I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Topic locked

Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:47 pm

Open her eyes as if in sheer panic Niamh gasped for air like she had been under water for several hours. Clenching to the grass by her side with her hand and looking up into the ceiling of the cave she forced her head to turn and look at Harris.

"The prince! Someone is..." she whispered feeling weakened by every move she made.

Al though severely hurt and with the magic of the man, magic still inside of her, Niamh had gained one advantage. In her dreams she could sense his every moment and thought. Now she knew he wasn't working alone.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:20 am

||I'm so sorry everyone! I completely forgot I'd joined this! I don't think I can catch up with it at this point. I am very sincerely sorry.||

Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:12 pm

.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:Character Purpose: Evil Minion of Evil Stalker Man (Freakeh Side Char WOO HOO)
Name: Anka
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Ever since he Met the Evil stalker guy ((He really needs a name... how 'bout Bob? xD)) at 5 years old his once pure heart was twisted and darkened. He is now a bloodthirsty Killer.
Appearance: He looks young and innocent with his blue eyes and long fair hair. He wears worn clothes and a sword at he belt, it looks very out of place.
Other (like History, etc.): He works closly with Rae, when somebody needs killing he's the onen to do it as she will not do it. He and Rae were sent to kidnap the Prince. The evil stalker Guy likes to make it seem that Anka is more important the Rea as she is a woman but he isn't at all.
((If it's not OK For Rae and Anka to work closly just tell me Forest and I'll edit ^_^))

[Please read my first post and do as I ask.

Req, that's fine.]

Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:16 pm

((ack, sorry 'bout inactivity))

Matfur gasped as she found the tree, and the gashes. "Oh gods..." She reached to the back of her belt, unsheathing the obsidian sword Blood Bath. She started to move through the foliage when another Punjab took her.
((time jump!))

The sword was stuck in the ground from above, her dark brown cloak drapped over it. A small mark was made in the ground, a heart with a sword going through it from above, and from the heart, going to the right, were three curned fox tails that created a sort of curved capital 'E'.

((whoo, more kidnapping, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because it ties in with Matfur's confuzzling past! This is NOT the creepy stalky guy (aka Bob, in CD's opinion,) but someone else, possibly CONNECTED with CSG, of my own design. Intrige, mystery, and laziness! YAY!))

Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:39 am

Anubis wrote:I'll see how this kidnapping thing goes. Heh, TrinTrin and I might be together. <3]

((Awwr. The <3 ness of it all. :D))

Aminta woke up, letting out a soft groan. Her legs were bound with crude ropes, as were her wrists. A few drops of water plopped on her head. She was definately in a cave, but it was a different one than the one she, her friends, and the protectors had stayed in. "She's awake," A young man stooped down, and stuffed the same dirty cloth with the disgusting chemical in front of her face, and she swooned.

Purpose: Minion of Creepy Stalky Man
Name: Eric Beaumont
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Eric is ruthless. He kills without a thought; especially if it's to get what he wants, and he'll torture those who don't die.
Appearance: Messy black hair frames a slightly tanned face. Stormy grey eyes hold virtually no emotion, except for hatred and anger.
Other: When Eric Beaumont was six, his mother came down with a terrible fever, and died of it. His father was two years dead, and therefore, Eric was officially an orphan. Until his uncle came along, that is. Creepy Stalky Man, his father's brother, adopted him instantly, elated with the thought of a male heir. Creepy Stalky Man started Eric's training right away, teaching Eric every bit of knowledge he had.
((I still love this rp))

((Obviously, the creepy stalky man's minions don't want Aminta concious. And Eric will be added into the story soon. I just can't finish the post, what with it being 10:30PM.))

((Edit: Eric's done. I may still tweak some of the bio a bit, but...))
Last edited by Trinity on Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:35 pm

[Well, instead of spamming up the thread with tennis, FM and I decided to RP what we said over AIM, and agreed that we could post one large post on the board, to save tiresome reading. We’re so considerate.]

Rae dragged the Prince, running, trying hard to catch up with the creepy stalky man. "I...got...him..." she panted when she finally saw their camp, deep in the woods, and the creepy stalky man working. The creepy stalky man stood up and grinned, looking at his prey. She thrusted the Prince in front of her, still catching her breath. Those unfamiliar and annoying pangs of pity and worry were back...she bit her lip, willing them to just go away. Be evil, she thought subconsciously, Be You

John pulled away from Rae, stumbling backwards. Creepy stalky man looked at John thoughtfully. "Put him in the cave with the other girl. They should be good company." He paused. "Oh, and Rae? Good work."

A jolt in her stomach magnified, she was proud - she actually did something right, but she was also wondering what they were going to do with him and the other girl. "C'mere boy," she sneered, dragging him to the cave and throwing him in there. She caught a look at the other girl in there...they were all so close to her age.... The pangs wouldn't stop. Rae took a deep breath and then wandered over to her Master, one eye still on the cave. What now? she thought but did not say.

John had been thrown into the cave, but Rae had forgotten to put a guard at the front of it. Or, so John had thought. Squinting in the darkness, he could make out two figures - one was Aminta, and the other was someone else. John shrunk back from the second figure, but edged his way closer to Aminta.

