I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Topic locked

Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:37 am

"Who's Hadrian?" Asked Anka.

"... And then I kick him out for saying I had a Big Butt! I was soooo agrivatin... Who the hell's that?" Said Grace after being rudely intorrupted.
Xeres had been walking for a while. He had killed 6 newbies already today and was wondering what to do now.

He came across a Weapons shop with quite a crowd around it and went to investigate.

Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:51 am

Sungiver turned around and looked at Hadrian with both her eyebrows raised, "You recognised Kyma but you couldn't see me, even though I'm a gigantic platinum dragon many times your size?" She chuckled heartily at him, "It's good to see you again Hadrian, even if you are blinder than the last time we met."

Demortayse and Laurelin wandered out of the weapon's store, Laurelin carefully placed her arrows inside her quiver as they walked.

Sun Jul 03, 2005 4:49 pm

"Heh, sorry, Sungiver." Hadrian said, somewhat embarrassed that he had not noticed the dragon. "Hey, Meiou! I'm just riding the rails, like usual. Or...I WAS riding the rails like usual."

Ice began towards the tavern, oblivious towards the gems. "Well, I'm going. If any of you lot want to come inside..."

"Oh god, I'm coming!" Hadrian said, running after Ice. "Stupid rain!"

Kyma shook her head and sighed. "Well, someone's going to have to make sure Hadrian's ego stays in check...I'm coming too."

((EDIT: *le gasp!* 350th post!))

Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:54 pm

He chuckled following them. "Geez Kyma if i didnt know better id think you have a secret crush on him." He braced for impact of her staff sure she was gonna smack him for that remark.

When grace was interupted she spoke "Heck if i know but anyways you were saying?" Yup idle chit chat between these girls could keep them occupied for hours on end.

Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:29 pm

Kyma held her staff, ready to hit the rabbit, when she remembered the little 'warning' Ice had given her. "I do not!" She said angrily, following Ice and Hadrian into the tavern.

((*gasp* How did you know? ;) ))

Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:44 pm

Kaei ran after Hadrian when she caught up she walked up next to him and poked him. "You don't recognize me do you Hadria. I'm sad and dissapointed. But if you will excuse me." She said grinning as she run up next to Ice. "Hi I'm Kaei." she flashed him a smile.

Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:59 pm

Looking at Xeres from nearby, Saralyn smiled.

So that's one of the local pkers, she thought to herself. A friend of hers had been killed by him, so she guessed it was Xeres by description.

"You gonna get out the rain?" she called out, teasingly in some ways. She needed some humor right now.

(This is becoming a lot like .hack//sign...)

Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:57 pm

(*Dranzer*) wrote:(This is becoming a lot like .hack//sign...)

((*cough* *points waaay back to first post:
this is based off a mix of .hack, Heir Apparent and Pendragon: The Reality Bug

Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:01 pm

(ah this takes me back to the old rp that was once here ctrl-alt-del. i miss it)

Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:21 am

Sungiver, Demortayse and Laurelin all followed Ice into the tavern. The bartender looked up at them and scowled, "No pets indoors please." At this remark Sungiver's eyes narrowed to mere slits and she swooped over to the foolish man, "Who are you calling a pet?" The bartender's eyes widened as he recognised the dragon, "A thousand pardons Lady Sungiver. I wasn't paying attention." Sungiver scowled and moved to sit by a table, "You're lucky you're my friend Ice, or that idiotic bartender would be toast at the moment,'"

Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:26 am

Appearance:Tallish with tons of blue markings on her face and arms.(more markings than before) She has green hair with purple highlights and one red braid. She wears a purple chinese style frog and toggle shirt, with large belled green sleeves. On the center it has 1 blue inverted triangle and 2 blue upright triangles. She wears belled black pants. Her shoes are brown leather moccasin boots with beads and stuff.
Items/weapons: She has a tall green wooden Shaman staff, with a large crystal sittin' on the top w/ a orb hangin' from the crystal. It has a pink ribbon wrapped around the part where she holds it. She also has a metal ninja fighting fan with SHARP POINTY ENDS! The cloth is black with a vine of blood red roses painted on it. She has a bag of Gilda tied to her belt(which is purple and green striped)
Other: might add later

((SI speaking now: please excuse any mistakes or typos in aster's post, she's at my house typing this, and it's 1:30 in the morning, and she's sorta tired, so yeah. Oh, and now we shall close the rp. I was just waiting for her to join.))

Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:34 am

Meiou wrote:(ah this takes me back to the old rp that was once here ctrl-alt-del. i miss it)

((I thought that at the start! weren't that a Great RP?))
Xeres heard a shout. He looked up at the person Jesting him. he ran at his full speed towards her ((At level 30 that's fast xP)) and put his sword to her neck.
"Do not jest me, or I will not be as lenient next time." He whispered to her in his huskey voice. He lowered his sword and started to walk away.

Grace looked the newcomer up and down.
"Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. He said I had a big butt! How Dare he! I mean come on he hadthe bigger one! So I threw him out and he started to..."

Anka frowned. He could still hear Grace, he tried to block her voice out and turned to Hadrian
"Hi. I'm Anka, Pleased to meet you."

Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:35 pm

Saralyn smiled. "You're pretty fast. In a hurry?" she joked, pointing to Xeres' right shoulder, where a shuriken was stationed on its dull side behind his neck, a string attaching it over the shoulder to Sara's left wrist. "Don't forget, even newbies can bite." she whispered. "If I give this string a good pull, it could slash the back of your neck just along the veins, and in the real world, that's instant death if it were to occur. Try to kill me and its a kamikaze."
Last edited by (*Dranzer*) on Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:35 pm

Kayra sat in the dark, smokey tavern, standing out too much with her bright colored clothing. She looked down at the spell book in front of her. "Illuminescance," she murmered. A tiny orb of glowing light floated above her hand. She gazed at it for a moment before she blew it out. Kayra glanced up and saw a few people coming into the tavern. She looked down then up quickly again. She knew these people...

((Hey guys, I'm awake again!))

Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:54 pm

(( :( bad news. I'm going out of town until Sunday for Marching Band Camp-thingy, so I won't be able to post til then. So, I leave you all with this...))

"Well, I'm glad he's not...'toast', Sungiver." Ice said with a smile, pulling out a chair from a rather large round table. Carved into the surface was the letter 'I' painted pale blue, with a layer of glass set over it. It was his special table - based of King Arthur legends, with a bit of his own flair. "I can't believe the Tech's haven't stopped the rain. It's been like this for five months," He said to those who had gathered.

"Huh." Hadrian said, sitting in one of the simple wood chairs, "That's about when stuff started to happen to the ToN. We've been picking up far too many bodies, and...well, the train has been...derailing."

"Derailing? Since when is that a problem with international security?" Kyma scoffed, also sitting down.

"The Train isn't supposed to derail. It doesn't have normal wheels - it's a ghost train. If it derails, that means it's becoming... solid."
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