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Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:58 pm

Kugetsu wrote:The reason I think that she may be the last werewolf (it's the only thing that fits) is because she was dead set on executing Chris, and as posted in the commentary thread, all of the werewolves KNEW he was the governor.

I knew Chris was the Governor. Everyone knew. Why? Because he PMed everyone saying he was. He told me after I had died. However, I know for a fact he told others while they were alive. He told everyone therefore any one of them can be a Werewolf/Mafia/Innocent and I believe Cae is an innocent.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:05 pm

Haha! I'm in this land of shadows... whooot!
I suppose I can't explain the papaya thing since it's a game secret, but I can tell you that I only lied when I told that I wasn't a baddie.
I'm sorry for the people I killed... wait, I'm not sorry! That was fun! Hahahahaha!
And seems that I've got an heir: weird!


Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:08 pm

Unedit: Xil, Dawn, and Cae all have something against me, I only know Caesara thinks I'm a moron, but not really sure why they wanted me dead in the game. AutumnElf and Raze are probably my two main suspects, but they're just gut feelings.
Last edited by okamotosan18 on Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:25 pm

Haha Okamoto... Bad luck!
Even if you didn't contact me, I somehow suspected you had an important role. I'm glad I got the governor before dying, since getting all these executions stopped is really annoying for a SK. I hope my heir will do a good job.

For the alive people: I don't know who's my heir, I didn't even know I had an heir, and Kugetsu saying papaya doesn't prove anything. And no, I'm not trying to defend him.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:36 pm

I had forgotten I had PMed you. Oh well, I was doomed that day anyway, and it did buy me more time. But you dying really equals an innocent dying since the number of people went down, but the number of bad guys stayed the same. You really, technically would've killed me had you not had an heir because it looks like you had to have gotten people to say Papaya before the end of night. But he listed you first, so I'm assuming since there still was a SK to take your place that the SK team still had a list submitted. I dunno, it's all confusing, haha. I just know that if the SpokesWolf/Mafia dies, and there is someone left on that team then a list that was submitted still counts.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:41 pm

I think you misunderstood my words: you didn't contact me. I chose to kill you, but I didn't know you were the governor.
As for the list: I sent my list with your name on top, then I died at the end of the night. But I managed to had you killed during the night (before I died, then)
I don't know why Scott wrote my death before yours, but that was still my list, not that of my heir.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:03 pm

Did the secret power or role or whatever contained the Papaya thing say you would die at the end of that night? Because then it wouldn't have mattered if you had had a succesor. It doesn't really matter now though :P

Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:07 pm

Yes, it said that if I couldn't get enough people to say papaya, I'd die at the end of the night...

Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:27 pm

Wind wrote:Yes, it said that if I couldn't get enough people to say papaya, I'd die at the end of the night...

And I'm assuming it didn't count the Commentary Thread? Because I said it quite a few times. ;)

Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:28 pm

Twizzler0171 wrote:
Wind wrote:Yes, it said that if I couldn't get enough people to say papaya, I'd die at the end of the night...

And I'm assuming it didn't count the Commentary Thread? Because I said it quite a few times. ;)

No, dead people didn't count... unluckily.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:37 pm much people said papaya? Were you like "PA...PAYAS!!" And being hyper? Because people can be like "Uh..why are you saying papaya?" And I'm still against oka...if you count dead people. :P

Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:45 am

Well, it seems Kugetsu will join us shortly, I'm placing my bet he is the Moongazer :P

Edit: Raze would be my next choice for the next execution. She seemed to only post when it looked like suspicion was going to be turned on her. At least that's the feeling I got from it.

Although things have been thrown a curveball since two random innocents could now be a bad guy. Matterbug and Wind both brought down the ratio of innocents to bad guys. Once wind died the innocents had lost one while the bad guys stayed the same. Matterbug could've been a bad guy, and that would mean the number of bad guys is the same and there would be one less innocent, or he could've been an innocent which would still be one less innocent. So, those two deaths were really bad for the innocents.

If those hadn't have happened, my best bet would've been Raze, but I'll have to make some more observations before I can tell who any bad guys are.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:02 am

Each baddie team (other than the SK) now has two players left... the WW team has one WW and a moongazer, while the Mafia has two members left, but their criminal's dead.

And Wind saying papayas is most likely a secret power of sorts... I knew something had to be up when she even bothered to mention it at IDB.

EDIT: My guess is that if she gets enough people to say it she gets to leave a heir... so probably the first person to say "papayas" after her or the person who said it the most often is the new SK.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:27 am

It would probably be either part of the Serial Killer role or the protection of a Bad guy team that would protect Kugetsu like that. He is probably protected for a ful day/night cycle therefore wouldn't be able to say the reason he isn't dead yet because the night isn't done. I doubt an innocent would use a protection power to save him/herself if he has no special role because then the innocents would think he is too suspicous and would vote to execute the person the next day. Why would an innocent choose to use a sexret power like that? I wouldn't because then the people could focus on getting a bad guy for the next day instead of wasting two days' worth of executions to kill just one plain innocent. Also, I doubt bad guys would be trying to kill Kugetsu even if he isn't a bad guy because that leaves the most suspicous person alive for the townfol to target the next day.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:33 am

Well well, my whole existance just went kaput... My plan was to throw myself out in the open for the baddies to kill. If one decides to kill me, good. If two decide to kill me, even better. It seems like I wasn't able to do that...
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