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 Post subject: WWX [End]
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:49 am 
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<center>WEREWOLF X
Status: END @ DAY 9
(1 survived)

Werewolf X is a game unlike other Werewolves. Before, the objective was to eliminate the other "team" before they eliminated you. Now... well, lets just say that I've X'd the game up a bit. How you say? Well... there are a lot of changes. And I mean a Lot. A good amount. But I'm definitely interested to see how this turns out. (X!) Well... still... the basic idea is the same though. If you can mathematically and practically eliminate all other teams, you win the game! Simple... right? So... Did I worry ya?

General Stuff:

Every day you will get the opportunity to execute someone. At night, the evil teams will have the ability to kill someone.

Voting ends at 5:00:00PM Neopian/Pacific on the DOT. Do not expect the post to be prompt. In order to be accurate, many checks are required to make sure everything is done right.

At the stroke of 5PM, Day immediately ends.
When I state so, Night begins.

Lists can be sent to me until MIDNIGHT Neopian/Pacific on the DOT. Do not expect the post to be prompt. Same reasons as above. (X!)

If actions occur, in or out of game, these times may be shifted.

Again... lets review.

(Rememeber, you need not be present for either events. So these times should not bother you... riiight?)

* = By changing your list, your request is put at the bottom of the stack unless otherwise stated. (Explained later)

1. (Upgraded) RESPECT. I can't stress at all HOW IMPORTANT this is. Criticisms is OK. Pointing out problems is OK. Civilized quibbles are OK. Once you enter the realm of mindless attacks, inappropriate behavior, or sparking (beginning signs of flaming) is NOT. I will hold a RED-CARD ENFORCEMENT for this rule. I see a problem, I'll slap a yellow card on you... OR the whole group. RED card equals modkill. And if its on the group. The game ENDS. And we won't be playing for a LONG time. And ohh am I serious. (X!)

2. Roles were given out completely at random. Past roles should have no bearing to the current role

3. Once you have died in this game, you are no longer able to post in this thread. You are no longer able to communicate to live players via PM, AIM, MSN, etc. (Enforced by Honor rule, which I know has been broken before. *glare*). Dead men don't speak. I'm enforcing this this time. (X!)

4. NEVER EVER say that you are saying anything on my behalf. I shall do it myself. This also includes any doctoring/modeling of PMs on the game thread. Don't even try to make it LOOK like a role sheet.

** YOu may, however, reveal what your role does. Just don't give them the PM in paraphrase. (Clarify with me if you are unsure)

5. In addition, you may not COPY/SCREENSHOT/FORWARD/QUOTE/MINDMELD any of my Private messages/conversations at ANY TIME and in ANY FORM.

6. Failure to adhere the above two rules will result in modkilling and possible suspensions.

7. IF you get modkilled or choose to leave the game under your will, you are considered non-existant in the game. Any post-death actions that occur will NOT occur to you AND you will not be able to participate in any. This also puts a black light on your record.

8. LYING is part of the game. MISLEADING is part of the game. DECIET is part of the game. MISPELLINGS are part of the game. These things are what make the game exciting (maybe except the last one). Don't feel hurt or angry because someone just stabbed you in the back. Don't make someone swear on their (something something)'s grave and such. Doesn't make sense. Its a game.

8. This is to see if you are reading the rules. You are NOT to post on the thread unless instructed to do so on the status.

9. You cannot vote for yourself at anytime. You cannot kill yourself (directly) at anytime.

10. Private conversations may NOT be posted w/o the full consent (thru PM to me by both parties) and my approval of the action. Failure to do this results in appropriate actions.

11. Clearly mark your PMs with your Role, in order to help me out.<hr>
You will have 2 votes to use per day during this game. You can't use the two votes on the same person. However, once there are only 5 people or less, you only have 1 vote.

Vote in the following manner:

You may vote for a NO EXECUTION and post such:

* Please note that once you make a vote, you do not get the option to UNVOTE it. It's stuck in stone. (X!)

Vote summaries will be made periodically when I feel it is necessary/can be convenienced to post it.

Each vote will have the power of either 1/2 or 1, depending on circumstances. Whichever person has the highest powered votes against them, will be executed. (Note this means a majority need not be present, just the highest mark.)

You can get a double execution if the person who has the 2nd most votes has 66% of the point power as the top. This value subject to change. (No Double Execution if 6 or less people exist)

If there is a tie, both shall be executed. (If its a 3-way tie or higher whoever were the first 2 to reach that level will be executed) [If 6 people or less and a tie exists, person who first reached that level will be executed]

-Other Roles the general outline. Some roles will occur before others and will denote that in their role.

Lists may be chagned at any time, however, note that your changes will put you at the bottom of the processing list.

Secret Powers
There may be a few floating around.
They should not be discussed under any circumstances.
The fact you even HAVE ONE cannot be discussed (public AND private)

Don't make one up, failure to adhere these simple rules will result in appropriate consequences.

If you have questions, PM me.

There are NO initial shields given in this game.
Immunities may exist.