Rae slightly snapped at Creepy, "I guess I'll go guard..." Rolling her eyes, she went to the cave, and guarded it, sitting on a large rock. This was the life... she thought sarcastically. Rae propped her chin on her hands, tilted toward the cave slightly. For some reason, she had the weird desire to cry. Too many feelings in too short of a day. It was strange for her hard shell, to actually have these strange pangs and desires. But, she sucked it up, as she always did and put on a sneering smile looking at them, her eyes evil and sparkling, Pathetic, she thought with an even larger grin. The Prince has turned into the Pauper... She willed herself to forget his handsomeness and just be Rae, hard and evil.

[Any suggestion for creepy stalky man's name would be. awesome. It's weird calling him creepy stalky man.]

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:44 pm

((OOC: How about Rune as the Creepy Stalky Man's name- it is Norwegian I believe and means Secret Lore. I couldn't find any names that mean creepy, stalky, stalk, stealth, stealthy, etc. Best I could do- what do you all think?))

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:55 pm

Forest_Majesty wrote:((OOC: How about Rune as the Creepy Stalky Man's name- it is Norwegian I believe and means Secret Lore. I couldn't find any names that mean creepy, stalky, stalk, stealth, stealthy, etc. Best I could do- what do you all think?))

((The meaning of the word in Norweigian is more related to the runic characters than to a meaning such as "secret lore", however I guess those two are connected in a way :) The name sounds funny to me though, as it is an quite out of fashion male-name in Sweden/Finland (and Norway) :P))

Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:02 pm

[Well, this is medieval.

Rune it is?

All in favour say aye.

... aye? xP]

Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:07 pm

Anubis wrote:[Well, this is medieval.

Rune it is?

All in favour say aye.

... aye? xP]

((Aye aye cap'n :P))

Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:05 pm

((What about Abaddon? It means 'ruin' and 'destruction' in Hebrew. Or maybe Phobos, which is 'fear' in Greek. Itzal ('Shadow' in Basque) sounds okay too. Or Thanatos, 'death' in Greek.

I went on Behind the Name. :3 ))

Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:35 pm

[Aye to medieval.]

Harris sighed as he rested, guarding Niamh as the sun began to cast its first pale rays on the cave's entrance. He pulled out his mandolin and started singing his depressing song. He suddenly stopped on the line about the coachman trying to stop the horse, and turned to the entrance. Standing there was a familiar-looking girl. "I-I must be daydreaming," the would-be bard stammered.

"Ten years is a long while. You can stop singing about my death now, brother, and start singing about my life." A young woman in armor, but with no helm, removed a white scarf from her neck, revealing a fatal-looking scar on her neck. She then looked to Niamh. "One of the Prince's guards. Looks pretty bad, but she's magical. Stop worrying."

Name: Mantis
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: She guards her friends like a tigress, and speaks in a confident voice.
Appearance: Clad in heavy armor. She is strong and sleek under it. Brown hair, large violet eyes, and a gentle face much like Harris'. One can easily tell they are siblings.
History: She spent the past three years as a personal guard to the King, and was sent to follow the Prince. She is Harris' twin sister. They knew each other since shortly after birth. He witnessed what he thought was her death, but she survived thanks to the King's doctor, though the two were sadly seperated since then.

Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:05 pm

((Okay, Eric's bio ish done))

Aminta's eyes fluttered open once again. She blinked, trying to get used to the darkness of the cave. A figure edged towards her. "John!" she cried, after finally realising that it was him. She huddled closer to the prince. The young man from before, who was sitting right across from the two looked up and glared at them, then shook his head. "Why are we here, John? What do they want with us?" she whispered, on the verge of tears. "It frightens me here."

Eric glared at the young woman guarding the cave. She had to ruin it all. He had had the perfect plan, using the girl to get the prince to come. But no, Rae had to just get the Prince herself, and steal the spotlight. He crossed his arms. At least he, being the closest blood relative of Creepy, would eventually become chief of the Tserrian Clan. He smirked, and glanced over at the captives. The girl that he'd kidnapped had yelled the prince's name, and was now whispering something to him. He glared at them sharply, lightly touching his sword, then shook his head. 'Well, the prince's here, so we'll just let his little companion talk with him...' he thought.

Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:27 pm

Looking around nervously Niamh didn't know what she was seeing. She could clearly feel the ground beneath her, and that she wasn't moving. Still other scenes flashed before her eyes, as if she had someone else's vision. Suddenly the scenery switched to a mirror, revealing the true spectator.

"Rune!" she gasped rising up feeling her blood rush through her veins because of the sudden movement.

She now recognized her attacker, thanks to her childhood memories when the man would meet up with the White Witch from Niamh's village once in a while. Slowly getting her own sight back she took a look at her wound, it seemed to have disappeared. Grabbing the bag nearby Niamh grabbed a small mirror of her own inside and looked at her face. Her eyes had a red glow, creepy enough to make her throw the mirror down onto the ground. She could now see Harris as well, talking to a female stranger. Looking at the two silently a tear fell down Niamh’s cheek. She knew and felt that prince was no longer with them and the group had been split. Not wanting to admit it she missed Prince John and was worried for him so much that her heart ached.

Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:56 pm

John bent to Aminta's level, and put his arm around her. "I don't know," he said. Then, so no one else could hear, he whispered, "I need to think something up. I'm pretty sure we can take this guy - I still have my knife, that woman didn't take that. My sword is lying in a clearing somewhere, but whatever."
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