I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:30 am

[so, the sun is riseing.]

Illeria called everyone again, the sun was almost up and she wanted to eat before going to one of the darker rooms of her castle.

Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:45 am

Wandering over to one of the large gothic windows in the lounge that faced to the north Obsidian sighed. To his left the moon hung low in the sky ready to dip below the horizon and disappear for another 12 hours, to his right a red streak had begun forming across the horizon marking where dawn would break. Frowning in the direction of the flaw in the sky Obsidian pulled the heavy curtains over the window, he had too much to discuss and plan to resort to his marbled self today.

Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:49 pm

Randosh sat alone in his cave. He looked out the opening and saw nothing. He went over to his experiment and started to fiddle with it and make sure everything was in its place. He had an evil smile on his face, for he knew that tomorow would be a good day.

Sun Jul 25, 2004 2:54 pm

*Medusa...thank you for saying I was good at rping my character. I will try her (Kiva) character out, but if it seems I'm not doing well with it, you can take over any time. Am I allowed dialoge with her character?*

Flash and Kiva listened hard to what that noise was and eventually they both decided to follow to where the noise was located. Flash knew that Kiva had really good ears, even though his was slightly bigger then hers. They saw the sun coming up and knew that this was their chance to catch something, but to also watch out for humans and maybe they would have to change back into humans themselves so they wouldn't be caught.

*Does Kiva's character change into a human?*

Mon Jul 26, 2004 2:03 am

((Okay, I'll take over if it looks like you're struggling. If you get to the point where you feel like you can't do it feel free to just post something asking me to take over :) Kiva can turn into a human (she has black hair and eyes) as per her original profile ;)))

Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:41 am

*Thank you. I wasn't sure if she had put that in her profile, so I asked. I could've just checked...hmm...lol. I just wish I knew what sound she wanted that to be, cause I have no idea what to make it.* o_O

Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:59 am

((I was thinking the same thing! Ummm, could make it an injured monster (demon, gargoyle, were-creature, vampire etc)?))

Folding his wings back tightly against his back Obsidian stirred the dieing fire in the fireplace and settled down into one of the large moth-eaten chairs. Glancing around the room looking for something, anything to do he leaned backwards in the chair.

Jolting the chair forward and hearing it crashing into the cold hard floor under-foot he stared blankly at the wall like a living statue. His leathery skin took on a glossy sheen but didn't turn completly to stone, he was still alert listening to the sounds of the house, ready to react...

Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:57 pm

Name: Ricky
Age: 1000
Monster[demon, vampier, gargoyle, or werewolf]: Werewolf.
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm.
Apperence: Black Werewolf.

Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:07 pm

((I thought the sound Kiva heard was the gargoyle, Obsidian, approaching, but that's just my opinion. :) Since he was entering the werewolves' lair, shouldn't they have noticed him by now or are they at a different lair?))

Jordan watched the moon set and the sun peek over the horizon, deep in thought. Illeria called to her. She sank into the shadows and quickly found her way to the Queen's side.

As the female vampire entered the room, she saw the frightened children tied down and her stomach churned. She hid her feelings behind a casual expression as she was used to. "I thank you, my Queen, for this bountiful meal, but I have already eaten. I appologize immensely. I was hoping to continue my research on the mystical book before we had to sleep for the day. I must take leave of your presence, but I will inform you of any important findings later."

Jordan took one last look at the pitiful children and left the room. She passed through many passage ways and thought, I hope the Queen finishes this children phase soon. It's all she brings anymore. I know we need to eat, but why those poor little creatures? Things have changed lately. The wind has a bad taste. I must continue my research. Something dreadful is coming. She became lost in her thoughts as her feet carried her by instinct towards her study.

Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:37 pm

((I'm not sure if they're at a differnt lair or if they're out hunting. I think I remember a post about them heading towards the coast... I could be going mad too ;)))

Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:14 am

((Well, first they were at a building where the werecreatures were staying (which doesn't necessarily mean their lair, but it could be). Then they heard a noise and started to follow the noise towards the west. Although, Kiva was the one to actually first hear the noise and never mentioned what she was refering to, so it could be anything. ;) lol))

Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:41 am

*I'm not sure if we were at the lair, I just thought we were at some warehouse filled with the warecreatures. Do you guys want to pretend that it was Obsidian that Kiva heard? Cause if so, then I'll continue to post about them.*

Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:11 am

((Sure, if that's what you want to do, I suppose it would solve the mystery :D Obsidian has already broke into the building and is in one of the lounge rooms if you need to find him, considering you'll have to have just missed him while he was outside... *shruggs* Your call!))

Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:26 am

As they listened harder, Kiva instinctively knew who it must be. She said to Flash, "Lets turn back, I think I know who it is. He'll be sure to help aid us in our war." Flash took Kiva's advice and headed back towards their lair since it was becoming morning and now the vampires wouldn't be out in this & people would be about to.

They went back in their lair only to find Obsidian, "I knew it. What are you doing here?" Kiva asked him. Flash though looked at Kiva, she was always good at pointing out when Obsidian would come. "What's wrong?" he asked the gargoyle.

*Sorry I haven't replied in awhile.*

Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:32 pm

((Its cool :D))

Obsidian nodded absent-mindely as his flesh once again took to its normal leathery texture. Turning towards Kiva he smiled and nodded "Good morning young one" then turning his attention to Flash he nodded curteously, "As always it is a pleasure to see you both!"

Standing up from the chair and straightening his wings out so they expanded to full width he flexed in order to loosen the stiffening in his limbs that had begun to take affect. Although it was dark in the room where they now stood the knowledge of daylight still reduced the gargoyles' felxibility and nimbleness.

Folding his wings tightly against his back once again he motioned towards the window, "Third floor, the window that overlooks the courtyard to the west, the window was already damaged but I had to tear it open in order to get inside. My apologies for that... I am quite happy to provide you with the material and service to get it fixed."

"My friends..." he continued, stretching his arms out wide, "I am here to discuss the urgent matter of the Vampire and Demon alliance. Their numbers appear to be growing and it would seem to have not been as a result of recruiting from the humans..." he paused glancing around the room and lowering his voice, "The only logical deduction that us gargoyles can come up with is that the long clan-war that has waged involving the Waxtingardo vampire blood-clan has ceased and the vampires are almost at full strength with representatives of all blood-clans now available..."

He sighed, "We could well be wrong but I for one do not want to risk it, my fellow gargoyle, Jasper believes there are only two options that we can follow... The first, mount an attack and strike the enemy before they manage to gather too much power. The second, reinforce our defences so they can stand against the now forming power. Us gargoyles cannot take on both the Vampires and Demons alone and it would be doubtful if the Werepeople could do it alone. We need to join forces, like we have so many times before, it is our only hope for self preservation!"
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