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Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:54 pm

...But I thought WIS was Canadian.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:17 pm

oh wait. So is this going to be another thread about tim tams and commercials?
Because then I'll just skip all those pages.....

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 3

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:22 pm

3lla wrote:oh wait. So is this going to be another thread about tim tams and commercials?
Because then I'll just skip all those pages.....

Don't forget the s'mores.

OOH! Maybe we should blackmail WIS into hurrying up to the next day by threatening to prolong the thread with mundane conversation about totally unrelated topics.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:31 pm

Night 3


Ballroom: Pink, Twinkle, Rachel, CWisgood, Ryguy, Pixa
Great Hall: Ressficent, Keith, Ammer, Raz, Skynetmain
Library: 3lla, Dyl, Byakuya San, Typhoon, Helena, kcharles, Christopher, Twizzler0171, Alex
Gallery: Rox, Regan, graphitesmoothie, May, Anvil, Bruces galore

In the Ballroom:
Everyone was dancing to some music, but the record-player froze and skipped at "Stop! Hammer-!". Therefore, everybody just stayed perfectly still for the rest of the night.

In the Great Hall:
An undead shadow prepares to lunge on Keith, but luckily somebody was there to ward the unpleasant presence away. Later in the night, Skynetmain clutched his throat after eating a tartlet somebody left on the ground. It turned out to be poisonous delicious butterscotch, but thankfully Skynetmain lived. He vowed to never eat anything off the ground again, but then he noticed some M&Ms.

In the Library:
Helena was reading a book under a marble column, but it collapsed on her, killing her instantly. Later in the night, Twizzler0171 slipped on a banana peel. She fell hard against the floor, but did not die. When she came to, she found Skynetmain eating her, and she thought "Gross... 5 second rule."

In the Gallery:
A mysterious lever had been found. To pull it, simply type "Pull Lever". Same rules as yesterday apply. (Yesterday's lever was actually in the Great Hall, this time it's really in the Gallery).


Also an announcement was made throughout the castle.
Be careful. There are many tricky roles in "The Game".

Helena was accidentally killed. Her role was:
Governing Governor

Alignment: Innocent
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams

As your title suggests, you are a governor who governs...

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Majority: If there appears that no majority will be reached, you will be able to pick the person to execute, as long as they have at least two votes on them, excluding yours. This ability will be taken away when there are 10, or fewer players in the game. This ability does not count as an action.

Lock up: Every night, you may lock a person up in the dungeons. This will prevent them from using their role, or voting. However, they may still post. In addition, they may not be targeted. You cannot lock up the same person two days in a row. This ability counts as an action done by you.

Execution Stop: Once during the game, you may stop the execution altogether. You must PM me before the execution if you wish to use this ability. This ability does not count as an action.

Resistance: 40%

Day 4 Begins

25 alive, 13 for majority, 19 for lock.
Last edited by WIS on Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:38 pm

Cleared because I can.

Also, WIS. I thought I moved to the Library, but if I didn't...

Pull lever.
Last edited by Rox on Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:43 pm

So many missing attacks... so many people frozen in the Ballroom...


Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:49 pm

Night Scene has been updated because I am forgetful and stupid.

Also, the lever has been pulled. (I'm sorry about not moving you Rox). A strange mechanism can be heard, louder now.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:51 pm

Who's been in the Ballroom a lot?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:52 pm

Vote: kcharles

Sounds like she was hoping WIS would mention it, but she got unlucky.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:54 pm

Vote: Rox

Vote: Raz

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:57 pm

May does make a good point...

Vote: Pixa

Random out of the people in the ballroom.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:58 pm

kcharles wrote:Vote: Rox

Vote: Raz

Corr calm down, WIS made the mistake, not us.

Unvote: kcharles
vote: Alex & vote: Ryguy

I'm still up for roletrading. Do it people. It helps the innocents out a lot.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:58 pm


Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:01 pm

move:the library


Not sure why the ballroom is suspicious but I'll go with the flow and vote ballroom dwelling people.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 4

Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:24 pm


Objection! I do not eat candy of any sort. Change my near death scene! Hmpf!

PM me if you want to talk off thread.
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