I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:01 am

Alexa felt somewhat relieved when Jadzia walked over. "As a matter of fact, this whole manor makes me feel a bit edgy," she whispered back. Alexa received the cat and held her snuggly. She ran her hand along the cat's spine and Cascata purred deeply. She scratched gently behind the grey tabby's ears and sat next to Jadzia.

"Thank you. I do miss my cats. I'm sure they are getting in trouble of their own right now." She smiled and looked to the food. "Are you sure it's fine to eat? Everything just looks too perfect. Although, the smells are enticing . . .," Alexa said quietly to Jadzia. She looked over the food in front of her and tried to decide if it would be rude to just take some or if they should wait until their hostess spoke.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:02 pm

"You know, the food really doesn't look harmful. If it was, then it would be the end of the story and we wouldn't know what is happening." Jadzia, being her shy self, did not start moving food to her plate. "I'm glad you like Cascata, she hasn't been out for ages and, well, a bit too active I would say. Unlike the other 11 cats and kittens at home." She sighed. "It has to be my fault, I don't bring them out often." Jadzia stroked Cascata.

"When are people going to stop looking at the paintings and eat? Gosh, the paintings aren't MEALS for them."

Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:33 pm

Alex and Aaron took seats next to Jadzia and Alexa. Alex knew both of them from earlier, but Aaron had to introduce himself.

Alex looked down at the food upon the table.

"I'm starved- shall we eat or wait for the lady to speak again?" she said to Aaron.

"The right thing to do would be to wait- so let's eat." he said, causing Alex to grin.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:41 pm

Jadzia saw the guy eating and said, "Maybe we should eat. I haven't had breakfast and Cascata must be hungry." From her backpack, she took out cat food especially for Cascata. Stroking Cascata, she coaxed her into eating.

Deciding that it was time to change herself into someone more outgoing, Jadzia blushed a little and said to Alex, "Hi, I'm Jadzia and this is Alexa. Pleased to meet you. Well I am, since this place is getting on my nerves already." she gave out a nervous laugh and continued, "I would be grateful to know what your name is and your friend's. And how do you do?" Jadzia realised something and turned bright red. "Oh dear...I've said something wrong again! Argh, it always happens..." mumbling, Jadzia turned to her food and avoided eye contact.

On the other hand, Cascata finished her food quickly (she was starving) and walked over to Alex and Aaron and purred loudly, demanding for attention.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:23 pm

Tirea looked at the pictures, wondering if she would see one of something half-man, half-animal. A Centaur, a Faun, the Minotaur, anything. Sighing, she gave up. One wasn't in this room. She glanced around for a place to sit, and finally sat down by the person who was holding the cat.

"Hi, I'm Tirea."

Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:34 pm

Still red in the face, Jadzia looked at the new girl who joined the table. Right, I'm not going to be like this anymore. She smiled and replied, "Hi, nice to meet you, Tirea. I'm Jadzia and this," she stroked her kitten, "is Cascata. She's one of my cats and kittens."

Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:57 pm

"Oh? How many do you have?" Tirea asked. "I had one, when I was twelve, but I had to give her away. We moved close to Central Park and I didn't want her going out there at night."

Although I went out there plenty of times at night, and only got caught once. Tirea thought. She smiled wryly at the memory. "Wrong. It was saturday." she muttered to herself.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:53 pm

“Something happened here…something horrible happened in this room…” Hotaru said to herself, “…this room…this house…all full of sadness…no escaping it…all trapped…” She suddenly became very lightheaded; she staggered back, leaning up against a wall; breathing heavily, she slowly raised her hand to her forehead. “…It’s not the house…it’s not the house…” she mumbled.

The girl turned around slowly, and glanced at Hotaru, her eyes emotionless and yet they had a glint of sadness in them. But were they for the girl, or was it for the guests, or was it for herself. Because to think ever since the guests had arrived, no one had seen anyone from inside that house other then that girl.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:54 am

Zega stopped singing and looked strangely at the boy who dared to called the dance of the faeries oak strange. "Harka leoforna marki teaonaio." She walked over and sat down at the table. Without hesitation she began eating, wondering why the others were just sitting their staring at their food.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:42 am

Jadzia blushed. "Including Cascata, I have 12 cats and kittens at home." She helped herself to the food since she saw another girl starting to eat. "Say, are you hungry?" She asked Tirea. Jadzia took a bite at her salad and remarked, "Hm, tastes good."

Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:10 am

Tirea looked down at her food with some amusement. "I guess this place is so strange, I didn't realize I was hungry. Thanks for telling me." she said, as she examined her salad closely.

Deciding it was okay, she took a bite.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:17 am

"She doesn't seem too active to me. She's just right for a kitten," Alexa responded to Jadzia. She stroked Cascata again.

Other people found their seats and began talking. Alexa was relieved to see one girl start eating. She surveyed the table in front of her and wondered where she should start. Everything looked so delicious! She decided to spoon herself some of the cream of broccoli soup. Then she picked a couple different items to try first: roast chicken breast, salt potatoes, creamed green beans, pot roast with gravy, caramelized baby carrots, and a sourdough bun with whipped butter on the side. She tasted the food and was amazed by how mouth-wateringly delicious everything was. Well, no matter what else happens, at least the food is good. She laughed softly to herself. Alexa recommended some of her favorites to Jadzia and anyone else who had started eating. Even though the manor was somewhat creepy, the wonderful food made her feel a little more comfortable.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:06 pm

Ardys sat down on at one of the corner chairs, opposite the girl with the cat who was continually escaping the girl's arms. Ardys eyed the cat suspiciously, hoping that she wasn't going to leap onto her lap or in her food or do something unexpected like that. Ardys never had had much experience with pets, other than the one dog she had when she was very small, but she knew enough about them to know that they could be mischievious and irritating.

Ardys finally decided to focus on her food. The others seemed to be enjoying it just fine, but then again, these were the same others that believed in dragons and elves. Ardys sighed. She supposed she was going to have to put up with it anyway, because if she was going to be staying at this place for as long as she expected to, she was going to have to eat something.

Taking a deep breath, Ardys helped herself to a little French Onion soup, some sesame semolina bread, and a little of the pot roast. Taking a bite of each, she breathed a sigh of relief. The food wasn't the best she had ever tasted, but it didn't taste horrible, either.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:29 pm

"She doesn't bite and she's mostly obedient. That means that she wouldn't go attacking you and your food unless I tell her to." Jadzia said to the girl opposite her; it seemed like she read her mind.

Jadzia finished her salad and helped herself to some cream of mushroom soup and more salad. Cascata looked at her, why are you only eating salad? I thought you were hungry. Jadzia whispered back, "Number one, the salad tastes nice; number two, I'm trying to lose weight."

Cascata cocked her head to one side, lose weight? You're near anorexic! Go eat some steak. Now or I scratch you.

Jadzia stopped her chewing of the vegetables and rolled her eyes.
Since when did I have to listen to a kitten...?! She then took something else more filling and ate. I am so going to vomit all these out...

Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:14 pm

Tirea glanced over at the Jadzia and her kitten. Snorting quietly, for the Jadzia seemed to think the kitten was half human or something, Tirea thought to herself, She doesn't know how right she is... sort of..

Finishing her salad, she went on to her steak. It was nice and tender and seemed to melt in her mouth.
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