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 Post subject: Creativity Contest - First Prize 100k
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:42 pm 
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Slowly, the creaking floorboards shuffled. Maria, sat on her bed, watched them, as they moved in rhythm. Up, and down, and up, and down. Anxiously, she looked up at her door, hearing another noise, a lower, louder creaking. As she peered through her covers at the golden door handle, she saw the light dance on the surface, and as she watched with fear, but also with awe, she realized what would come next. The door inched forward, slowly.

This is a little contest I thought I might organise. It's basically a story writing contest. The main idea is to choose one of the extracts I'm writing in this topic, and to make a story about it.

Merrily, Emily danced through the woods, picking flowers and gathering them into a bunch. She stroked the animals that approached her curiously, wondering what the noise was. As Emily approached the large lake that ran ahead of her, she lay her flowers down on the large tuft of grass to the side of her, where she nestled food for the animals of the forest. She sighed, stretching out the feet behind her body. She was happy, and there was no reason not for her to be.

I have tried to make many possible entries, and leaving the main sotry up to you, and I haver attempted to write in as many different genres and styles as possible, but, I can't cover them all, unfortunately.

Lucas slowly slid the paperclip into the lock in front of him, and twisted it, until he heard a low click. As he slid the door open slowly to avoid any noise, he shuffled into the room that lay ahead of him, eager to investigate the contents. He lay the lockpick he hastily made into his backpack, and continued along the restricted corridor, wondering what made it so dangerous, and prohibitted. Slowly, but surely, he made his way silently, until he reached the bottom of the corridor, and he peered into the large, windowed door, guarding the secrets that they didn't want anyone to know.

I am afraid that there are some rules:

1. You can add text to the beginning or ending of each paragraph, however, the paragraph must reamain uneditted.
2. I have attempted to make each paragraph about 100 words. There is a 500 word minimum, however, there is no maximum
3. The contest is to end Sunday 19th September.
4. There is to be no plagiarism.
5. Any of the quoted passages may be used, however, only one can be used.
6. All entries nust obey the forum rules. (This is basically a reminder to keep it clean)

"Let the feast begin," let out the Badger Lord, standing at the top of the table. The who table burst into laughter, and conversation, as everyone dug into the food on the table in front of them. The forest folk had worked hard in preparation all that day, as they had something to celebrate about, and they all knew what a hapyp day it was, and what a memorable day it would be in the history of the forests. The table was laid lavishly, and there were candles along the table, lighting the hall, and the food along side. Everyone had a goblet filled to the brim. Everyone was having a good time, until the doors burst open, revealing a rather exhausted stoat, and he collapsed, as he uttered two words, "They're back"

The bit you've all bene waiting for, the prizes! The winner, as specified ill win 100,000NP. The person in second place will obtain 50,000NP. The final place, the runner up, will receive a grand sum of 10,000NP! I don't mind how or to whom I pay these funds, as long as I give the whole sum to the winners!

The class giggled, seated all around the class room. Thye were very nervous, it was there first lesson in their new school, and, as all new pupils, were eager to learn. Many sat rigid, with there stationery laid out neatly on the table in front of them, not wanted to upset the, as yet, absent teacher, however, many others were more sloppy in their dress, and were chatting and giggling to their neighbours, taking full advantage of the little playtime they had been granted. However, as soon as the tall figure walked into the room, the whole class fell silent. She strutted over to the teachers desk, sitting down. "Good morning, My name is Mrs. Burnes."

These entries will be judged by myself. I would let others judge them, but then it would get more inconsistent, and the marking process would take a lot longer than I would want it to.

The entries are to be written in plain text form, without formatting. They can be PMed to me, however, I would prefer them written in full on the boards. If the text is greater than 1,000 words, please link to it from an off-site source.

This contest is free to enter, and anyone who feels they are creative enough is free to enter. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me either on this thread, or via PM ^.^

I look forward to your imagination. Hopefully this is a big enough prize to encourage you to post.

~ Matt


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:09 pm 
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I think I'll enter. sounds like fun ^.^


The class giggled, seated all around the classroom. They were very nervous, it was there first lesson in their new school, and, as all new pupils, were eager to learn. Many sat rigid, with there stationery laid out neatly on the table in front of them, not wanted to upset the, as yet, absent teacher, however, many others were more sloppy in their dress, and were chatting and giggling to their neighbors, taking full advantage of the little playtime they had been granted. However, as soon as the tall figure walked into the room, the whole class fell silent. She strutted over to the teacher’s desk, sitting down. "Good morning, my name is Mrs. Burnes."

