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Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:45 am

Nah, we're doing fairly well, you're only outnumbered if you are a baddie... hmm??? Haha just kidding. :P At least I think so...

So I guess we should go after people who have not posted today eh? =:3
Last edited by Kugetsu on Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:46 am

Well, there is still the Serial Killer/Axe Murderer, traitor and 2 mafia members, and the moongazer and 1 wolf. Then there are the Best Buds, Flip Flopper, Govenor, Archangel, and Mystic on our side. I don't think there are any other roles we know of. And the rest would be townsfolk with Secret Powers mixed in.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:55 am

Wow, we're doing pretty well. We've lost a few good roles, but at least we've gotten a couple of baddies too. :)

Sorry I haven't been very active. My life is...hectic, to say the least.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:01 am

Okay, I would list all of the people that haven't posted today, but I don't have time and my mom wants on the computer. I do want to say (because voting will msot likely start before I wake up/get on the computer) that we should leave Matterbug in (even if he is a werewolf), so make sure not to vote him (or her) out, even if they aren't active, they are still helping a bit. If he is the last werewolf, the moongazer can't turn into one because the other werewolf is still alive, that is until he is mod-killed or something. Oh yeah, and I would appreciate not dying as well. :P

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:21 am

Oh, yay. Two wolves down, one to go. =D

Buuut, of course, our Angel is gone.

*Hits something*

I wonder why the WWs didn't send in their list? oO

I suppose they're in different time zones, or something. They might have problems communicating, then. After all, Jelly's in the UK, Alex in Australia, and the third wolf... Who knows? :/

(And before anyone jumps on me with a knife for actually *gasp* knowing that Jelly and Alex are in different time zones... Chill. Logic doesn't equal villain, as we've seen from Chris/Okamotosan.)

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:56 am

Well, I think the most obvious choice right now is Nelly. Why would YesItIsh vote for her when she knew she was going to die? To make it look like she wouldn't vote for someone on her own team. I think it would be best to assume right now that Nelly is another Mafia member.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:59 am

Oh dear, I'm horrifically sorry about DracolordII! I apologize for voting you earlier on and major thanks to our governor or we would have lost our angel much earlier.

I'll come back and vote later on. Major apologies for my inactiveness due to school (the execution time is when I'm in school :() and work. But I promise I'll come back later to vote. In the time being, I'm just going to observe.

I think for now we can trust okamotosan, since he did help us get rid of one mafia member. *cheers*

PuppyLover: That could be logical, however, this is only a 50/50 chance and we don't know if YesItIsh chose Nelly randomly or not.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:16 pm

It was random believe me

Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:23 pm

Today I can be online for longer, and seems that I'm not dead.
Yay for me!
Let's have a toast... and since I'm not of age, we'll just drink papaya juice (tastes yummy!)
Now back to reading what happened tonight...

EDIT: Er... Nevermind, I just read about Dracolord...
Getting a wolf is good, though, now there's just 1 wolf, 2 mafia and ? axe murderer(s), and the moongazer, while we're 18-20.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:37 pm

Wind wrote:Today I can be online for longer, and seems that I'm not dead.
Yay for me!
Let's have a toast... and since I'm not of age, we'll just drink papaya juice (tastes yummy!)
Now back to reading what happened tonight...

EDIT: Er... Nevermind, I just read about Dracolord...
Getting a wolf is good, though, now there's just 1 wolf, 2 mafia and ? axe murderer(s), and the moongazer, while we're 18-20.

yea lets just hope nomore good guys get killed off we've lost too many already

Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:50 pm

Yes, we are doing pretty well in numbers. Okay, I don't know how to vote because all I have are suspicions, backed up by nothing. I'll wait for others to make their decision before I make mine (I don't want to be the one that ends up killing a major role...)

EDIT: You know what? Scratch that thought... I've done it before, I can sure take the risk again...

This is the only person I find suspicious, and with a reason.

Matt: I don't know why, but I've felt suspicious of him since the second day of the game. It makes sense, he didn't vote last round (I'm not sure if he posted either). I'd keep my eyes out for him.

I'm not going to vote for him just, as not to lead everyone in a mindless vote.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:00 pm

yeah i'm going wait as well even though i've already been accused of being mafia

and anyway puppylover how do we know that you not the mafia and youre just trying to set the sent away from you i mean its awfully suspicious that you're so willing to throw me to the wolves so to speak (yes i know it was a very bad pun but its two am in the morning :P)

Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:02 pm

Actually, I had the same thought Nelly, but that's the only reason I had to suspect her, so I didn't list her.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:09 pm

Kugetsu wrote:Actually, I had the same thought Nelly, but that's the only reason I had to suspect her, so I didn't list her.

well it does seem rather strange that she was so certain that i was mafia i mean it was a good idea dont get me wrong but and i dont know about everyone else but it just seemed a little too far fetched to me

Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:42 pm

Honestly I have no idea about who to vote for, but please go on posting... I have a bad feeling that all the biggest posters have already been killed.
Even useless stuff... just post... staying silent is a bad sign.
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