I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:23 am

Flash nodded and said, "Don't worry about the window," when he saw it had indeed been broken. But what he did listen to was what Obsidian was telling him about the Vampires and the Demons. He knew something had to be going on when he & Kiva saw some Vampires flying towards one building. Which building that was, was impossible to tell. "Yes, that's a good plan. We should get all of our forces first. I know a few by day, I could change and go out and find some of our friends. We have to attack them before they get too great in number." Flash was thinking fast. Kiva looked at him and nodded, "Don't forget when you do come back here, make sure no demons follow you. They are secretive." Flash flashed her a smile of fangs, "Don't worry. Do you think this is wise Obsidian?"

Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:08 pm

Randosh paced around his cave and decided that he could wait no longer. He had waited long enough. He got out of the cave and flew to a tavern. The sunlight weakened him but he just couldn't wait. Once in the empty tavern for demons, he walked to the far corner where a man was sitting.

"I need the Runeollium now, I will get paid next sundown but I need the Runeollium NOW!" Randosh insisted, growing two times his size.

"We agreed upon half our your payment, If I give it to you now I want 3/4 of your payment." The man said in a very sly voice.

"Fine, it is a deal" Randosh replied shrinking back to normal

The man gave Randosh a bag, and Randosh left. He flew back to his cave and opened the bag. There were hundreds of shiny black rocks. He dumped the rocks into a tube on his machine and closed the lid. He then went over to one side and pulled a switch. From the boxes at the end of the cave came a window shattering screech. Then one hundred Roonypon Demons came flying up from the boxes.

"My brothers and sisters! I have revived you in order to help me. We are on the brink of war. I will lead you to a victory, we will fight along side the vampires! I know you may be weak now, but if there is enough time befor it begins we will be able to win without a doubt!" Randosh proclaimed to his people! A large cheer erupted from the cave, "Tonight, when the sun goes down I will go see the Vampire Queen and tell her the good news! You must not leave the cave or else you may be seen so sit tight and think about the WAR!"

Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:24 pm

((Okay. I'm back. Sorry for the absence, but there was a sickness in the family I had to take care of. I have hardly been on PPT at all. I have so many RPs to catch up on. *sigh*))

As the sun rose further, Jordan felt overcome with drowsiness. She was surrounded with books, tapestries, note paper, and scrolls. The female vampier had found some interesting details about the mystical book and the gargoyles, but nothing that would help their situation without a little more information.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating. I have this feeling like we are missing something important, but I can not put my finger on it," she said to herself. She closed the heavy tome she had been reading and got up to pace the room. "Hmm, the gargoyles have somehow gotten ahold of the book of magic that we need, but how and where did they find it? It is only vagued mentioned in our records. To further complicate matters, we do not have any current information on the defenses the gargoyles might be using to keep it guarded. I doubt they would just leave it in the open."

Jordan walked over to her ornate wooden coffin and laid a hand on its cover. "All this is so frustrating. I have a feeling that the answers are right in front of us, but I can't seem to find them." She slid the lid to the side and stepped in. The soft velvety cloth comforted her. "Well, there's not much more I can do tonight. Hopefully, a good day's rest will clear my thoughts." She settled back, crossed her arms over her chest, and mentally slid the lid back into place. As the sun sparkled in the morning sky, she drifted off to sleep.

Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:48 am

(Sorry for all the confusion! It was either Obsidian or whatever. I didn't want to order Medusa's character around or whatever, so I just made it a noise, and not something flying over head or anything. I'm back now. Oh, and yes, Kiva does change. When the full moon's light touches her, she changes into Coyote, the sun's light, human. When both touch her at the same time... well, I won't go into that... yet...)

Kiva laughed. "At least make a search of the grounds first, next time. If Flash requires the window to be fixed, then, well... However, it is not a decision for me to decide."

Then the young WereCoyote grew grave. "And the only thing that's keeping those... things," she sneered in anger, "from gaining ultimate power is us and the Book of Magic, which we hold. Vampires. Disgusting things. If in only one thing, I follow Flash in this: Never bite a Human. So far, I've succeeded."

Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:27 am

Illeria walked over to Jordan. "Have you found anything intresting?" She asked. Then called the messenger. "messenger, I need you to go an spy on the gargoyles again, and if you can:steal the book!" She shouted. Illeria sat down and looked out the window. In that part of the world the sun was setting. Their was a thin black cloth over the otherwise bear window, it would be taken down at nightfall.

Illeria wanted to arrange a ritual. She didn't know why, she just did.

*sorry for the absence everyone!*

Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:41 pm

Flash looked at Kiva and said, "I could care less about the window. I just want it to become nighttime so we can hunt and kill off our enemies once and for all." he growled not at Kiva, but about his enemies. He started to change back into a human and realized that Kiva was still a WereCoyote. He shrugged and said, "I'm on my way out to look for our potential friends. Will you come with me or just stay here? And for right now until I change back...my name is now Kody."

Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:52 pm

Illeria looked at the sky, it was te muinites from nightfall. She would go out and hunt in half an hour.

WhiteEdit: Please follow the 3 sentence rule.

Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:56 pm

Kiva nodded, and realised she wasn't changing. Laughing to herself, she walked out to where the suns rays to touch her. "And as of now, my name is--" she went temporarily speechless as her mouth transformed, "Kiva. I don't have a special name for both."

She glanced up at the sky, and then sighed in relief. "Good." she said, but would offer no explanation. She was now a complete human.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:01 am

The darkness had arrived. Ileria still waitedfor the right time, the time when a big swarm of kids would be comieng out of the park....and it would be easy to gt a few.

She sat down. Plotting...planin.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:26 pm

Randosh left his cave, ight had fallen and he was eager to tell the queen about his...experiment. He flew to the castle just before the Queen was about to leave.

"Your magesty, I have a suprise for you." He explained what had happened, with his experiment and the army he had created. It wasn't nearly enought to challenge the gargoyles and werecreatures but it was a start.

"I need my payment now, If I don't receive my payment now, I will take my army to the other side, and that won't be good for the vampires!"

Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:16 pm

"here is your payment" The queen said handing it over. "thankyou for that". And she smiled. In an evil way. Her way.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:59 pm

"I, and my people are most grateful. You have now accuired our services, and in the coming months, or years, we will help the vampires." As he said that he left the caslte, awaiting the call for when he would be needed

Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:43 am

Illeria smirked and walked out the castle. She was right. Their were loads of children around. She grabbed a load, she bit it, she took it back to the castle.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:24 am

((Okay, I'm confused again. Is it day or night? The werecreatures first said it was turning day and turned human, but they Illeria said it was night and she was about to feed. Which do we rp it as? O.o ))

Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:54 pm

((Well, when I posted the last post said it was night so that is what I am doing...If everyone wants it to be day, Ican do that))
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