The boy, Still shouting his sister's name, to no avail, was only met by one of the teachers.
"What's all this shouting about?" Asked the teacher.
"Tell me. Is my Sister here?" He demanded
"Yes. She is in a seperate section for everyones safety."
"I. Want. My. Sister." He said.
"Anka, it's too dangerous for you to be together right now. Your emotions will make your powers unstable."
"I! Need! My! Sister!" He shouted at her. A tear escaped from his left eye. He quickly wiped it away.
"You can't see her! I'm sorry." She told him firmly.
"You can't do this!" He shouted at her. "I have rights! You can't keep me here forever!" He slid down the wall and began to cry.
The vase near him began to crack and suddenly blew up. This was what he was stuck here for. This was why he couldn't see his sister.
Everything was quiet. It was like it had been before his sister was born. It was too quiet. He needed noise. Lots of it.
"Can I at least go outside for a little?" He asked her.
"Are you sure? There are lots of students outside."
"Exactly. It's too quiet here."
"Ok. You've got 2 hours." And with that she unlocked the door.
A Teacher had came to check up on Grace. She was still crying. He was holding something.
"Hello Grace." He said gentley.
"Anka?" She said looking up quickly. "Oh. It's just you."
"I'm sorry Grace but you know that we can't let you see him. It's too dangerous." He explained. "When your Mother and Father left. They told me to give you this the cheer you up."
He uncovered what was in his hand. It was a tiny little Kitten. It was black and white and when it's blanket was removed it Meowed.
"It's a girl." He said.
She Yawned. She'd obviously been sleeping in his hand. He held out the kitten to Grace who took the kitten and started to stoke her.
"Are you Ok?" He asked her
Grace started to ignore him. She was more preocupied with the Kitten. She was so cute.
The teacher decided he wouldn't get an answer and left.
"I'll call you Lily." She told the Kitten.
Lily just started to play with her blanket's tassles.

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