I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Neopets JH Dance. ((Open. 5 players needed.))

Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:38 pm

((I will be playing a fire zafara named Tixi. Everyone that is going to join this RP must fill out a form like the one below.

Grade (sixth- eighth):
Sport (Swimming, soccer, basketball,baseball, volleyball, and football.):
Orcestra (Violin, Viola, Celo, Flute, Piano. Yes... the residents of Berkley Junior High have an Orcestra.. o_0'.:
Everyone must play at least one sport or instrument
Name: Tixi
Age: 13
Grade: 7
Gender: Female
Personality: Flirty, mischivious and nice all wraped in one!
Sport: Swimming
Other: Tixi is a skater girl that loves to wear hats. Her skate board is sacred to her. She is obsessed with chains, on her cloths mostly. Oh yeah, SHE HATES PINK!))((I am not going to start until some one eles posts))

Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:46 pm

Name: Amdir_Mallorn. Prefers to be called Amdir
Age: 14
Grade: Eighth
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy and quiet, mostly unsure of herself. However, when she wants to be she is a great leader
Sport: Swimming
Orcestra: Flute
Other: She is a Blue Eyrie. Around her neck is a Crystalline Eyrie pendant. She likes to read, and mostly stays to herself.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:21 pm

Name: Faerie
Age: 12
Grade (sixth- eighth): 6th
Gender: Female
Personality: Dark, sarcastic, sort of violent, romantic, artistic
Sport (Swimming, soccer, basketball,baseball, volleyball, and football.): None. Really more of an artist/actress, but she does swim sometimes
Orcestra (Violin, Viola, Celo, Flute, Piano. Yes... the residents of Berkley Junior High have an Orcestra.. o_0'.: None, but she plays the ocarina as a hobby
Other: Picture here (by deathisnotreal from Neocolours): http://www.xrackhost.com/~131incarnation/images/faerie.gif Some might call her a goth, but you shouldn't--she resents being labeled. She's a Jhonen Vasquez fan. She doesn't have a lot of friends, and that's OK with her. ((In case you wanna know, she has a fraternal twin sister, but she's not coming. She's sick.)) She's a Skunk Zafara. Her ears are pierced multiple times.
Last edited by Shippinator Mandy on Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:18 am

Name: Genis Sage
Age: 14
Gender: male
Personality: Kind, genrous, and optamistic
Sport: does not play one but he acts
Orcestra:Flute and plays the guitar as a hobby
Other: is a Blue Kougra

Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:11 pm

Name: SilverKimono1000 (prefers to be called Kimono)
Age: 12
Grade (sixth- eighth): Seventh (This confuzzles moi, but I think I get the American school system. O_o)
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy and quiet, but with a biiig temper. She has been known to stamp on other Neopet's feet when they smurf her off.
Sport (Swimming, soccer, basketball,baseball, volleyball, and football.): Baseball
Orcestra (Violin, Viola, Celo, Flute, Piano. Yes... the residents of Berkley Junior High have an Orcestra.. o_0'.: Keyboard/Piano
Other: She is a Silver Aisha.
Everyone must play at least one sport or instrument

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Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:05 pm

Name: Eo1378975
Age: 13
Grade (sixth- eighth): Seventh
Gender: Female
Personality: Often shy, longs to be in times of old, noble, good fighter.
Sport: Not good at sports; however does Archery as a hobby.
Orcestra: Viola (pretty much the only way this char differs from me as a student- I do violin o.O)
Other: An albino Lupe

My charry.

Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:35 am

Name: Fear
Age: Roughly 14.
Grade: Seventh
Gender: Female
Personality: Goth, pretty much, this Shoyru has a hot temper.
Sport: Cliff Diving.
Orcestra: Violin and Oboe
Other: DON'T mess with her, or else. Don't ask what else is.

Also she has a lupe friend named Oak.


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