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Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:01 am


*pulls lever*

IT doesn't say only one person can. XD

Though I have this sneaking suspicion, that whoever pulls the lever will open a trap door underneath them, making them tumble into something ghastly.
meh. :)

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:23 am

So I'm guessing that since there were two poisonings and two pranks, one of them was affected by a doubler - perhaps Missy? Tom, you may be on to something with the malicious poisoner - that could explain the multiple poison attacks for both nights so far. I'm considering pulling the lever in the gallery, but I don't want to die or anything like that :P Ah, what the heck...

Pull lever

Do we have any dreamer results, tracker results, anything helpful whatsoever?

I have to get my votes in now just in case I'm not home from work by the time execution is posted.

Vote: Bruces galore
Vote: Byakuya San

Because both begin with B... teehee :P

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:32 am

Vote: Miyu
Vote: May

Because both start with M :P

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:38 am

Completely random:

Vote: 3lla
Vote: Ressficient

I'm sorry, but I totally LOL'd when I saw Missy's death scene. Her butt blew up? What a way to go.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:56 am

Well if I die for pulling the lever, then I hope that Miyu and May come with me. Dying is always more fun in groups.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:07 am


She doesn't seem to actually be participating in the game. I figure it might be good to execute a nonactive player.
Yeah for one baddie down. There seems to be a lot of doubled actions last night. Interesting to see if it continues with Missy now dead.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:10 am

I hate you WIS.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:13 am

Vote: 3lla
Vote: Ressficient

People that someone else voted for. No idea who to go for, really D:

Move: Gallery

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:35 am

Anvil wrote:Move: Gallery

No more dancing? D:

Vote: Anvil
Vote: Alex

Passive aggressive? Me? 0:)

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:23 am

Everyone who pulled the lever died and is rez-banned.


Lulz kidding. A strange mechanical sound could be heard. Hmm, I wonder what happened.

[EDIT] I just realized I messed up. The lever is actually found in the great hall. But I'm just going to assume somebody in the great hall is reckless enough to pull it so the effect still occurred. Whatever it was.

Only one person needed to pull the lever, so the first person who did cannot move, but the people who pulled it afterward can.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:08 am

Aww, needs more death.

Vote: kcharles per Bruces' reasoning.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:13 am

Oh yes, I've contacted a replacement for kcharles. She hasn't even read her role yet.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:40 am

What's the point of voting an inactive at this point in the game, especially now we know they are being replaced?

I'll go with Vote: Graph as a placeholder for now, person above me.

And I think i'll stay put in the gallery.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:52 am

Guys, leave me alone. I'm innocent. PM me to roletrade.

Vote: No execution because I'm a hippy I have no leads.

Move: The Library

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:47 pm

Bah, that was a silly lever.

Vote: No execution
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