Sorry. There is no commentary thread this time around. We're going to try to see how things go when the dead truly stays silent. Please be aware that you are NOT TO SPEAK WITH ANY OTHER PLAYER IN THE GAME ABOUT WEREWOLF.
* This includes via AIM/PM/any other form of communication.
* Secrets stay with you and cannot be revealed at anytime (until game's end)
* Report offenders immediately.
* This, however, does not mean resurrections are impossible. Please stay in touch with the game play.
Robert-- Mafia -- SURVIVOR

Kalathalan - Shot Night 1 - Vigilante
Twisted Sanity - Mauled Night 1 - Mason
Twizzler0171 - Nightmared Out Night 1 - Shaman
o_0- Nightmared Out Night 1 - Analyst

Mandy- Mauled Night 2 - Angel
Kugetsu -Mauled Night 2 - Shaman

Exec 3- Matt - Mafia
Exec 3- the_dog_god - Werewolf

Urthdigger- Mauled Night 3 - Mason
DiscordantNote- Shot Night 3 - Best Buddy
Alex- Mauled Night 3 - Angel
Qanda- Killed by Locals Day 4 - ? ? ?
Exec 4- Chipper - Construction Worker
LadyNight- Shot Night 4 - Masoose
Jellyoflight- Mauled Night 4 - Best Buddy

Exec 5- JellyFish72- Werewolf
Bangel- Mauled Night 5 - Crazed Lunatic
matterbug- Shot Night 5 - Werewolf

Ammer- Shot Night 5 - Analyst
Exec 6- ste_is_back- Reverse Healer

Exec 6- Christopher- Werewolf
watericesage- Mauled Night 6- Mafia

Syrill- Shot Night 6- Construction Worker
.:CD:.- Shot Night 6- Reverse Healer

Apricus- Mauled Night 6- Crazed Lunatic
CWisgood- Shot Day 7 - Werewolf
Exec 7- sir_michael (replaced final_phyre)- Mafia

Anubis- Shot Night 7 - Masoose

Stephanie- Mauled Night 7 - Mafia

.:Requiem:.- Shot Day 8 - Vigilante

Exec 8- Pixa- Mafia
Exec 9- Trinity- Werewolf
<hr>So maybe X doesn't have to mean ten... 10 means 10. We'll see 10 on Allstars. This is X. It'll be interesting. May be frustrating. Who knows... its an... eXperiment.

:hug: I've spent my energy... I'll continue after a nice night. Sorry about that guys. I know you guys are hopped up for some gaming. :P

Last edited by ScottNak on Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:15 pm, edited 26 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:08 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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There isn't really that much difference from a non-standard werewolf game. At least from what has been posted.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:51 am 
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"It's a hot day... a very hot day..." Scott thinks while brushing off some sand. Yes, he's gone onto another trip. Why in this deserty area though? It was a calling... he needed to try a new atmosphere. Especially since a big change would be coming up soon...

However, focusing on the events, Scott discovered two prominent factions dividing the town in two. Two very polar opposite factions. "It was a bit odd to go through the village with such tension... but it's not like anything I've seen before. I've seen much worse."

So as Scott starts packing up and begins his ride back to his home town, an all too eerie and familiar sound was heard. Scott quickly rushes over to see unidentifyable bodies mauled... shot... and ... well better left unsaid than said.

Instantly Scott knew what was going to happen. It was that time again. ALWAYS that time again. Why always on his vacations? WHY. "Alright... well, we've hit against familiar territory... but with an extra little competition I must say..."

"The little factions might play into this game a little more differently than usual.... and well lets just try a few more things to compliment this new atmosphere...."

Night 0 continues...
(Day 1 will end, tomorrow)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:58 am 
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...Desert. o_o Please, oh please Scott, tell me that it isn't the desert where you are surrounded by miles and miles of Sage brush... I see plenty of them every day. :P So if it is that type of desert, it won't be new atmosphere... Hehe.

Ah well, I'll be up in the mountains for the next few days, so either way I won't complain. ^_^ Until Saturday - a youth camp. =D Of course, I'll check in before I'll leave... and I'll bother dad about getting me home on time this time... so yeah. o__O;;

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:59 am 
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It's started. This should be a very interesting game.

Set by Medli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:11 am 
PPT Toddler
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This game is sure to be a good one, changes keep a game interesting!

Image Image

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:17 am 
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Interesting... very...
Who knooows what will happen. *tun tun TUNNNN*

BTW... It's night 0 cause Day 1 will begin in lil' over 40 minutes.
So... don't try doing anything tonight. It's 0!!! :P

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:18 am 
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Night 0 eh? Then it doesn't exist? Does that mean that Day -1 Just passed?

o.o Cosmic

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:21 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Stop making Alexy confused when she's sick and can't think straight :(

Tsk tsk, naughty Christopher, posting early...

Gone, forever.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:28 am 
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Damn omnious lightning...


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:36 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Alex wrote:
Stop making Alexy confused when she's sick and can't think straight :(

Tsk tsk, naughty Christopher, posting early...

I was preventing the almighty Scott from double posting for that would be most heathenous.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:41 am 
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Right then...Night 0. If o_0 were to die now, it'd be a new record XP


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:50 am 
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Night 0...riiiight...

Anyway, it started, great! =) NOTE: I haven't my role yet. I post first, then read. Did this last time.

*goes off to read*

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:06 am 
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Well. The sun has risen... and the game madness can now begin.
It is now... DAY 1

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:51 am 
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The random insanity of this board is overwhelming.

:P Now.... people need to post! Come on, liven up ye scurvy lads and lassies. We need suspects and we need them now :P

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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