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Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:02 am

Welcome Jas :)

Vote: No Execution

The thought of dreaming of a target and someone else who targetted them at the same time is surely odd.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:33 am

Rox, I don't think it is a concrete thing which they can do every night; of dreaming two people.
From what Alex said, it looks like they only get two dreams if someone targets their dreamee.

But yes, when someone is outed as being dreamed; typically any words from that person are ignored. Because that is what people do. They think that because you are a baddie, you can not possess any thinking skills or logic. Nope.

Plus, it looks like you were dreamed of Night 1, not last night.

I asked why it wasn't said earlier, because it looks fishy - waiting two days to say it.
For all anyone knows, you could be evil trying to frame Rox. So you withheld it, until there were two correct dreams; then - why would anyone question a third? Hmm.
Yeah, it might create a target on your back. But the Dyl one didn't do so?
Wasn't it pipsqueeek who revealed the May dream?

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:49 am

Hi. I exist. I became a member once I got added to the game instead of the other way around :P For anyone who's played with me recently, I'll warn you in advance that I'm not going to be as obsessively active as I usually am, due to quite literally just getting to school today.

Vote: Rox

While I'm not entirely convinced by the reasoning, I'd rather not get picked on for not voting with the crowd, since I don't have time to stick around and defend myself -_-

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:52 am

Vote: Rox

I don't know, Rox. Things just seem so suspicious. There never was much of a defense on your side other than complaints that people just automatically assumed you must be evil. If you can prove that you're innocent or publish what your role is as people have said before (publicly or by PM), that might make it a different story.

I think the one very interesting thing to note for that matter,is that in just about every game I've played in, the Bandwagon actually did happen to be right. That's not a guarantee obviously, but statistics make it look like it's really not that terribly unfair to do to the player since he or she typically is evil. That being sad, should the player volunteer up a defense, I do think we owe it to the person to give them a chance to prove himself/herself.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:00 am

If Rox was known as evil on night 1, then why didn't we hear about it until day 4? That's just really odd to me. The whole 'not putting a target on your back' thing is a bit weak really, anyone that announces a dreamer result will automatically have a target on their back, it doesn't make much of a difference if the only announce 1 results or 2.

I'll vote later, i'm just a bit confused at the moment.

Plus, i'll bet a lot of the initial bandwagoners today are evil, and should be looked into.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:09 am

Maybe I'm just lost, but in this Day 2 post, someone first volunteered the information that Rox attacked May. That seems a bit like a signal that Rox might be evil.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:14 am

Yes, pipsqueeek revealed that but there was never clarification as to whether he attacked or targeted her...i've never seen a tracker that reveals what the person what doing to the person they targeted.

edit: And why would you announce that one person is evil, yet not conclusively say someone else is evil in the very same post, if it was known at that time the other person was evil too?

And then Alex came out with the news Rox was evil, and apparently this had been known for quite some time, and not pipsqueeek, the one who originally put Rox under suspicion.

I hope this won't be a game where most of the things are done by a few people in pm's and most of the people on the game thread have no idea what is going on.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:20 am

I'm pretty much *headdesking* over here. Repeatedly.

I was the one who let pipsqueek know about the info. You know, the info that was passed onto the thread on Day 2?

If you'll all take a trip down memory lane, you'd realise that - oh! Rox was disabled on Day/Night 3*. Well, there's no point leading a bandwagon on somebody then, is there?

I believe I've stated this before, but it wasn't a tracker.

The reason the information's been passed through a couple of people is because I'm in contact with said dreamer, and we're trying to keep them having to come out on thread. Because a dreamer that strong? Yeah, not a baddie target at all.

* Anyone else care to realise there was no "swoop" attack last night?

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:27 am

Vote: Rox

I don't have anything thoughtful or provoking to say. I'm tired =\

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:58 am

A dreamer is going to be a target no matter the specifics of how they dream.
It would be pure silliness on the baddie's part, to leave their specific dreamer; or anyone else who can identify them alive.

When talking power, it depends on who the target is.
A dreamer for squash, is no threat to broccoli.

There may not be a point for voting for him on a day he was blocked, but it still doesn't change that delaying the information is fishy.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:07 am

I.. kinda believe Rox. Though I haven't roletraded with him.

vote: No execution

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:25 am

Execution, Day 4

It was almost deja vu, Typhoon reflected, entering the Hall of Blue (which is what we're calling it now), once again alone. Most of the people had selected Rox to be executed; therefore, that is what would happen.

As he was standing apart from the crowd anyway, Typhoon raised a hand and fired off a hail of sharpened icicles. Each missile went through his body, and hurt him terribly... but not enough to kill him.


Rox was executed. He survived.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:20 am

Bleh, something came up and I didn't get back on again in time to vote. D= Sorry!

I think I get what you're saying Alex, but there's really no reason why it couldn't be said that Rox was evil on day 2 instead of day 4, the fact he was disabled is irrelevant, yes he is probably evil, but I still don't understand the delay.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:38 am

What part of the original post where it was stated that May was evil, and Rox was the (evil) one who attacked her, is it not being said on Day 2?

I give up. Clearly, anything I say is fishy, anything I don't say is fishy, and I fail to see why I should continue to help.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:50 am

Having /never/ seen a role that can tell what the specific action a player used on another player at night in all the werewolf games i've played, I think it was perfectly legitimate to question that because it wasn't clear at all from my viewpoint. I'd rather sort out any suspicions than follow the bandwagons mindlessly, and have no real part in the game, and now that i've cleared it up I do agree that Rox is evil.
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