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Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:45 pm

Helena - 3, Rox, Regan, Pixa
graphitesmoothie - 2, Helena, Rox
Pixa -1, Rox

Riiiight. Can I change the last one to Raz, k, tnx?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:21 pm

Wait what happened to my post??

Vote: graphitesmoothie

No reason

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:32 pm

Yeah I noticed that. That vote on Pixa, should be by Twinkle I think.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:59 pm

What happened with Miyu's vote? Have you been in contact with someone or something?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:07 pm

No. I assume it is someone's role power; to be able to change another person's vote.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:13 pm

Day 2 Execution

The group in the half-malignant half-castle could not come to a majority, so instead of execution here's a picture of Robin Williams.


... and a cat.


Night Begins

Sorry for the delay.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:49 pm

*lol* And what do they have in common

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:51 pm

Missy! was attracted into the ballroom.

Ballroom: Pink, Twinkle, Alex, Rachel, Anvil, CWisgood, Ryguy, Helena, Pixa, Bruces galore, Missy!
Great Hall: Moongewl, Ressficent, Keith, Ammer, Chipper, kcharles, Raz, Skynetmain, Twizzler0171
Library: DM was on fire!, 3lla, Dyl, Byakuya San
Gallery: Rox, Laryxler, Typhoon, Regan, Christopher, graphitesmoothie, May, Miyu


Night 2

In the Ballroom:
There was a disco party. However, at one point during the party, Missy! was so tired that she decided to sit down to and take a rest. Suddenly, a farting noise could be heard. As everyone in the ballroom pointed fingers and laughed at Missy!, she discovered that she was sitting on a whoopee cushion. But before she can get up, the whoopee cushion exploded her butt, killing her. Everyone was shocked, but then a really funky song came on and people resumed dancing.

Later in the night, Helena decided to get a glass of punch that was readily available. However, she made the mistake of leaving her drink un-attended. When she took a sip later, she started clutching her throat and foaming at her mouth. The foam caught the various lights like a disco ball, and when people noticed, everyone started dancing around her. Eventually it stopped though, and people were bummed out.

In the Great Hall:
Moongewl, however, was not as lucky. At a certain point in the night she started foaming in her mouth, and she died. Alone. In her bus.

Nobody noticed her death (or if they did, they didn't care) because everyone was gathered around the body of Chipper, whose head was cut open and her brains were gone.

"How unfortunate!" Raz stated quietly.

"I wish somebody like Moongewl could have died instead!" sobbed kcharles.

As Raz was about to reply, a column nearby wobbled, and collapsed on him. Fortunately, there was somebody on the scene to heal him, so he turned out okay.

In the Library:
DM was on fire! made herself a cup of tea and sat down in an armchair with a big book. She was so engrossed that she didn't realize somebody had put something in her drink. As she took another sip, she noticed something wrong with it! There was a spider in her cup! DM was on fire! ran around screaming and tripped over herself and went heels-over-head tumbling into a bookcase, which, in turn fell down and crushed her to death.

In the Gallery:
Typhoon accidentally broke a vase. As punishment, he was sent to the dungeons.


Missy! was pranked. Her role was:
Post-Haste Pixie

Alignment: Neutral
Winning Condition: Survive to the End

You are a slow pixie, you can affect people’s powers, but only during the following day.

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Enhance: Every night, you may double a player’s powers. For example, if that person has a nightly ability, he or she will be able to target twice the people the next day instead of just one. Also, if that person has a limited use ability, he or she will be able to target twice the people with that limited use ability, but it will still take up one use. This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Magic Dust: Once during the game you may double the powers of everyone in your room for the next day. This ability does not count as an action.

Resistance: 40%

Moongewl was poisoned. Her role was:
Blatant Bus Driver

Alignment: Innocent
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams

Nobody seems to notice the fact that you are blatantly driving a bus around… in a castle… switching people around...

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Switch: Every night, you may switch two people. Submit two lists, a list A and a list B. During the night, the first person alive on list A will be switched with the first person alive on list B. Everything that happens to the person on list A will happen to the person on list B, and vice versa. You may not switch the same two people two nights in a row. (This means you cannot use either person in your next list if you had used them the night before). This ability counts as an action done by you.

Change: Once during the game, you mean insert your own list into another player’s. Submit two lists, a list A and a list B. The first person alive on list A will be targeted, and their list (if they have one), will be replaced by your list B. This ability counts as an action done by you.

Resistance: 30%

Chipper got her brains eaten. Her role was:
Great Hall Gentleman

Alignment: Innocent
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams

You are the master of the great hall.

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Room Status: Every night, you may change your room’s status for the next day. However, you must reside in your room to do so. You may pick from several available statuses, and you may not pick the same status two days in a row. They are as follows:

No status: Picking this will not affect the room’s inhabitants in any way.
Resistance Beneficial: Picking this will increase the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 10%.
Resistance Detrimental: Picking this will decrease the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 10%.
Resistance Beneficial+: You may pick this status three times during the game. Picking this will increase the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 20%.
Resistance Detrimental+: You may pick this status three times during the game. Picking this will decrease the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 20%.
Pure Protection: Once during the game, you may pick this status. Picking this status will protect everyone in your room from all attacks.

Note that these statuses are only temporary, and will be gone as soon as the inhabitant leaves the room. In addition, you are not affected by any of these. This ability does not count as an action.

Attract: In addition to your previous ability, every night you may attract a person into your room. This will take place at the beginning of the night. This ability counts as an action done by you.

Resistance: 30%

DM was on fire! was pranked. Her role was:
Zappy Zombie

Alignment: Evil
Team: Zombies
Winning Condition: Defeat all other teams
Teammates: *Information withheld*

For zombies, you are quite a chipper bunch, which may explain why you’re able to fit in normally with other people. Being the undead, you have quite a special slew of abilities.

*Information withheld*

Resistance: 50%
You cannot be converted.

Typhoon was put in the dungeons. He cannot vote or use any role abilities. He may still post, however.

Day 3 Begins

28 Alive, 15 for majority, 21 for lock.

I think I will move both day and night 1 hour later now.
Last edited by WIS on Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:54 pm

Yay for one baddie down already! Boo for 2 goodies down! Meh for a neutral down :P

Right. Anyone want to roletrade?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:58 pm

I know this is a rather delayed thought... but perhaps the poisoning the work of the malicious poisoner? That'd make sense, I suppose. :P

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:02 am


A secret lever has been discovered in the Gallery. Does someone wish to pull it? To do so just post "Pull Lever". Note that only people currently in the Gallery may pull the lever. If they do, they may not move for the rest of the day. This also means you cannot move into the Gallery to pull the lever.

Ballroom: Pink, Twinkle, Alex, Rachel, Anvil, CWisgood, Ryguy, Helena, Pixa, Bruces galore
Great Hall: Ressficent, Keith, Ammer, kcharles, Raz, Skynetmain, Twizzler0171
Library: 3lla, Dyl, Byakuya San
Gallery: Rox, Laryxler, Typhoon, Regan, Christopher, graphitesmoothie, May, Miyu
Last edited by WIS on Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:02 am

Two prankings. Unfortunately our role doubler is gone.

Pull Lever. If I can, being dungeonized and all. If I can't, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! :(

Move: Library

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:04 am

Typhoon wrote:Two prankings. Unfortunately our role doubler is gone.

Pull Lever. If I can, being dungeonized and all. If I can't, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! :(

Move: Library

Akshully being in the dungeon you can't move either. Forgot to mention that. ;D

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:09 am

:( Why did I go and leave you, lovely gallery?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:38 am

I'm reckless enough. Pull lever.

I can still vote, though, right?
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