[Well, Jade is the GC, and Jade had the shower. So we're all following her spiffy example.

Ally woke early, around 5am. He yawned and rolled over, intending to go to sleep, but around half an hour later, after discovering he'd probably slept enough, he got out of bed. Realising he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing yesterday, he got into the bathroom and had a quick shower, towelling his hair dry and dressing quickly. He put on a black polo shirt, black combats, and black boots.
By the time he had done this, it was 6am. He unlocked his door and crept past his sister's room, walking down the steps into the foyer. No one was up at this time, and Ally hesitantly unlocked the main door and slipped outside.
The sun had risen, though only two hours ago. This made the morning semi-dark, and Ally stretched his muscles in the rising sun. Yawning, he began to jog around the block.
Ally returned at 7:30am. The city was large and took a while to walk around. Ally had jogged, and if he had walked it would have taken him upwards of three hours. He was confident, however, that he had not been too long, and that still not many would be up. He opened the main door and stepped into the foyer, spotting Anka. "Hello, Anka," he said conversationally. "Ready for today?"
Personally, Ally preferred Anka to Grace. Grace was prone to screaming, while Anka usually only stared. This was demonstrated clearly last night, and Ally was only really telling Grace off, not Anka. Although Anka wasn't Ally's favourite person out of the Akute, he was pretty damn good, and Ally wasn't about to hold a grudge against him for having an irritating partner.
Elouai woke at 7am, and got out of bed slowly. She padded to the bathroom and showered. As she got out, she looked at the mirror - it was steamed up. '
Good,' she thought. '
I have enough on my plate without having to worry about the way I look.' She washed her face with a flannel and dressed in the bathroom. She wore loose black tracksuit trousers, a black low cut sleevless top, and black boots.
Stretching, she left the bathroom and unlocked the door to her room. She heard a loud bang, and jumped. She ran down the hall to find a slightly suprised Lance, standing right outside Caress' door. Elouai couldn't force down a grin, and leaving Lance, still bemused, Elouai rushed down the stairs and into the foyer. She checked her watch. It was 7:15am, and the only person in there was Anka. She nodded to him and said a brief hello before continuing into the dining room to eat breakfast.
[CD, just so you know, Elouai greeted you at 7:20am, or around that time. She leaves before Ally greets you at 7:35am approximately, exactly 25 minutes before Grace falls down the stairs. I am going to have him stick around until that point, so if you could find a line of discussion suitable to occupy us, I give you permission to do a speedy on Ally and bring him up to 8am.]