I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:16 am

Zega pointed to the forest. "Go through for about 5 minutes till you reach a small stream. From there go South and you will walk into the village," Zega pointed towards the forest. "Wait, before you go put these on, give them to the rest of your friends as well." Out of her pouch on her belt she produced 5 small necklaces. They were made out of a mix of silver and gold and there was a small leaf in the middle made out of pure diamonds. "When you walk in to the village, and the villagers see these, they will know that it is safe." She placed them over each of the humans. "I must go, I need to talk to someone." She turned and began to walk. She turned and waved then began to run.

She reached the cliffs shortly. She saw Terra Rin sitting on a rock near its entrance. "Its all right." Zega reassured her. "One of them speaks Sharkiian and I had an interesting conversation with her. I directed them to the village. They are safe, do not worry." She smiled at Terra Rin.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:14 am

Terra Rin nodded. "Shall I grab our bags, then? Once they get to the village, I do not think they will know where to go. And surely they would want a familiar face, even merely so, to talk to."

Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:19 am

"You are right, they are probably scared. They probably also going to take longer than normal to get to the village because they don't know the land. Come on, If we taken the shortcut we can beat them," Zega said and pointed over to a small dirt path.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:35 am

Eta translated the directions into English, frowning as she pulled the necklace over her head. She watched the girl disappear, then spoke.
"She says...5 minutes to a stream in this direction. Then follow in south and we'll reach the village. And we have to wear these, and then the villagers will know we are safe."

She grinned.

"She said she was a princess. Maybe luck in in our favour."

Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:28 pm

Terra Rin nodded, and grabbed the two bags. She glanced around the cavern once more, then went along the dusty path. She positioned the bags so they would not cause as much pain.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:17 pm

"Here, I'll take mine," Zega said. She gently hoisted it off of Terra Rin's shoulder and put it on her own. She continued walking to the path.

When they reached the village Zega ran up to the large boulder in the middle of town. When the villagers saw her they became quiet and listened. "Fellow Sharkiians, We have visitors. They are unlike anything we have ever seen before. They do not know the land or speak our language. Only one of them speaks Sharkiian. I ask of you, as the princess, to treat them with the respect as you would treat your friend. If I find out that any of you, is treating them harshly, or making their life diffucult for them, then that person will be severly punished. Do I make myself clear?" The villages nodded, "Good. They will be coming through the village opening very soon," Zega ended. She stepped off the rock and went over to the Heais, giant flowers. She made 5 chains of them, all different colours.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:13 pm

Terra Rin sat down by the princess, delicately moving the Heais so she would not harm them. "Those are beautiful, Princess Zega. They are for them? If they appreciate beauty at all, they will enjoy them."

She was speaking truthfully, for she did not dare lie to the Princess.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:11 pm

Eris grinned at Eta. "You've got to teach me some of that langauge on the way there. It sounds beautiful. And it would be rathe useful..."

Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:14 pm

Zega smiled sweetly at Terra Rin, "Yes, they are. I figure when they walk into the village I will put them atop their heads, like as a crown for newcomers. I think it will make them feel more welcome. What do you presume?" Zega asked.

Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:39 pm

((Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to step out of the RP- my offline life is becoming extremely busy, with camp, summer school, etc. I've had to drop out of various online activities, and unfortunately, this is one of them. Again, I apologize for the sudden notice.))

Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:52 pm

((Its ok Alex. You will be missed. Come back anytime that you can))

Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:40 pm

Juniper turned her necklace over in her hand, then looked up at Eta. "I take it this means she wants to be friends?" she asked with a puzzled smile. "I guess we'd better be off then," she added, looking in the direction the village was supposed to be, "Where'd you pick up the language anyway?"

Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:30 am

"Yes. That is a good idea. I am sure they will enjoy it." Terra said quietly, glancing up at the path. They still had not arrived. "I just hope they will enjoy it here."

Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:04 am

Zega quickly climbed a tree that was near to the path and looked around. She saw the group coming near, it would be around 5 mins till they reached the village.

WhiteEdit: Please follow the three sentence rule.

Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:29 pm

As Eris walked a long, she kept her attention on her new shining necklace. I wonder if diamonds are natural and in plenty on this island... she thought. If so, she wouldn't mind taking a few home with her. If it was okay with the village of course. She'd have to ask when they got there.
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