I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:32 am

[I'm going on vacation July 17 - 31, two whole weeks! If someone would look after Juniper? She can just trail around, being slightly moody and such. :P ]

Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:48 am

Zega paced around, anxious for the forigners to reach the village. "Come on, Come on," She found her self saying out loud, impatiently. She sighed in furstration and sat down on a large rock. "Any day now..."

Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:24 am

Eris placed her hands behind her head and looked to the sky as she walked. The clouds formed many shapes together, and just glancing she could already make out a lion, a beaver, and a turtle... or was that a dove? Depends on the angle, she thought to herself. Next thing she knew, the sky was being replaced with trees, and then solid dirt. She screamed a short "Ahh!" as she fell, tripping on a rock.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:20 am

"Be patient, Princess Zega. The Island was not made in a day." Terra Rin said, but in truth she was just as impatient as Zega. She stood up as she heard a rock being moved, then a muffled word. They were still a distance away, but closer than they had been.

Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:34 am

As if tripping and falling wasn't bad enough, Eris's head landed with a sickening sound on yet another rock. The last thing she thought was something along the lines of The ground must be covered... And then all went black.

Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:32 pm

Zega paced and paced for a long time. "I cannot take it anymore. I am going to go get them." She walked in the forest for a minute and saw Eris lieing on the ground. She immeditly rushed over.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:17 am

[OOC: Where is everyone?]

All was dark in Eris's world. She could think clearly, and she knew what had happened, yet she could not open her eyes or move yet. What's happening to me? she thought in a panic.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:33 am

Eta grinned.
"Actually, a friend of my was very interested in culture here...she taught me some while we were sharing a flat once." She fingered the necklace, wondering at the flawless gems.

Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:18 pm

(I will be gone for about two weeks. Can someone please take care of my character/characters until I get back? I do not mind who, just make sure they don't get left behind or anything. Thanks.)

Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:03 am

((Gawd, everyone's off on holiday. ^_^ Maybe Zega should take care of Terra Rin? It would confuse me more. ))

Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:25 pm

((Ok, I am now Terra Rin, Muhahahaa))

Terra Rin saw Zega run off into the woods. She could sense something was wrong. Terra Rin ran after Zega and stopped when she saw the girl lying on the ground. "Anything I can do to help, Princess?" Terra Rin asked.

"Terra, How many times have I told you to call me Zega?" Zega smiled sweetly, " Anyway, I have it undercontrol. Just run to the stream and get me some water, and dissolve some Maheri Leaves in it."

Terra Rin nodded and ran to the stream. She poured water into a small leather pouch, then quickly walked to the Maheri tree. The leaves were nice and heathly, thankfully. She grabbed 3 and took a rock and easily ground them up. She put it in the pouch and used a stick to mix it till it was all dissolved. Terra Rin ran back to Zega and handed her the pouch.

"Thanks Ter," Zega said and took the pouch from her hands. She gently poured it over Eris's head, as she had turned her over while Terra Rin was out getting the water. "She will be breathing very soon." She said.

Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:31 pm

Eris's eyes suddenly opened as the water rolled down her face. She sat up immediately, gasping for breath. "I...I...where? Rocks an- and... What's going on?!" She asked.

Wed Jul 28, 2004 6:50 pm

Zega couldn't understand the girl, but knew that she was frantic. "Shhhh," Zega instructed.

Terra Rin collected some soft faie, a cotton-like substance and shoved it in her bag. She put her now-soft back under Eris head.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:46 pm

Juniper watched Eris trip, mouth open in a silent "O", arm extended too late to save the falling girl. She dropped to her knees on the stones next to Eris, completely mystified as to what to do. She looked at Zega with relief, not suspicion when she saw her coming up the path, and gesticulated towards the fallen girl, though it was obvious what had happened.

She patted Eris lightly on the back as she came to, and dipped her head to Zega in a gesture of thanks. "You tripped on the rocks," she said quietly, "But I think you'll be fine."

Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:43 pm

Zega and Terra Rin smiled at Juniper, and returned the same gesture.

Zega took some ground up herbs out of a pouch on her belt and mixed it with the remaining water. She pandamoniumed "drinking" with her hands and handed the water to Eris.

"That's good that you know how to make the painkillers Zega. Its very useful." Terra Rin said.
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