I sat quietly, hoping that no one noticed me. I hated it when teacher would notice the shy child, small and scrunched up, chewing on her hair, and when they usually did, they'd think I was mental or unusual or something, and act like I was special and be extra nice to me. I thought it was pathetic, really. Never once have I met a teacher that was strict and to the point. I hated those teachers. Those teachers that were pudgy, with sweet blond hair, with a high squeaky voice that made your ears buzz with annoyance. Those were the teachers that seem to give me a kind of power to me to go up to them and slap them in the face.

But I knew, from the first appearance of Mrs. Burnes, that she wasn’t one of those Cotton candy teachers. She wasn’t plump with a fake smile and a mole that twitched too much on her cheek. She didn’t have a smile on her face, instead, a grim frown on her face. But the only surprising thing that I saw was she wasn’t pudgy. She didn’t have sweet blond hair, and as she spoke, she had a deep mesmerizing voice.

She was tall and slender, with long straight black hair that reached her waistline. She had an unsmiling face that was filled with sarcasm just waiting to be released. As I watched, her eyes scanned the room, studying every one of the faces that filled the room. Suddenly I noticed how beautiful she was. Her eyes, that hazel brown, she was what a girl could ask for. She was like me. She hated those sweet-tooth teachers just as much as me. She hated those talkative students that goofed around instead of wanting to learn. She was like me.

And that when I knew, that she was going to be the teacher of my dreams.

signature by WIS! :]

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:39 pm 
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wow. This looks pretty interesting. :D I might enter, if I happen to get any inspiration, but I look forward to seeing everyone's entries. That one quote is from a Redwall book, isn't it?


 Post subject: Re: Creativity Contest - First Prize 100k
PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:28 pm 
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I'll give it a try! It is very similar to roleplaying, after all. I have to get off right now, so I'll put my entry later. Sorry!

EDIT: It's not over a thousand words, however it is fairly long. (I put a lot of double spaces in...) I don't know a good site that I can put it on that is fairly private. Can you suggest one?

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:26 pm 
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I'll enter as well. However, I'll submit my entry later.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:41 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I will also enter, maybe tomorrow when I have some time. :)

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:54 pm 
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I will also enter later on :)

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:14 am 
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amarise wrote:
That one quote is from a Redwall book, isn't it?

Nope, all passages are written by myself, however, I've made one to make it similar to Redwall, as I know its quite popular.

Twizzler0171 wrote:
It's not over a thousand words, however it is fairly long. (I put a lot of double spaces in...) I don't know a good site that I can put it on that is fairly private. Can you suggest one?

If it is not over 1,000 words, I do not object to it being here, still, you can just stick it into a .txt document and upload it to any good web hosting service. See the Computer Help board for ideas.


 Post subject: Re: Creativity Contest - First Prize 100k
PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:30 pm 
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Here is my entry.


Matt wrote:
Slowly, the creaking floorboards shuffled. Maria, sat on her bed, watched them, as they moved in rhythm. Up, and down, and up, and down. Anxiously, she looked up at her door, hearing another noise, a lower, louder creaking. As she peered through her covers at the golden door handle, she saw the light dance on the surface, and as she watched with fear, but also with awe, she realized what would come next. The door inched forward, slowly.

She held her breath as the door opened wider, and a face peeked through. She gave a sigh of relief when she saw who it was. It was just her younger sister, Karen.

"Maria?" Karen whispered softly, so softly that Maria could barely hear her. "I'm scared. There's someone downstairs."

"Are you sure that it wasn't just mom?" Maria asked. Something was wrong here, she could tell. But what was wrong?

"It's not mom..." Karen said. "C'mon, I'll show you."

Maria nodded, and got out of bed. She followed her sister, unconsciously stepping softly, so as not to be heard. They went down the stairs even more quietly, so as not to make the stairs creek, as they were very old.

And then Maria saw the figure; at the same time the figure saw her. Maria blinked in surprise. It was like she was staring into a mirror. Karen gasped too, looking from the figure, to her sister, and back to the figure.

"Hello, Maria. I am your identical twin sister, Mara."

Maria stepped back in shock. "What?"

Mara cocked her head slightly in amusement. "Evidently you weren't told about me."

"Karen, go get mom." Maria whispered, keeping her eye on Mara.

