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Re: Outside the Sphere - WW: Elemental Sphere Groupies

Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:51 pm

Pixa wrote:
Princess Miyu wrote:There have been 3 Embers of Rage people (Pickles, Dyl and 3lla)... which would probably leave 1 person.

Laq too. :o

Laq wasn't on our team. :P
Typhoon wrote:Summary:
Laq was executed. She was Halinor, the former Guardian of Fire, and a member of the Corrupt Guardians team.

Re: Outside the Sphere - WW: Elemental Sphere Groupies

Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:42 pm

you guys should be attacking with Air for execution cause it seems like fire and water are more dangerous based on night attacks. Attacking with fire is the complete opposite of that: non-effective against water and absorbant to fire. Not to mention fire is either low or non-existant and Air is very high for ages now

Oh and rez me if you can :P

Re: Outside the Sphere - WW: Elemental Sphere Groupies

Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:40 pm

Innocents, no offense, but you guys are being REALLY blind. :P Take a look at the people that have been rezzed... And if I may toss this out, the fact that there are two attacks of the same element on a specific night may not be the work of a doubler. :battar:

Just some thoughts. Take them how you will. ;)

EDIT: May, I'm not saying that anybody is evil or whatnot, I'm just tossing some ideas out. Remember, I apparently am the baddie here. ;D

And lol@no execution. :lol:

Re: Outside the Sphere - WW: Elemental Sphere Groupies

Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:36 pm

Awww, why did all the jewels hafta show up *after* I died? {pouts in a corner}

And at least I was right about Miyu being a water element. :P

{goes back to sitting and rooting for her team}

Re: Outside the Sphere - WW: Elemental Sphere Groupies

Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:33 pm

If you guys are worried or just cautious about ethics elemental type then why don't you just vote for Water?

Water is super effective to fire and normal to Earth. If Ethics is fire, you've just wasted an execution if fire comes out at execution time. Not to mention she absorbs the attack. Also, note that only Air and Water are high and fire is low. There's no downside to voting Water unless she's an Air type

Plus, there hasn't been a single earth attack has there? I haven't checked since I've died lol.

EDIT: I have a feeling no one will listen to me though...
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