I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:33 pm

Shi nodded slightly. "I think I get what you are saying. So, the first items are most likely mine?"

(I was a Rivana once? If I was, you must have very good memory. It must have been a year ago...)

Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:40 am

((haha i remember very strange things. I think it was in the one where we were all like misfits or something like that... it was a good idea that died quickly))

"Yes, were going to trust a vampire, because the vampire doesnt have a choice." He pulled a croll out of his sleeve. "This is the ultraviolet scroll, the light from it would be very painful to someone allergic to light."

Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:30 am

'I am a cat...I can see just fine in the dark as well.' Neko thought. '...Glyfforin...he seems to know or think of everything for this little quest.' She sighed softly, "...he has no choice...just lovely...it also seems that we have no choice in the quest as well." the girl muttered.

Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:22 pm

"I would say, you have very little choice. If we dont defeat this demon then he could get much more powerful and that gem wont keep you safe after that." he said. "You've already experienced some of his power, do you want that again?" he asked.

Sat Sep 11, 2004 9:50 pm

"I guess I don't have a choice...I don't want to die that way..." she muttered softly, her gaze lowered. "...We must hurry then. But you're the only one that knows the way currently. So you'll have to lead us for now. At least until later on in this quest."

Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:28 pm

"First we must wait for morning." Raiu said still leaning against the tree. "You will just slow us down the way you are right now. Besides we should rest up before going to such a dangerous place."

Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:25 pm

Name: Meiou

Race (Human, Demon, Half-Demon, etc.): Half Demon

Type of Demon (if appropriate): Rabbit

Special weapon: Crysaiga

Special ability: With the Crysaiga the Fire Scar. Without Tsume Masshibuatakku Kyoushuu.

Description: A 5'10 tall humanoid in appearance with long red hair tied into a braid with bright amber eyes he has a set of white rabbit ears sticking out of his hair he wears A black and white outfit(like inuyashas) . His tail sticks out of his pants as his feet are rather rabbit like in appearance.

Other: His mother was a very respected preistess who fell in love with a demon rabbit who took up demon hunting to help protect the village they lived in and those in it.

Other...Other: The crysaiga was made as means to share the bond of their love for him. When he was still a child his mother had been slain by mysterious traveler as was his father he barely escaped with his life an the Crysaiga. Which had been blessed with powers by his mother to protect him incase they werent around.

Transformations (only if not human):Human (new moon) Demon.

Meiou was hiding far behined the group watching them from afar so they might not sense him or anyhting of the sort. He made sure to listen in on every word they said. He was most curious about the vampire joining this group.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:31 am

"Of course," Nikolai spoke loudly, not exactly screaming, but very close. "I will need nourishment and a nice daytime dwelling, preferably a long oblong box." the vampire grinned, showing his teeth off rather proudly. His bright hazel eyes darted from person to person, he wasn't worried about the scroll, they wouldn't try to pick him off before his help was needed. "If my demands are not met, then I see no other reason to stay here, why be among half-mortals when you can't feed from them?. I'm sorry if any of you find me somewhat crude, it is simply how i function." Nikolai sighed, almost regretting the turning of the ages that had passed him by so quickly, or so it seemed. "I must say however, this quest is somewhat ridiculous, sounds like a one way trip for most of you." at the last comment, he smiled mischeviously.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:04 pm

"How about we get you a box and you can go hunt for a rabbit when you get hungry." he said, smiling devilishly. "And no, im not open to compromise here Nikolai, we need all the blood we have to save the world here." he said.

Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:10 am

"I take it there will be no bargaining with you, but I will settle for a nobleman's coffin, and occasional trips to a local village, or else I will be gone." he said coldly, his eyes throwing a glare at Glyfforin. "The rest of you, do not trifle with me, and I will attempt not to let my bloodlust get the better of me." he smiled happily, at a thought that had crossed his brain. "And now, I have a meal to catch, you all stay here and keep watch against strange and bizzare creatures that come our way." he said sarcastically, overplaying the whole event. The vampire stood up slowly, and almost seemed to vanish, but was running through the trees so rapidly with hunger, that it appeared tranquil.

Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:14 am

Glyfforin turned to the rest of them as Nikolai left. "He can be very useful if bargained with right, especially when the choices are either us getting our way or him getting pain." he smiled devilishly. "And for the coffin, im sure we can get one somewhere along the way..." he said

Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:32 am

He shrugged watching the vamp an other talk for a moment. He tried to pick up on what they were saying but couldnt quite catch it all. He then saw the vamp get up and leave and he began to wonder where the vamp had gotten to.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:05 am

"As long as we don't have to consider him a threat." Neko replied softly. The girl slowly stood, "...now if you'll excuse me...I wish to spend the remainder of this night alone." she commented quietly as she began to walk off towards the woods. "...I will return after sunrise."

Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:04 pm

"Ok, if you wish" he said, lying back. "I think im gonna go to sleep soon, its been a long day. Well, now that i think about it ive been asleep for most of it..." he rubbed the bump on his head.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:59 pm

"I realy don't think you should go out alone Neko" Raiu said trying to convincer. "Right now you are weak and if something tried to attack you in your sleep you would have no chance." Raiu said walking in front of her. "If you want to go alone it is your decision but please think about it first."
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