"No need. She's already here." Karen whispered back, pointing at the stairs.

"Karen, sweetie, call the hospital please. I'm not feeling to well, because I'm seeing double."

"No, your not mom. There is two of them, one is Maria, and the other said she is her twin." Karen said.

Their mother put her hand up to her mouth, growing pale. "No. it can't be!"

"Oh," Mara said. "But it is. Don't you remember me, mother?"

"Only to well, if you are who you say you are. And how is your father?" their mother said coldly.

Maria's eyes flicked from her twin, because from her mother's reaction it was her twin, to her mother, disbelief on her face.

"He is doing fine. In fact, he sent me to tell you he is in town. Unlike you, he actually told me I was a twin."

"Did he also tell you the fact that you were also an older sister?" their mother asked.

"What?" Mara said, shocked for the first time since their meeting. It was now that she noticed Karen.

"Evidently not." Maria's mother said with satisfaction.

Maria frowned. "What is going on?"

Karen opened her mouth, as if to say something, then closed it. Mara then turned, to look at Maria. "Well," Mara said. "It started about eight months after we were born."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:29 pm 
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I will enter soon...

Depression's back, and it bites. Arsenic never looked so good.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:59 pm 
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I have decided I am going to extend this contest.
The closing date will be a long time.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:44 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I'll give it a shot ^^

The class giggled, seated all around the class room. Thye were very nervous, it was there first lesson in their new school, and, as all new pupils, were eager to learn. Many sat rigid, with there stationery laid out neatly on the table in front of them, not wanted to upset the, as yet, absent teacher, however, many others were more sloppy in their dress, and were chatting and giggling to their neighbours, taking full advantage of the little playtime they had been granted. However, as soon as the tall figure walked into the room, the whole class fell silent. She strutted over to the teachers desk, sitting down. "Good morning, My name is Mrs. Burnes."

The class remained silent. Mrs.Burnes had a certain air around her that made everyone shiver.

"Oh dear, we don't seem to have the hang of this, do we? When I enter a classroom I expect you to stand up and respond to me when I say 'Good Morning'. Can we do that?" Mrs.Burnes glared at the class. Not one member of them didn't flush. Apart from Tom, that was. Tom wasn't very bright, and didn't soak these words in like a sponge. So, as the rest of the class stood up, he remained seated, rubbing his nose blearily.

"Good morning Mrs.Burnes," chanted the class. Yet again, apart from Tom, who was yawning and staring out of the window. Everybody seemed to have noticed this, and didn't seem to know what to do.

"Why, it seems that young Thomas doesn't seem to want to join in. Come on Thomas, you don't want to make me angry." sneered Mrs.Burnes.

Silence rang the room.

"Uhhh...miss, me name's Tom." grumbled Tom, picking his nose, and plainly not caring. Fire seemed to alight in Mrs.Burnes's eyes.

"Oh dear. Well, you see, in my class, you shall be called Thomas. Unless you'd rather me call you by your middle name, or perhaps my own little nickname?" Mrs.Burnes moved towards Tom, sending shuddereds to the people she passed.

"I dinne like me middle name, miss. Me nickname's Tom, see." Tom gave a very pronounced yawn.

"Ronald. I believe your middle name is 'Ronald'." Mrs.Burnes said the name with a look of mingled disgust. "Nasty, old fasioned name. Well, Thomas Ronald, I want a three thousand word essay from you explaining why it is rude to yawn in my lesson. You are to hand it in tomorrow, or else. Do I make myself clear?" she snapped.

"Do I 'ave to miss? Essays are for geeks. No 'ffence, like." scoffed Tom.

"Well then I think you'll find that after you do this essay for me, you will be what you call a 'geek'. It is your punishment for being so rude. Now, is there anyone that objects to this?" barked Mrs.Burnes. The class shook their heads slowly, then sat down.

"Right, so this is our lesson plan..." Mrs. Burnes drifted to the board and wrote many complicated sums on it. The class glanced at each other in fear. Advance Algebra...they hadn't even done Algebra before!

This was going to be a long lesson...

It's short, I know...

that's me.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:54 pm 
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Bumping this up for ya, also I still have my entry. I somehow forgot about it last weekend, I'll try and get it done this week.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:07 am 
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so....whens this contest ending? It's been almost a month...o-o :oops:

signature by WIS! :]

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:40 am 
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It has? I though it was only a week... :o Shows I have no sense of time!

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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