I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Topic locked

Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:10 am

Nikolai leaned back, getting his feet a little too close to the fire for comfort, but ignoring it. "Actually," his unnatural ears picking up the comment as clear as day, "The sun is much more trustworthy than the dark, in the dark, you could get bloody robbed by a low-skilled thief and no one could do a thing about it. But the sun, its a clever one, it shines monstrous amounts of daylight on said thief, burning all the safety of not being seen right out of him." He retrieved an odd cane from his side, oddly unscrewing off the top to reveal that the handle was actually a flask. He took a long drink of a dark liquid, to the eyes of a normal being it would only appear as an odd shade of whiskey, though with a sickly sweet smell. The creature screwed the tip back on, and leaned somewhat against it. "I believe I'll be gone before the sun comes up," the vampire said after his nourishment, "I have things to see get done before it shines in the morn'"

Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:56 am

"Do you mind if I join?" Shi said, walking out of the brush. There was a newcomer, one that was not with the others when she had last seen them. Rivana was quiet, and Shi did not know how to take this. Was it good, or bad?

Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:01 pm

Raiu sees Rivana. "oh hello there please sit the dinner is almost done." Raiu takes the meat on the stick and sets it over the fire and starts to rotate it. I wonder what Neko looks like in her demon form Raiu thinks to himself.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:37 am

"Ah, the gangs all here. I dont supposed i caught your name, stranger. You do look slightly familiar though..." he didnt want to voice his suspicions for the chance of being caught off guard.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:22 am

Nikolai arched a wary eyebrow, "Familiar? That is not a good word in my vocabulary, I prefer to travel alone, not to get too socialized with people." the vampire grinned, revealing his horribly sharp teeth, but making no sudden moves. "Mortals are much too fickle for that."

Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:59 pm

"Thats what i thought Nikolai!" he said. He eyes widened and he gasped. "I mean umm... what was your name?" he said, accidentaly letting his name slip through before.

Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:50 am

Nikolai chuckled, "You do not have to keep your guise up anymore, I am fully aware that you know me, and I know you in return, though didn't really know if you were alive or dead." his voice seemed different, softer, but even more deadly. "Not that I cared, your exploits with demons were bound to murder you anyway, if I didn't first." He took another drink from his cane, this time, letting the blood fall on his face, instead of keeping it close to his lips. After he was finished with the arcane act he spoke, "But really, what would you be doing with a bunch like this?"

Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:26 am

At the word 'Familiar', the Raven cawed, as if offended. Shi reached up to pet the feathers of Rivana. "She doesn't like that word; it is not what she is, and many mistake her for it. We are just friends." Shi said. Then she cocked her head slightly, eyeing the Vampire and Half-Demon interestedly.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:11 pm

Glyfforin sighed. "I hoped you wouldnt remember me. Thats a part of my life im trying to forget... you know, after the whole village turned against me when i came of age to be on my own. All because of my being part human. But things keep getting complicated. Remember the story called the prophesy that we all used to listen to as children?"

Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:28 am

"This new meeting might tear appart this quest." Neko muttered to herself, sighing softly, "...I fear that this will end before it even began." She glanced at the others there for a moment, but soonn turned her gaze towards the ground, her eyes closing slowly. "I don't fear for my fate...I fear for the world's fate..." she said under her breath. None of them would have really heard this, she didn't really want any of them to hear it either.

Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:13 am

Seeing Nikolai was in his own little world (haha ^_^) Glyfforin decided to ignore the question and turned his attention to Neko. "Nikolai will help us with defeating the first demon guardian that holds one of the hope weapons. I believe, if my memory is correct, its the Raven-tailed bow, Rivanas weapon, as well as her jewel."

Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:57 am

(Rivana is a raven. Shi [A friend of mine told me it was Japanese for Death, I'm not sure though] is the Half-Demon.)

"Demon guardian? Hope Weapons? What are those?" Shi asked. She cocked her head slightly.

In a flutter of excitement, Rivana rose to the nearest tree, cawing.

Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:40 am

"So...we have another person to help us with this storybook quest..." Neko muttered softly. "As long as we can start on this journey as soon as possible." The girl sighed as she looked over at the horizon, 'This night will go on forever.'

Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:30 pm

((Whoops twizzler, i keep getting that mixed up cause of the x-men rp i had before where you were rivana. i think it was x-men... idk ^_^))

"Well, Shi, that man back there was an evil demon than could mean the destruction of the world. We need to collect certain weapons and jewels that will help us defeat him, the jewels minimizing his powers on us. Nikolai has a skill to see well in the dark, this will help us in the cave of forever endings. We cannot use any kind of light in that cave or it will awaken things beyond even my comprehension, so Nikolai will help us by leading us through." he turned to Nikolai. "Isnt that right" "I thought so" he said before letting Nikolai respond.

Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:23 pm

"Wait so we are going to trust a vampire?" Raiu asked Glyfforin. "I am a tiger I can see fine in the dark." Raiu crosses his arms and leans against a nearby tree.
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