then when he smiled. What is getting into me? he thought.

Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:01 pm

"There is a theater, called 'Winter', not too big, that would do. It is in a old area, forty people visit it tonight."

Seria looked at Gaglore, "I will spread the word of your demise. We will promote Erik himself in the morning. And send him off to the theater to celebrate his promotion. With ample choice of victims."

"If he arrives there, most people will be dead. This will certainly attract the Raven Hunter. And point to Erik as the wrongdoer."

She thought on it again. The only thing, that could go wrong, was that the Raven Hunter didn't turn up..

"I suppose we could circulate a rumor of the 'party' through town, beforehand."

Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:12 pm

Gaglore was impressed with Seria. He nodded at her, then looked at Arrow.

"I will go to my hiding spot. It is the room three doors down from this one, on the left. I have fed recently, and I will be nourished for a few days at least. If I am needed come get me. Also, may I ask that you make the story of my demise honorable; I don't want Erik to die thinking I was killed unhonorably. I will say goodbye now. Good luck everyone."

Gaglore left the room. He went down the hall, and into his hiding room.

"Well this is quite nice" he said sarcastically to himself. He sat down on the ground and waited.

Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:51 am

((I am sorry if my post was mistaken as fact. It was opinion, and I opologise profusly if anyone thought any differant.))
Anka nodded he watched Gaglore go. He only wished he was really dying.

"When are we getting to work then?"

Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:17 am

((Don't worry, kuroro, it takes quite alot for me to feel criticized. And yes, shots are ebil. Especially steroid shots.))

Danae saw the fight start, but, due to the “well-meaning” men trying to “protect” her, she was blocked from being able to help in the beginning.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Danae grabbed a chair from the bar, and pulled the leg off it. She spun toward the fight, and attempted to make her way through the crowd.

She was able to get fairly close to the fight, but couldn’t get all the way up to help. She was able to get close enough to see Merle’s arrow not quite get the vampire attacking James. Oh, well, she thought.

“Hey! Do you HAVE to cause scenes everywhere you go?” As she said the word “go”, Danae telekinetically shot the makeshift stake at the vampire fighting James, dusting him.

As the crowd parted, ducking away from the flying chair leg, Danae walked through to the fight scene, tipped her head, and said, “Need some help?” Well, I was right about them being Raven Hunters. Only Raven Hunters could cause this much of a scene.

((Yes, I know that, IRL, witches typically don't have telekinesis. I just thought it fit here. And that the phrase "flying chair leg" is really cool.))

Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:52 pm

"I knew it! Other Raven hunters." said James getting up he grabbed the vampire attacking Merle and threw it onto the chair Danae had broken dusting it.

Vampires started to surround them.
"Right... any ideas... anyone?"
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