I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:51 pm

Sira shook her head slowly. She had never been owned by a child before, but Emily was very kind, and was careful not to rip a seam or pull a thread. And she even played toys with Beth, and Beth had done the same thing, even though she was younger. Even though she hadn't played with the boy yet, she was sure he would be the same way.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:38 pm

*Ghosty turned her attention to the toys spread all over the room. A plush car was upside down, and the Sargeant was gathering the attention of toys. Ghosty had not responded, for she spoke seldom, yet here she was- hopping her way up to the tall door, eyes glimmering. It was not open yet... she leapt onto a box and then onto the end table next to it. Springing lightly onto the handle, she wrapped herself around it till it turned a little... she did not think what the other toys would think, seeing a door seemingly open by itself- she was trying to aid them in her silent way.*

Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:52 pm

The sergeant saw the door go slightly open and shouted as silent as he could: "Everyone stand still, someone's coming in!" Some toys were running to a position where a human would find them and the sergeant went back under the heavy boxes. Not knowing that actually nobody was really coming in...

Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:12 pm

*Wow, this rp goes quickly!*

Noah listened to the sergent's story & then saw him walk away. He had been called a soldier & Noah thought that was cool. He saw two toys going near the door and decided to join them when he heard that a human maybe coming. He ran back towards the couch & tried to jump up but he couldn't. He figured he could lay near the bottom of the couch so it looked like he just fell off of it. He saw some toys running around trying to get into their exact spot, he wondered which child would come through the door. And he also reminded himself that Thissa was right, not all humans are like that, some are nice. He dropped down on the floor and waited.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:26 pm

Sira quickly hopped over to her box, and jumped in it. It was already tipped over, and the lid was at a position so that it looked like she had fallen over. Her ear flopped over, and it tickled her nose, but there was nothing she could do about it, other than stick it out.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:08 pm

*Ghosty realized she was stuck. If she let herself fall off the metal doorknob, she would fall a very long way... she didn't want to fall. She could leap nowhere, nowhere she could reach. Clinging on with her front legs, she struggled to stay on it. Yet the spectral plushie wolf fell off with a dull, bouncy thud as she hit the ground and, trying to soften the impact, bounced very directionally into a box full of books next to the door.*

Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:50 am

"No...not really...I can't move fast enough to play ball with these scritchy paws." replied Furar to Lakshas question. Suddenly before he could talk to the tiger, the soldier toy yelled out "Somebodies coming!" as the door moved ever so slightly. Furar couldn't run anywhere in the room because of the velcro on his paws...and there were threads of the curtains in them. The onlt option was to lie flat on the ground and hope that whoever was coming would think he had fallen off.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:02 am

Laksha looked sad. "You can't play ball? Aw..." And she ran away with the ball to Thissa and Jimmy. "The soldier said someone's coming...is there someone?" she whispered. "If there isn't, do you wanna play ball?" She sat very still and looked at Thissa and Jimmy with her pretty eyes.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:59 am

"Energy doesn't begin to describe her," Jimmy said with a smile to Thissa. "Umm mister military man sir? Can you... help me back over?" he called after the sergeant. Looking back at the stuffed tiger next to him, he continued shyly, " Or you Thissa...?"

Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:08 am

"Oops, sorry. With all the commotion, I hadn't noticed you were flipped again." Thissa helped the little car over again. "There you go. That should be better. By the way, what's your name?" Thissa smiled amiably at the little car.

The door started to open and everyone became nervous that a human was coming. Laksha ran back over and asked if someone was really coming. "I'm not sure, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Maybe we should hide somewhere and stay quiet for a bit just in case," she responded. The tiger motioned for Jimmy and Laksha to follow her behind a pile of books under the drawing table.

"We can sit over here and watch if anyone is coming and still remain unseen. It shouldn't take more than a couple minutes to figure out if someone is actually there or not," she said to them. "If no one shows, I'd be more than happy to play ball with you."

They sat quietly and listened. All was quiet for a while. Just when Thissa was about to move, they heard a soft thump thump thump. A knock and then a little voice was heard down the hall. "Mommy, can I have a drink?"

"What time is it, dear?" the mother's voice asked.

"Eleven o'clock," said the father.

The mother sighed. She sat up and put on her robe. "Okay, Johnny, but then you have to go back to bed."

"Yes, mama."

The two walked to the bathroom and Mrs. Montgomery filled a drink for the little boy. When he had finished, she replaced the cup. He thanked her and she tucked him gently back into bed. "Good night. Sweet dreams. I love you," they said together. The mother went back to her own room and returned to her sleep.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:31 am

Fortunately, Laksha stayed very still with Thissa and Jimmy. When the 3 members of the family were gone, she whispered, "Sorry, I still haven't caught your names yet. After that, can we play ball?" Energy gleamed in Laksha's eyes and she placed her paw on the ball and started rolling it backwards and forwards. "I'm Laksha and I'm not sure what breed I am."
Last edited by _jaye_ on Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:27 am

Noah awoke and looked at everyone. They all looked afraid like he did, the humans didn't come into the room, thank God, but they did pass by it. He moved his body slowly and decided maybe it wasn't a good idea to check out the house tonight. What if one of them came in the room and all of them were gone? What would they do or think? So many questions were running through Noah Love's mind. He walked over near the door again near the two toys and thought if they were going, then he was surely in good company.

Noah sighed and looked at the toys and said, "That was a close one wasn't it?!"

Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:27 am

When the family was going to sleep again, the soldier suddenly got under his boxes out he said: "Alright, i heard that there is no danger. Still i wonder how this door got opened..."
Luke looked around and said: "Ah well... let's just consider this as a test. Next time it has to go waaay faster if we want to look around this house, OK?"

Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:52 pm

*Ghosty gave a small sigh, listening to the hushed conversation of the other toys. Apparently her attempt to help them had gone wrong. Silently she raced back to her spot underneath the desk, but when she was almost there, tripped over the end of the leg of the table in her distraction. Another small thud sounded, and picking herself up, Ghosty cursed her overly large paws.*

Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:39 pm

The sergeant saw Ghosty walk quickly to the table. "Hey there, did you open that door? If you did you give us a good scare... hehe..."

The sergeant stopped laughing and cleared his throat and said to Ghosty: "You want to join us investigating this house? You can come in my investigation team if you want to!"
Last edited by Jens on Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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